Miscellaneous - Algeria - Association

Women's voices Web radio

15.07.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

The web radio"Voix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) is one of the largest projects of the FEC’s association with the following objectives: 

 - Make the FEC’srole visible in media and information;

- Convey women’ s demands;

- Tackling taboos and changing women stereotypes in society;

- Make activities and skills of women visible to respond to their low levels of representation in decision-making spheres;

- To promote female expression in all its forms and the exercise of full citizenship of women;

- To unite women in the Mediterranean region through information technologies and the communication.

"Voix de Femmes" (Women’ s Voices) mainly addresses issues related to discrimination against women in various fields such as health, labor, women’ s rights in general,including the rights of disabled women,violence against women and education. The purpose ofthe programs is to educate members of civil society, public opinion and institutions on the situation of women in Algeria. "Voix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) was launched in 2009 and today it has an important database in radio production.It helps to develop the debate with journalists committed to change patriarchal attitudes, particularly fundamentalist religious discourse.   

This practice has been selected within the framework of the CSO WINS project "Capacity-building in theSouthern Mediterranean to Open Policy Dialogue and Monitoring for Women IN Society" with the support of the European Union’s Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility.


Association Nationale Femmes en Communication (FEC)


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