

Foundation's Team

Lesbanon: The lesbian experience in Lebanon / تجربة المثلية الجنسية النسائية في لبنان / Lesbanon : L'expérience lesbienne au Liban

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2757 jours

Very little has been written on female homosexuality in the Arab world. This paper is an ethnographic account of non-heterosexual women in Lebanon as presented through personal interviews and participant observations with twenty individuals who identify as non-heterosexual and are livin...

Foundation's Team

Out in the open: Education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression / في العلن: استجابات قطاع التعليم للعنف القائم على التمييز على أساس الجنس و الهوية أو التعبير عن النوع الاجتماعي / Au grand jour: Réponses du secteur de l'éducation à la violence ...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2764 jours

This report summarizes the main findings of the global review. It aims to give an overview of the most up-to-date data on the nature, scope and impact of violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression and of current action. It also intends to provide education secto...