

Foundation's Team

European Institute for Gender Equality Index 2019 Reports / / Indice d'Égalité de Genre 2019 - Rapports de l'Institut européen pour l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes (EIGE)

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 1715 jours

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) offers new in depth publications and reports for the 2019 analysing the Gender Equality Index in every EU Member States. Each year the European Institute for Gender Equality scores EU Member States and the EU as a whole to see how far t...

Susana Pavlou

15th International Review on Leave Policies and Related Research - 2019 / المراجعة الدولية الخامسة عشر لسياسات الإجازات والأبحاث المتعلقة بها - 2019 / 15e revue internationale sur les politiques de congé et les recherches ad hoc - 2019

Créé par Susana Pavlou il y a 1959 jours

The International Network on Leave Policies and Research has been producing an annual review of leave policies and related research since 2005. The review covers Maternity, Paternity and Parental leaves; leave to care for sick children and other employment-related measures to support wo...

Foundation's Team

Report: There are no women in higher positions in Science / Rapport : Il n’y a pas de femmes dans les postes clés de science / التقرير: لانساء في مناصب رئيسية في مجال العلوم

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2901 jours

The newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya (in Catalan language) has recently published a news report about the situation of women in the scientific community in Spain. The research shows how gender parity exists in university degrees and PhD but in the professional field it is incr...

Foundation's Team

Women and Men in Albania 2015 / Femmes et hommes en Albanie 2015 / النساء و الرجال في ألبانيا 2015

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3111 jours

This publication provides information on the situation of women and men in the Albanian society. It consists of a database with sex-disaggregated data, which makes possible the monitoring process of cross-cutting policies on the achievements of Gender Equality. The report aims to be a useful tool...

Foundation's Team

Nordic Gender Equality in Figures 2015 / L'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans les pays nordiques en chiffres, 2015 / المساواة بين الجنسين في الشمال في أرقام 2015

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3248 jours

This document is a useful resource for anyone seeking information and data on gender equality in the Nordic countries.It provides figures, information and numbers on some important areas of life and society, such as: demography, family, healthcare, education, labour market, pay gap, political par...

Foundation's Team

Reconciliation of work, family and private life in the European Union Policy review / Conciliation vie professionnelle-vie privée et familiale dans la révision de la politique de l'Union européenne / التوفيق بين العمل و الحياة العائلية و الخاصة في الإتحاد الأوربي, استطلاع السياسات

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3266 jours

The study focuses on policies and good practices in the field of reconciliation of work, family and private life in the European Union.It includes a policy and literature review in this field, which casts light on various issues, such as: participation of men and women in employment, leave arrang...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality Law in 33 European Countries: How are EU rules transposed into national law in 2014? / La loi sur l'égalité des genres dans 33 pays européens: comment les réglementations communautaires sont-elles transposées dans la loi nationale en 2014? / قانون المساواة بين الجنسين في 33 دولة أ...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3268 jours

This report provides an overview of the transposition of EU gender equality law in the 28 Member States, in addition to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. It is composed of reports from experts, of Member States, EEA Countries, Croatia, Former Yu...

Foundation's Team

Council Directive 96/34/EC of 3 June 1996 on the framework agreement on parental leave concluded by UNICEF, CEEP and ETUC / Directive 96/34/CE du Conseil du 3 juin 1996 concernant l'accord-cadre sur le congé parental conclu par l'UNICE, le CEEP et la CES / توجيه المجلس 69/34/EC في 3 حزيران/يونيو...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3392 jours

The directive aims to provide minimum requirements for parental leave and time off work on grounds of force majeure. It seeks to reconcile work and family life and promote equal opportunities and treatment between women and men. It makes the framework agreement on parental leave concluded between...

Foundation's Team

Council Directive 92/85/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (tenth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directiv...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3392 jours

This directive aims to adopt the minimum protection measures concerning the health and safety of pregnant workers, women who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. It acknowledges that this population group faces specific risks and provides for provisional measures to protect them agains...

Foundation's Team

Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation (recast) / Directive 2006/54/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 5 jui...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3392 jours

This directive aims to ensure the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation. It contains provisions for the implementation of the principle of equal treatment in terms of access to employment and professional trai...

Ils-Elles sont inscrits-es sur la plateforme de la Fondation des Femmes de l'Euro-Méditerranée

Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
International therapeutic Attorneys Centre (ICAR)
Associació Catalana de Dones Directives i Empresàries
Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée
Association Femme et Citoyenneté
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures SM
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
Committee of Employee Women Union in North Lebanon
Centre de conseil psycho-social pour les femmes (PSCCW)
Aix-Marseille University (France) and the Lebanese University (Lebanon)
Wafaa Ziti
L’Association palestinienne pour l’autonomisation et le développement local (REFORM)
Leïla Tauil
Amel Association International
Hillary Rodham Clinton Center for Women' s Empowerment (HCC)
Européens Sans Frontières
Les amis de salama
Association des femmes diplômées (SWG) dans la bande de Gaza
association TITRIT AGADIR
Ekotek Cevre Sistemleri Ltd
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
La Société de la Femme Palestinienne Travailleuse pour le Développement
Vision Communication Consultancy
Association Karama de la Famille Arabe (AKFA)
Jazeera Media Network
Le Réseau Femmes aidant des femmes -Jordanie
Ligue nationale tunisienne de la femme policière
Collectif Assiouar
ESAV Marrakech
Université Hassan II de Casablanca
Fondation Hajar pour le développement communautaire
Association Beity
Souad Slaoui
Femmes & Cinéma

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16 associations travaillent en binômes pour influencer les politiques de femmes

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Dialogue politique pour des actions municipales plus sensibles au genre à Sfax

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