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Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2443 jours
This report presents the main developments that affected the situation of women in Palestine between July 2014 and June 2016. Key events were the 50-day Israeli offensive on Gaza in the summer of 2014 and the surge of violence in the West Bank since 2015. The report also highlights the ...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: occupation, poverty, girls, education, health, environment, violence, employment, occupation, emploi, pauvreté, violence, filles, santé, education, احتلال, عمالة, فتيات, عنف, فقر, صحة, تعليم, بيئة
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2447 jours
"Feminization of poverty" means that poverty rates are higher among women than men because women are preoccupied with unpaid roles (maternity and family welfare), while men engage in paid work which means that wealth is concentrated in men’s hands while women remain poor. The Unit...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: female breadwinner, poverty, development, social justice, land ownership, professional equality, education, femme chef de famille, pauvreté, education, développement, justice sociale, propriété foncière, فقر, النساء المعيلات, مصر, عدالة اجتماعية, تعليم, ملكية الأراضي
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2456 jours
This study examines technology initiatives that have enabled women to develop their economic potential, become stronger leaders and more effective contributors to their families, communities and domestic economies. Specifically, these efforts helped women increase their productivity, cr...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: technology, empowerment, economic participation, poverty, gender equality, development, développement, participation économique, égalité femmes-hommes, technologie, autonomisation, pauvreté, تكنولوجيا, تنمية, مشاركة اقتصادية, مساواة بين الجنسين, فقر, تمكين
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2533 jours
The European Commission has marked the International Women’s Day with the release of its 2018 report on equality between men and women. The 2018 gender equality report shows that progress has stalled in certain areas: women still take on the majority of caring responsibilities in famili...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: economic participation, decision making, gender equality, poverty, participation économique, prise de décision, égalité femmes-hommes, pauvreté, المشاركة الاقتصادية, صنع القرار, المساواة بين الجنسين, الفقر
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2540 jours
This diagnosis analyzes the level and quality of the participation of the women of Douar Hicher (Tunisia) in public, civil and political life. It intends to understand the factors behind the exclusion of women from the management of local affairs and the decision-making in the region of...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: decision making, public space, political participation, poverty, violence against women, participation politique, prise de décision, pauvreté, espace public, violence contre les femmes, صنع القرار, مشاركة سياسية, فضاء عام, فقر, العنف ضد المرأة
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2555 jours
Le nouveau rapport phare d’ONU Femmes, offre une évaluation exhaustive et fiable des progrès, des manquements et des difficultés dans la mise en œuvre des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) dans une perspective de genre. Le ra...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: gender equality, education, health, sustainable development, poverty, gender based violence, egalités des sexes, education, santé, développement durable, pauvreté, violence fondée sur le genre, مساواة جندرية, تعليم, صحة, العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي, تنمية مستدامة, فقر
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2616 jours
This report examines a number of sustainable development goals, specifically Goal 5 on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. It tracks various development plans and women strategies in seventeen Arab countries, in view of monitoring the relationship between Arab ...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: gender equality, legislation, poverty, parity, child marriage, health, égalité des genres, législation, santé, pauvreté, participation économique, parité, protection, mariage des mineures, مساواة جندرية, تشريع, صحة, فقر, مشاركة اقتصادية, زواج الأطفال, تكافؤ, حماية
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2756 jours
This report is a preliminary scoping review of the emerging roles played by women in the public sphere in Syrian cities toady. The main research question was defined as what roles and opportunities are available/emerging for women in relation to governance and to their economic particip...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: women's agency, urban governance, gender, violence, poverty, l'agentivité des femmes, gouvernance urbaine, genre, violence, pauvreté, دور المرأة, حوكمة مدينية, جندر, عنف, فقر
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3023 jours
This guide casts light on the relationship between gender equality and climate change, and its importance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It presents principal conceptual and methodological advances on gender relations in the context of climate change, with the overall objective of...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: role of women, poverty, development, rural world, environment, millennium development goal, rôle des femmes, pauvreté, développement, monde rural, environnement, objectifs du millénaire pour le développement, دور المرأة, الفقر, التنمية, العالم الريفي, البيئة, أهداف التنمية للألفية
Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3024 jours
The Declaration on Gender and Climate by the Mediterranean Women was adopted by the participants at "Gender and Climate", during the workshops of MEDCOP Climate (Tangier, Morocco, 18-19 July 2016). It has already been signed by over 200 organizations and personalities. The declaration emphasizes ...
Contenu type : Documents
Mots-clés : Tags: role of women, poverty, development, rural world, environment, développement, environnement, mondialisation, pauvreté, rôle des femmes, société civile, دور المرأة, البيئة, العالم الريفي, الفقر, مجتمع مدني
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Cette plateforme s'inscrit dans l'Axe 1 « Renforcer les capacités des acteurs de l'égalité » du Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire « Femmes d'avenir en Méditerranée » financé par le Ministère français de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères et porté par l'Institut européen de la Méditerranée, dans le cadre du projet « Développer l'autonomie des femmes » labellisé par l'Union pour la Méditerranée.
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