

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Presence in the Arab Mediterranean Region: Governance, Contentious Politics, and Agency

Created by Foundation's Team 1561 days ago

The first two decades of the 21st century has seen its share of dramatic eve...s. Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia have long had vocal and visible women’s rights organizations with the capaci...

Foundation's Team

Gender Justice and Equality before the law: Analysis of Progress and Challenges in the Arab States Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1564 days ago

This report documents the progress achieved...or women and girls: protection from violence, rights within the family, property rights and rights at work. The repor...devastating impacts of conflict on the human rights of women and girls, and what...

Foundation's Team

Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: an overview on main donors and key stakeholders'contributions in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Created by Foundation's Team 1565 days ago

The positive contribution of women to economic g...nificant progress has been made in relation to the rights of women and girls, and a range of others (including environment, human rights, and/or HIV/AIDS). This can s...

Foundation's Team

Needs Assessment of Syrian Women and Girls Under Temporary Protection Status in Turkey

Created by Foundation's Team 1567 days ago

UN Women and Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Immigrants (...e barrier is a major obstacle that stands in the way of Syrian women to access rights and services. Housing is one...

Foundation's Team

EU Approach to Gender Equality in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1575 days ago

The EU legal and political framework reflects a...ze their “power within” to claim their rights. Furthermore, EU support to g...The EU role in realizing gender equality and human rights has, especially after the Ara...

Foundation's Team

The gendered impact of the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period

Created by Foundation's Team 1586 days ago

Outbreaks affect men, women and other genders differentially. This can be bo...ioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at...

Foundation's Team

Protesting gender discrimination from within: women's political representation on behalf of Islamic parties

Created by Foundation's Team 1586 days ago

In recent decades, Islamic political movements, and their subsequent politic...l criticism’ as an important strategy to enhance women’s political rights and status from within the Is...

Foundation's Team

SDGs and Child Marriage

Created by Foundation's Team 1593 days ago

Child marriage is a global problem that cuts across countries, cultures, and...hat all people enjoy peace and prosperity, centred on the realisation of human rights. The SDGs include a goal on g...

Foundation's Team

Political Participation from an Intersectional Feminist Perspective: Practical Tools for Creating Transnational Feminist Political Movements

Created by Foundation's Team 1595 days ago

This toolkit, designed by the Centre for Transnational Development and Colla...ions have traditionally defined as “political action”. Using human rights initiatives that define polit...

Foundation's Team

Employing a gendered approach to transitional justice in the Arab region - potential role of national women's machineries - Policy Brief

Created by Foundation's Team 1602 days ago

Transitional justice is a context-specific and inclusive set of processes, which has the power to amplify the voices of victims and affirm the equal rights and citizenship of individual...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Women's Security Index (WSI)
Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix Marseille Université
Mafraq Youth Gathering for Civil Society Development
Université Antonine
Business Women Forum-Palestine (BWF)
Musawa Women’s Study Center
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Association Neama for Development
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Saba Hamlet for Gender Equality
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
The committee of vigilance for democracy in Tunisia (CDVT)
Juzoor for Health and Social Development (Juzoor)
Lebanese League for Women in Business
Tunisian Association of Gender Studies
Thenextwomen tunisie
EuroMed Rights
Center for Women's Studies in Islam (CERFI)
Free Sight Association
2 RIVES TV (Lyon TV Cable)
Arab Institute for Human Rights
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Wafa Association for Awareness
Syria Algad Relief Foundation
Centre ADHUC—Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat
Ministry of Women , Family and Children
Istar Montull Mussach
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Life  Foundation for Development and Social Reintegration (LFDCI)
Challenge Association of Sustainable Development (A.C.D.D.)
Orbital Endowment Fund
Mada for Citizenship and Development
Hiwar Center for youth and women's empowerment
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
Tunisian Association for Cultural Action
MSA University

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The Community Media Center (CMC) concludes its activities within the framework of International Women's Day 2023

Gaza - Community Media CenterIn this report, we share with you excerpts about the most prominent activities and events carried...

Exposition intitulée: des caricatures pour l'égalité

Égalité et parité nous vincrons la pandémie réaliserons le développement ouii on peut

We present you the 3 final winners of our photo contest

We are pleased to announce the 3 final winners of our photography contest 'Powerful Women: Breaking Stereotypes in the...

Building Bridges Association has enhanced women’s participation in the political and social life in Irbid

The project’s general objective was to mobilize local actors in order to promote women's participation in local councils,...

FEM EU campaign: gender equality in the context of the European elections

The campaign #FEM_EU, born in May 2018, aspires to put women’s rights at the core of European politics and to push for a...

Mozn Hassan Receives the Hrant Dink Award 2020

Press release – Tuesday, 15 September 2020Nazra for Feminist Studies has the honor of having its founder and CEO, Mozn...

Pilot project to empower elected women in Ifrane in the communes

The Tazghart Azrou association has launched a pilot project aimed at strengthening the role and place of elected women in Ifrane...

The Community Media Center (CMC) launches a media campaign with the aim of combating violence and gender-based discrimination in the digital space

The Community Media Center (CMC) organized a digital campaign with the aim of combating violence and gender-based discrimination...

Workshop in the West Bank to promote women's participation in public life

A workshop on 'Enhancing Women’s Participation in Public Life and Decision-making' was organized by Hiwar Center for youth and...

The Global Treaty to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Women’s rights activists in Morocco, Tunisia, and 126 other countries launch global treaty to end violence against women...