

Georgina Yglesias Julià

AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants

Member since 16 December 2020 @ 2:56pm

...sation of the general public; advocacy to improve mechanisms for the protection of children against all forms of violence. For some time now AMANE has also been working towards integrating the ge...


Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago

...iances. In addition to developing the campaign budget and preparing the time frame for its implementation, fo...dvocate for women’s rights in all fields, and has also focused on working with students, academics a...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago

...alliances, as well as developing the campaign budget and preparing the time frame for its implementation, fo...and advocate for women’s rights in all fields, and has also focused on working with students, academics a...

Foundation's Team

Trans Advocacy Week 2021: Trans Activists Worldwide Come Together During the UN Human Rights Council

Created by Foundation's Team 1338 days ago

...gender and trans activists have long been working together in feminist claiming otherwise. These events come at a time when trans and gender di...of the COVID-19 pandemic. In such a critical time, occasions like UN Trans Advo...


Foundation's Team

Teach Digital Migrant Women Focus Groups

Created by Foundation's Team 1314 days ago

...cussion about digital technologies! On July 27 from 11 to 2pm Brussels time, there will be a lunch in which...jects aims at increasing the digital skills and confidence of educators working with women from migrant an...

Foundation's Team

Online public debate - Bridging the sea: What are regional civil society's challenges in the Mediterranean?

Created by Foundation's Team 1464 days ago

...nd challenges, this publication is in the same time, practical, highly-educational a...hange about the state of civil society network working beyond borders or having a tr...terranean civil society networks and entities, working in the region on different...

Noha El Khouly

The Impact of COVID-19 on Violence Against Women

Created by Noha El Khouly 1618 days ago

...r wives, relying on the fact that there are no working courts. Women were also avoided. Given the difficulties we face in working with virtual remote seminars,, at 11:00 AM. ECWR highly appreciates your time. Kindest Regards, Nehad Abu...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Traineeships for Gender Equality at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1301 days ago

...21 at 13:30, Eastern European Time (EET). The InstituteEIGE is a d...d in the course of studies or working life;provide practical working knowledge of EU agencies and...than 13:30, Eastern European Time (EET) on 9 September 2021. Th...d application in English, the working language of the Institute....

Foundation's Team

Call to Establishing a Reserve List for the Post of Researcher at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1386 days ago

...n of gender equality. Profile Reporting to the Head of Operations and working in close collaboration with o...n 31 March 2021 and will close on 17 May 2021 at 13:30 Eastern European Time....

Foundation's Team

Training Programme for Strenghtening Female Leadership in Public Service - Libya

Created by Foundation's Team 1392 days ago

...The Vienna School of International Studies is organizing a full time online special course exclusivel...ositions already, in general, charged with international cooperation or working in comparable fields, with...


Foundation's Team

European Institute for Gender Equality Index 2019 Reports

Created by Foundation's Team 1744 days ago

...and levels of achievement in six core domains: work, money, knowledge, time, power and health. Two additiona...and long-term care services; transport and infrastructure; flexible working arrangements; lifelong le...

Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1807 days ago

...o;s true: women take on three times more unpaid care and domestic work than men. That’s time and energy taken away from women...n expected to devote far more time, energy and money to their ap...d out more on how UN Women is working with the advertising indus...


Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

...isterial Conference in Barcelona in 1995 it was declared, for the first time, that civil society was one of t...afting the first monitoring report of the Mediterranean conferences,[1] working with civil society and tak...

Foundation's Team

2021 Regional Progress Report on Gender Equality: UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Created by Foundation's Team 1056 days ago

...t 2020. • Achieving gender equality for the current generation of working-age women in MENA could add a...achieved at country level in terms of gender equality, and at the same time the formulation of concrete r...

Foundation's Team

Prostitution and Trafficking of Women in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 2015 days ago in the eastern suburbs of Beirut, both popular and rich at the same time, face challenges such as unemplo...out this diagnosis, the LLWR has made more than 15 meetings with actors working on trafficking in women: L...


Foundation's Team

Le coût économique des discriminations / التكلفة الاقتصادية للتمييز / The Economic Cost of Discrimination

Created by Foundation's Team 2597 days ago

Le 29 octobre 2014, le ministre français du travail, de l’emploi, de la formation professionnelle et du dialogue social et le ministre français de la ville, de la jeunesse et des sports ont procédé à l’installation du ‘’groupe de dialogue c...

Foundation's Team

Final Report on Access and Retention of Women in Quality Employment in Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey / التقرير النهائي حول وصول النساء و احتفاظهن بوظائف ذات جودة في المغرب و تونس و تركيا / Rapport final sur l’accès et le maintien des femmes à l’emploi de qualité au Maroc, en Tunisie et en Turquie

Created by Foundation's Team 2904 days ago

This documents reports on the findings of a study on "Improving access to and retention of women in quality jobs in the Mediterranean region", funded by the French Development Agency. Three countries are at the heart of the analysis; Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey. The three studied countries...