

Maria Àngels Roque

FEM EU campaign: gender equality in the context of the European elections

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2017 days ago

The campaign #FEM_EU, born in May...he European Commission, the European Parliament’s (EP) FEMM Women&r...nd a transparent mechanism to ensure access to information with these regards...ound table, entitled “European Parliament elections, what’s at stake fo...

Foundation's Team

Badr leads a policy dialogue in Cairo to foster the inheritance law enforcement

Created by Foundation's Team 2052 days ago

In 2017, the Egyptian parliament passed a new Inheritance la...ers, journalists and members of parliament, along with representatives o...e still hindering women’s access to justice. By the end of the me...ft a new law to be submitted to parliament for discussion. Meanwhile Bad...

Foundation's Team

Political dialogues to follow up on CSO WINS's 8 campaigns on women's rights

Created by Foundation's Team 2080 days ago

Each one of the 8 associations tha...popular assembly of wilaya (APW) and parliament deputies (APN) of those r...andidates to election is increasing, access to political functions remains ve...cacy actions are required to achieve parliamentary female quota. The proje...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 721 days ago

The European Parliament’s Committee on Women&rsquo...uo; to improve victims’ access to justice on pay discrimination....uited to women’s needs. Parliament is championing greater partic...tep to ensuring women’s access to all labour markets and that em...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Croatia: Lobbying in support of women survivors of wartime sexual violence

Created by Foundation's Team 1796 days ago

In many armed conflicts and throughout history,...economic conditions. Further, they’ve lacked access to the psychological and soci...n the 1991-95 war of independence, by the Croatian parliament. This law was considered a f...

Foundation's Team

Establishing a coalition and advocacy for the introduction of the quota policy in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 3376 days ago

This practice addressed the need to improve rights of women by increasing their chances of access to representation in elected...hich led to the election of 147 women (31%) in the parliament. This practice has been sele...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1122 days ago

...ged since the presentation in Parliament of a draft law on equalit...ion as well as executive access for the month-long employment...f the phenomenon, with easily accessible data to be used in reports an...state, ministers, members of Parliament, political party, GONGOs, rel...


Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Articles, Essays, News and Press Releases

Created by Foundation's Team 1646 days ago

Here is a growing list of different resources di...ord, Coronavirus crisis may deny 9.5 million women access to family planning - The Guar...East, EGYPT INDEPENDENT, April 3, 2020. European Parliament, PRESS RELEASE: COVID-19: Sto...


Foundation's Team

The gendered impact of the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period

Created by Foundation's Team 1456 days ago

Outbreaks affect men, women and other genders unpaid labour on women as a result of lockdown, access to maternity, sexual and This study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for...

Foundation's Team

Field diagnosis: Women's participation in municipal councils in Irbid

Created by Foundation's Team 2675 days ago

This diagnosis gives an overview of women’s participation in mu...councils. It also analyses how the quota has impacted on women’s access to the national Parliament. Finally, the diagnosis provi...

Foundation's Team

Contribution to the debate on the access to medically assisted procreation (MAP)

Created by Foundation's Team 2711 days ago

This Opinion of the High Council for Gender Equality (HCE), whic...assisted procreation (MAP), proposes to the French Government and Parliament three recommendations: Extend the access to the MAP for all women without...


Foundation's Team

Political and Union participation of women in Palestine along with Arab Revolutions— A review of the Palestinian reality in the context of gender relations / Participation des femmes palestiniennes à la vie politique et syndicale et révolutions arabes – Un état des lieux de la réalité palestinien...

Created by Foundation's Team 3161 days ago

This study highlights women´s participation in unions and politics in Palestine and the gender relations in the framework of the “Arab Spring” uprisings, started at the end of 2010.This study reviews the Palestinian context and the reality of Palestinian women since the 1967 occ...