

Sabeh Ben Halima

Association tunisienne des études de genre

Membre depuis 02.03.2017

...e Place des femmes dans le monde du travail : l’activité, l’emploi, le chômage, l’éducation et la formation Principales disparités existantes entre homme-femme : écarts de salaire, l’évolution des métiers, le...


Foundation's Team

Improving the conditions of female workers in Zarqa / Améliorer les conditions de travail des femmes dans les usines à Zarqa / تحسين ظروف العاملات في الزرقاء

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2824 jours

The industrial sector is extremely developed in Zarqa (Jordan) where it represents more than half of the national industry size. Actually the petroleum refinery Jordan, the Hussein Thermal station’s processing centers, and a free zone called the Industrial Zone because it includes...

Foundation's Team

Women, Work, and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: Introduction and overview / Femmes, travail et bien-être au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord: Introduction et aperçu / المرأة والعمل والرفاهية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا: مقدمة ونظرة عامة

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2900 jours

Providing an empirical and conceptual context for the volume, this chapter of the book discusses patterns and trends in women’s social and economic participation in the region, draws together the themes explored in individual chapters, and offers policy recommendations and suggestions for f...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality and Economic Growth: Is there a Win-Win? / Égalité des sexes et croissance économique : gagnant-gagnant ? / المساواة الجندرية و النمو الإقتصادي: هل هناك ربح مشترك؟

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2913 jours

This study discusses to what extent gender equality contributes to economic growth and vice versa. It reviews the evidence for both sets of relationships: the impact of gender equality on economic growth and the impact of economic growth on gender equality. The study draws on existing literature,...