Miscellaneous - Algeria - Association

Project: Do not touch my rights!

05.03.2017 / Created by ADVT

The project "Do not touch my rights!” is funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), for a period of 12 months from 1 October 2015, with the aim of: - Strengthening the professional capacities of women and improving their economic situation. - Providing more information on women's rights and the procedures available to enforce them. - Strengthening the capacity building of Algerian civil society in the defense and promotion of women's rights. Several activities have been set up, including:

* Two training sessions in computer science, secretarial services, French language, traditional embroidery and traditional cakes courses for 136 women, including: 45 beneficiaries of secretarial services and IT courses; - 30 beneficiaries of traditional embroidery trainings; - 33 beneficiaries of traditional cake courses; - 28 beneficiaries of French language courses.

During these courses, the beneficiaries demonstrated a lot of human and technical qualities, being really conscientious and motivated. They were interested in all the learning activities carried out, which was possible to assimilate the training. It was not just a learning space for women, but it was a space for exchange several subjects related to their situations and different obstacles they face which were taken into consideration at the socio-psycho-legal unit of the association.

* 10 information days were organized for 300 women to inform them about the rights that are guaranteed by law and the means to enforce them. A theme was covered every day, such as: legal aid and territorial competences; the amendment of the Algerian Penal Code; alimony, and the effectiveness of the support fund; business registration procedures; divorce and its effects, custody and protection of children in danger, etc. During the day, a rich and intense debate was launched and women were very interested in each theme.

* A training seminar on "women's rights and the various mechanisms for protection and promotion at national, regional and international level" for 42 associations and 69 activists was held on 11, 12 and 13 May 2016 in Blida. During the three days of the seminar, the debates were very rich and intense, with many exchanges between the participants on the following issues: the status of women in Algeria, gender equality, the role of civil society organizations in the promotion and protection of women's rights, the option for associations to set up civil parties in cases of violations of women's rights, the repeal of the family code, religion as a brake on the promotion of women's rights as well as how to combat stereotypes.


Association DJAZAIROUNA des victimes du terrorisme


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