

Foundation's Team

Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

Created by Foundation's Team 2103 days ago

...ther’s Day" Laura Breiling, Germany "Men’s view of women in the Southern Mediterranean...o;s Mother" Mohammad Sabaaneh, Jordan "Our girls today are the women scientists of tomorrow" Alexandrina Mad...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Inspira STEAM: pioneer project from Spain for more girls in science and tech

Created by Foundation's Team 2080 days ago

...instance, a global survey on women in tech in 2017 indicates tha...mputer science graduates were women, while this number went down...Spanish university system are women, their presence in technical...ious support of more than 310 women mentors, scientists and technologists, who are cu...

Calls and opportunities

Caroline Brummelhuis

Call for submissions: Tunisian Senior Women in Business

Created by Caroline Brummelhuis 1473 days ago

...part of a network of "Senior" women entrepreneurs in the MENA region, thanks to our "Senior Women in Business" incubation progr...ionnaires to which around 100 scientists from all over Tunisia re...of mind: Proactive, motivated women wishing to start a business and le...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for applications: 4th Edition of Science by Women

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2341 days ago

...its first three editions, the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA)...e fourth edition of Science by Women programme, with the aim to pr...main goal is to enable African women researchers and scientists to tackle great challeng...s that each will host 1 senior women researcher with at least 3 years o...


Foundation's Team

Request a Woman Scientist: a platform to amplify women's voices in the public sphere

Created by Foundation's Team 1936 days ago

...ts, educators, policy makers, scientists, and anyone needing scie...multidisciplinary network of women in science with anyone who needs t...rticipatory and open to women scientists from all over the world who w... our mission it empowers women to grow to their full potential in...

Foundation's Team

Each year For Women in Science programme offers several prizes and scholarships

Created by Foundation's Team 2186 days ago’s researchers are women. With the aim of empowering g...d promote mentoring for young scientists. The “For Women in Science Program” hig...ants 275 talented young women scientists Fellowships so they can pursu...ting and encouraging 15 young women scientists at doctoral or post-doc...

Foundation's Team

Télé Debout

Created by Foundation's Team 3561 days ago

...tiative by a French feminist association (V.IDEAUX), made up of women videomakers, computer scientists, graphic designers, teac...resses and actors" engaged in the field: feminist associations, women teachers, trainers, researchers, a...


Foundation's Team

Climate change and Tunisia's Tozeur oases: an opportunity to boost women's leadership and economic activity

Created by Foundation's Team 1936 days ago

...nate impact of climate change on women and scientists alarm bells, these risks...een as an opportunity to empower women and increase their contributi...nship between climate change and women in the oases of Tozeur (Tunis...upport of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM) and the...

Foundation's Team

Science, Technology and Gender: An international report

Created by Foundation's Team 2334 days ago

...innate differences.’ It is thus hardly surprising that ‘women scientists are more likely than the...ernational scientific and academic communities, in order to increase women’s participation in S&T c...

Foundation's Team

What place for women scientists in the university system in Morocco?

Created by Foundation's Team 2339 days ago Morocco in recent years in the area of ​​women’s human rights, the academic...or remains highly unequal: The percentage of women in scientific branches about the flagrant discrimination against women scientists whose consequences are detrim...


Foundation's Team

Gender equality and empowerment of women through ICT / Égalité femmes-hommes et autonomisation des femmes grâce aux TIC / المساواة الجندرية و تمكين المرأة من خلال تقانة الإتصالات و المعلومات

Created by Foundation's Team 2902 days ago

There is a gender gap in the ICT sector, with women and girls enjoying less access to information technology than men and boys. This issue of Women2000 and Beyond focuses on the gender digital divide. It reviews the gender dimensions of ICT and how the United Nations has addressed the issues of g...

Foundation's Team

Report: There are no women in higher positions in Science / Rapport : Il n’y a pas de femmes dans les postes clés de science / التقرير: لانساء في مناصب رئيسية في مجال العلوم

Created by Foundation's Team 2926 days ago

The newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya (in Catalan language) has recently published a news report about the situation of women in the scientific community in Spain. The research shows how gender parity exists in university degrees and PhD but in the professional field it is incr...

Foundation's Team

Crushed Hopes: Underemployment and deskilling among skilled migrant women / Espoirs anéantis : sous-emploi et déqualification des femmes migrantes qualifiées / آمال محطمة: التوظيف في مراكز دنيا و نزع المهارات من النساء المهاجرات من ذوات الكفاءة

Created by Foundation's Team 3130 days ago

This report consists of a review of international literature on the subject of migrant deskilling and underemployment from a gender perspective, and three empirical case studies from Switzerland, Canada and the United Kingdom. It explores the difficulties skilled migrant women can face in transfe...