

Foundation's Team

The State of Equality and Gender in Morocco: Preserving and Enacting the Purposes and Objectives of the Constitution / وضع المساواة و التكافؤ في المغرب: الحفاظ على وسن مقاصد وأهداف الدستور / État de l’égalité et de la parité au Maroc Préserver et rendre effectifs les finalités et objectifs consti...

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2888 jours

The report analyses on the basis of several national and international studies, and proposes several recommendations. It describes the various forms of discrimination against women, particularly in the legal, social, political, economic and cultural fields, by shedding light on public p...

Foundation's Team

Inviting children with their mothers for breakfast to raise awareness among mothers / دعوة الأطفال و أمهاتهم لتناول طعام الفطور من أجل توعية الأمهات / Inviter les enfants avec leur maman pour un petit déjeuner pour sensibiliser les mamans

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3274 jours

In 2011, it was nearly impossible to mobilize women in rural areas, especially with  the absence of a meeting place for women, where they could leave home without a good reason from the point of view of the tradition (work, or accompany children), the association "voix de la Femme", organize...