Economy / Employment - Morocco - Association

Support for women's empowerment in the North-East of Morocco

19.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)

The project aims at the emancipation of women living in the rural environment in the province of Berkane. To strengthen the economic role and capacities of women, ADF offers training on "eco-weaving" and support for the creation of cooperatives based on the production of arts and crafts articles. After that, they were offered training in administrative management so that they can manage their daily economic activity. Literacy courses and funds for schooling their children enable their social status and family role to be enhanced. These actions are led in partnership with local organisations, such as the Institut national de développement humain; the Union nationale des femmes du Maroc; the Berkane Town Council and the Agence de l’ Oriental.

This practice was identified as part of the CSO WINS project "Strengthening Capacities in the Southern Mediterranean to Open Policies Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society", with the support of the European Union Civil Society Neighborhood Facility.


Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)


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