

Foundation's Team

Only one percent of gender equality funding is going to women's organisations - why? / لماذا يصل واحد بالمئة فقط من التمويل الخاص بالمساواة بين الجنسين للمنظمات النسائية؟ / Seulement un pour cent du financement pour l'égalité femmes-hommes est destiné aux organisations de femmes - Pourquoi?

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2028 jours

This article discusses the financial promises made by the countries of the world during the last two years to support gender equality, and briefly shows how and why only 1% of this money goes to women’s and feminist organizations. The article also highlights the importance of supportin...

Foundation's Team

The Situation of Women in Libya / La Situation des Femmes en Libye / وضع النساء في ليبيا

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2740 jours

This report provides a broad summary of the challenges currently facing Libyan women. Jusoor has focused the report on five major areas: structural exclusion from politics and decision-making roles, the impact of arbitrary rule on violations of a woman’s dignity especially through...