

Foundation's Team

Summary of the Gender Report 2014 in Morocco / Synthèse du Rapport Genre 2014 au Maroc / ملخص التقرير الجندري لعام 2014 في المغرب

Created by Foundation's Team 2829 days ago

In terms of the significant progress realized by Morocco in the field of Gender Responsive Budgeting (BSG), and taking into account the improvement and development possibilities, particularly, through the initiation of the work from the Centre d’Excellence-BSG (Center of Excellence), the 2...

Foundation's Team

Draft law Equality Citizenship: strong advances for gender equality / Projet de loi Egalité Citoyenneté : de fortes avancées pour l’Egalite femmes - hommes / مشروع قانون حول المساواة و المواطنة: خطط متينة للمساواة بين النساء و الرجال

Created by Foundation's Team 2875 days ago

In this article, the HCE welcomes the adoption of the Equality and Citizenship draft law on 6 July 2016 by the National Assembly. This text of progress is part of the intensification of action to achieve real equality between women and men, observed in recent years in France. The Equality and Cit...

Foundation's Team

The impact of austerity measures on women's voluntary community organisations and the response of the women's sector / Impact des mesures d'austérité sur les organisations locales de femmes bénévoles et réaction des organisations de femmes / تأثير إجراءات التقشف على منظمات المجتمع النسائية الطوعي...

Created by Foundation's Team 3011 days ago

This report is based on the analysis of a survey, and the evidence collected by Women Resource Centre (WRC) to demonstrate how far the cuts have destabilised the women's voluntary and community sector. The report is organised into two parts: Part One analyses the survey data in relation to the im...

Foundation's Team

Briefing Note on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States for the EU's Equality between Women and Men Strategy- APRIL 2015 / Note de synthèse sur l'Europe centrale, les Balkans et les États baltiques en ce qui concerne la stratégie européenne en faveur de l'égalité entre les hommes et le...

Created by Foundation's Team 3054 days ago

The aim of this report is to introduce 8 priority areas for urgent action in order to advance women’s rights and gender equality in theregion, such as the adaptation of a new Strategy for Gender .This note also explains why the region needs a new high- level political commitment for equalit...

Foundation's Team

Fighting Back Tears… Clinging to Dreams: Syrian Women in their Own Words / Refouler ses larmes... S'accrocher à ses rêves : les femmes syriennes à travers leurs propres mots / مغالبة الدموع و التمسك بالأحلام: النساء السوريات بكلماتهن

Created by Foundation's Team 3057 days ago

This report aims to amplify the voices of Syrian women, and add new texture to the portrait of their lives inside Syria and in neighbouring countries. It casts light on women survivors of the conflict, through sharing their stories and using their own words. The report explains their new roles as...

Foundation's Team

Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in the Syrian Crisis: Good Practices in the Media / Rapporter la violence fondée sur le genre dans la crise syrienne : meilleures pratiques pour les médias / تقرير العنف الجندري في الأزمة السورية: ممارسات جيدة في مجال الإعلام

Created by Foundation's Team 3057 days ago

This best practices guide is designed for journalists and media professionals, with the objective of enhancing the quality of reporting on gender-based violence in the Syrian crisis. Its approach focuses on women´s rights and dignity, which can contribute to opening opportunities for Syrian...

Foundation's Team

Linking Evaluation to Policymaking in the Arab States Region / Établir un rapport entre évaluation et l'élaboration de politiques dans les pays arabes / ربط صنع السياسات بالتقييم في المنطقة العربية

Created by Foundation's Team 3088 days ago

This documents presents the conclusions of a two-day meeting in Cairo - Egypt, October 2015, with parliamentarians and evaluation associations. The aim of the meeting was to link evaluation to policymaking; the participants discussed the institutionalization of evaluation, particularly the equity...

Foundation's Team

National Situation Analysis Report: Women's Human Rights and Gender Equality-Syria / Rapport d'analyse sur la situation nationale : droits humains des femmes et égalité hommes-femmes en Syrie /

Created by Foundation's Team 3148 days ago

This report analyses women’s human rights and gender equality in Syria. It was prepared within the framework of the project “Enhancing Equality between Men and Women in the Euromed Region (2008-2011)” and it examines the national legal context in this sector. Some themes covered...

Foundation's Team

Women's rights and gender equality for sustainable development. Discussing the proposed sustainable development goals within the context of development in the Arab Region / Les droits des femmes et l'égalité de genre pour un développement durable. Débattre les objectifs proposés de développement ...

Created by Foundation's Team 3206 days ago

The study discusses Goal 5 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals “Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”, within the context of development in the Arab region.It reviews the situation of women’s rights and gender equality in Arab count...

Foundation's Team

Palestinian Women in the Cycle of Violence. An analytical study of cases of Palestinian women who suffered from violence and discriminatory policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip / Les Palestiniennes dans le cycle de la violence. Une étude analytique de différents cas de Palestiniennes de Cisjo...

Created by Foundation's Team 3215 days ago

This qualitative study, confined to a sample sized of 36 cases, monitors several violations against Palestinian women in Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It is based on true cases and stories of Palestinian women and stresses the many causes and consequences of violence against women. It also discus...