

Foundation's Team

Sexual Violence by Force of Arms Against Women in Syria: A Tool of Political Repression, Social Dismantling and Impoverishment of Women and Communities

Created by Foundation's Team 1575 days ago violence. More than sixty women participated in these consult...and their impact not only on women as individuals, but also on t...and economic positionality in society. As such, direct demands ca...sexual violence, not only on women as a group, but on the intersec...

Foundation's Team

Covid-19 and Essential Services Provision for Survivors of Violence Against Women and Girls - a Snapshot from the Arab States

Created by Foundation's Team 1576 days ago

...emerging trends of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the conte...coordination of these services) for women and girls experiencing, including governments and civil society organizations to counter the disruption of services for women survivors of violence. It draws...

Maria Àngels Roque

Female leadership, a major asset for a better future

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1586 days ago

...fects of the virus. Moreover, women assumed the largest share of...rk. Also, during this period, women have suffered more violence a...ence against them? Many civil society organisations are strugglin...ighlighting the importance of women’s leadership and gender e...

Foundation's Team

Political Participation from an Intersectional Feminist Perspective: Practical Tools for Creating Transnational Feminist Political Movements

Created by Foundation's Team 1588 days ago

...uo;the personal is the political”. Civil society organizations in the Arab-s...ignificant work regarding the participation of women in politics. However, they have not been able to activate a real role for women in what organizations have trad...

Foundation's Team

An Intersectional Analysis of Syrian Women's Participation in Civil Society in the Post-2011 Context

Created by Foundation's Team 1604 days ago

...this paper centers on Syrian women working in various civil society organizations (CSOs) in the...ost-context impacts on Syrian women’s participation in CSOs...fluence the ability of Syrian women to participate in CSOs in these...against Syrian women in civil society....

Foundation's Team

A study on combating discrimination in Libyan legislation

Created by Foundation's Team 1607 days ago

...heds light on the issue of Libyan women’s rights, particularly...database on the rights of Libyan women; to look into the most promin...ding discriminatory texts so that women can count on effective protec...ds and challenges of Libyan civil society institutions working for gend...

Foundation's Team

EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 1700 days ago

...ter includes a specific section on Gender Equality and Girls’ and Women’s Empowerment. Other re...ultural rights, business and human rights, democratic governance, civil society, human rights defenders, free...

Hala Bugaighis

Libyan Businesswomen: Reality and Prospects

Created by Hala Bugaighis 1728 days ago

...Libya. However, the issue of women’s economic leadership remains largely neglected in society in general, and in economic...sist the scepticism of Libyan society, having to make greater effor...eport analyses the reality of women-owned business in order to unde...

Foundation's Team

The Electoral Presence of Women in Morocco : Progress and Contradictions

Created by Foundation's Team 1749 days ago

The trajectory of Moroccan women’s formal participation in the p...ough questionings of the secondary status of women in society were already strongly prese...tive citizenship with a focus on the role of women in the country’s democrat...

Maria Àngels Roque

Women as Key Players for Mediation, Peace and Security

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1890 days ago

...he role and responsibilities of women at the centre of the internat...ays most conflicts affect civil society, especially women and children, women must be s...cognition, the participation of women in mediation processes and th...enhance their work, networks of women have an important role to play....