

Foundation's Team

Enhancing parenthood among male wage earners: a professional equality challenge / Promouvoir la parentalité auprès des salariés masculins: un enjeu d' égalité professionnelle / تعزيز الأبوة بين كاسبي الأجر من الذكور: تحدي للنوعية المهنية

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3539 jours

This guide was conceived to promote parenthood among male wage earners based on practices developed within corporations in France and in other countries. From an educational approach, the guide addresses the following issues: the challenges for enterprises to promote parenthood among male wage ea...

Foundation's Team

Fathers with executive positions in search of balance: Portrait of a generation that seeks to reconcile work and family / Les pères managers en quête d' équilibre: portrait d' une génération qui entend réconcilier travail et famille / آباء في مناصب إدارية باحيثين عن التوازن: صورة جيل يبحث عن التو...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3539 jours

This study was conducted in the framework of the project Qualitemps, which seeks to further involve fathers in family life in order to strengthen professional equality between women and men. It is based on a sample of 400 fathers with executive positions aged 30 to 40, 60 interviews with senior m...

Foundation's Team

Report on the Equal Access of Women and Men to Professional and Family Responsibilities in the Labour Market / Rapport sur l' égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux responsabilités professionnelles et familiales dans le monde du travail / تقرير عن الوصول المتساوي للنساء و الرجال للمسؤوليات العائ...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3542 jours

This report forms part of the framework of a mission entrusted to IGAS on professional gender equality linked to family and domestic responsibilities. It describes the economic and social transformations underway in European countries, which reveal a better consideration of parenthood by parents ...