

Foundation's Team

Men and women: regional perspectives on equality / Femmes et hommes : regards régionaux sur l'égalité / نساء و رجال: قراءات إقليمية حول المساواة

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3003 jours

This study discuss the inequalities between women and men in many fields such as education, labour market, living conditions, and the representation in the different spheres of society. These inequalities varies in form from one region to another in France. The study concludes that in Brittany gi...

Foundation's Team

Strategic engagement for Gender Equality 2016-2019 / Engagement stratégique pour l'égalité entre femmes et hommes 2016-2019 / الإدماج الإستراتيجي للمساواة بين الجنسين 2016-2019

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3292 jours

The strategy defines the different key actions to be implemented in five priority areas of the European Union: equal economic independence for women and men, equal pay for work of equal value, equality in decision-making, dignity, integrity and ending gender-based violence and promoting gender eq...

Foundation's Team

Pay Gap between Men and Women in the European Union. Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators / Titre : L' écart salarial entre les femmes et les hommes dans l' Union européenne: indicateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs / فجوة الأجور بين النساء و الرجال في الإتحاد الأوربي. مؤشرات كمية و نوعية

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3547 jours

This report seeks to provide an overall view of pay inequalities in Europe, based on nine indicators approved by the Council of Ministers of the European Union (EU) in 2001, and to formulate a proposal for updating these indicators, bearing in mind statistical developments and the legislative evo...