

Foundation's Team

Feminisms (s) - Issue 47 of IDEES Magazine / Féminisme (s) - Numéro 47 du magazine IDEES / النسوية (ات) - العدد 47 من مجلة أفكار الكتلانية

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 1902 jours

IDEES is an online magazine on contemporary issues edited by the Centre for Contemporary Studies of the Government of Catalonia. Its 47 issue entitled "Feminisms(s)" intends to explore feminisms in all their complexities and questions the concept of feminism today. It raises s...

Foundation's Team

Women in News: strengthening women's presence and leadership in the media / النساء في الأخبار: منصة الكترونية لتعزيز حضور وقيادة النساء في وسائل الإعلام / Women in News : renforcer la présence et le leadership des femmes sur les médias

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2007 jours

Women in News (WIN) is an online platform that aims to increase women’ presence and leadership voices in the news. WIN is currently working with more than 80 media from 12 countries throughout the Middle East (including Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine), and the Sub-Saharan Af...

Foundation's Team

Formation en ligne sur genre et médias / دورة أونلاين حول قضايا المساواة الجندرية في الإعلام والصحافة / Online training on gender equality and media

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2012 jours

Dans le cadre du projet ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange, l’Union européenne a lancé un cours en ligne de cinq semaines sur les relations entre les sexes et les médias, intitulé "Gender In/equality in Media and Journalism" ((In)égalité des sexes ...