

Maria Àngels Roque

Support for applications for predoctoral fellowships / Appel à candidatures pour des bourses de recherche prédoctorales / دعم طلبات الحصول على الزمالة قبل الدكتوراه

Créé par Maria Àngels Roque il y a 2788 jours

The Centre de recerca ADHUC - Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat (ADHUC Research Centre – Theory, Gender, Sexuality) offers scientific support for postgraduate students applying for predoctoral fellowships. Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria and have an excellent CV and ...

Foundation's Team

Short stories international competition / المسابقة العالمية للقصص القصيرة / Concours international de nouvelles

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 2927 jours

Organization of a short stories international competition that aims to generate literary vocations and promote women’s writings.It addresses never published, either in print or electronically, women from around the Mediterranean. To have women write, is to allow them to put into w...

Foundation's Team

Gender equality, heritage and creativity / Égalité des genres, patrimoine et créativité / المساواة بين الجنسين, التراث و الإبداع

Créé par Foundation's Team il y a 3403 jours

This document offers a global overview of the status of gender equality in terms of access to, participation in and contribution to culture. The analysis is based on the UN reports and the General Assembly resolutions as well as the answers to a questionnaire sent to all UNESCO member s...