

Foundation's Team

Summary of the study carried out on the violent deaths observed within couples in 2015 / Synthèse de l’étude menée sur les morts violentes constatées au sein du couple au cours de l’année 2015 / ملخص دراسة حول الوفيات العنيفة بين الشركاء الحميمين في 2015

Created by Foundation's Team 2793 days ago

For the tenth consecutive year, the delegation to the victims has documented violent deaths within couples, for the Ministry of Interior. The report concludes that, in France, and during 2015, 136 people died, victims of their partner or former life partner (spouse, partner or "ex" in a...

Foundation's Team

Unrecognised Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children in Child, Early and Forced Marriage / Exploitation et harcèlement sexuels non reconnus dans les cas de mariages précoces, de mariages forcés et de mariages de mineures / الإعتداء و الإستغلال الجنسي غير المعترف به في حالات زواج الأطفال, الزوا...

Created by Foundation's Team 3017 days ago

This thematic report highlights the link between child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) and sexual abuse and exploitation of children (CSEC). It proposes a conceptual framework through which to analytically examine the various forms of sexual violence being perpetrated in the context of early ma...

Foundation's Team

Estimating the costs of gender-based violence in the European Union- Report / Estimation des coûts de la violence fondée sur le genre dans l'Union européenne - rapport / تقدير التكاليف المترتبة على العنف القائم على النوع الإجتماعي في الإتحاد الأوربي-تقرير

Created by Foundation's Team 3038 days ago

The report provides an analysis of methodological options in the existing literature and studies, on the costs to society of intimate partner violence. It includes a case study on this issue in the UK during 2012, and provides a calculation of the costs in the EU. The report aims at supporting po...

Foundation's Team

Femicide in Armenia: A Silent Epidemic / Féminicide en Arménie : silence contagieux / قتل النساء في أرمينيا: الصمت المعدي

Created by Foundation's Team 3060 days ago

This report records the death of women killed by intimate partners and family members, it sheds light on the manifestations of gender-related killings and acts of violence that are uniquely experienced by women in Armenia.The report gives detailed information on the thirty known cases of femicide...

Foundation's Team

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sexual Violence (SV) in adolescents: preventive & supportive initiatives in Cyprus / La violence exercée par le partenaire intime (VPI) et la violence sexuelle (VS) chez les adolescents : des initiatives de prévention et de soutien en Chypre / عنف الشريك ال...

Created by Foundation's Team 3101 days ago

This Report aims to map the preventive and supportive initiatives in Cyprus that have been set in place in order to prevent adolescents’ abuse, as well as to support and protect adolescents who have already been exposed to any of the following types of violence: a) abuse by their dating/rom...

Foundation's Team

WAVE Mapping - Administrative data collection by women's support services in Europe. National women's helplines, women's shelters and women's centers / Cartographie du réseau européen WAVE (Women against violence Europe) : collecte de données d'ordre administratif destinées aux services européens...

Created by Foundation's Team 3110 days ago

The report explores the situation of data collection in specialist women’s support services in Europe with the aim to map existing data collection methods and systems in Europe (in the European Union and other European countries). The report gives an overview on the situation of data collec...

Foundation's Team

Moroccan women's rights: 20 years after Beijing / Droits des femmes marocaines : 20 ans après Pékin / حقوق المرأة المغربية: 20 عاماً بعد بكين

Created by Foundation's Team 3115 days ago

This report sheds the light on the women’s rights in Morocco after the implementation of the Beijing programme. If focuses on the main challenges civil society organizations face in applying the recommendations. Jossour then proposes its own proposals to implement what stated in the Beijing...

Foundation's Team

Advancing Egyptian Society by Ending Violence against Women / Faire progresser la société égyptienne en mettant fin à la violence contre les femmes / الإرتقاء بالمجتمع المصري عن طريق إنهاء العنف ضد المرأة

Created by Foundation's Team 3226 days ago

After the uprisings in Egypt started in 2011, a lot of attention was drawn to violence against women, due to the occurrence of various assaults on women, including sexual harassment during the protests.This reportfocuses on violence against women in Egypt and its effects on women´s health. ...

Foundation's Team

Attitudes towards violence against women in the EU / Attitudes envers la violence exercée contre les femmes dans l'UE / المواقف تجاه العنف ضد المرأة في الاتحاد الأوروبي

Created by Foundation's Team 3283 days ago

This report was accomplished through the review of surveys published in the last 5 years in EU countries that included questions addressing attitudes towards violence against women, in addition to quantitative and qualitative studies on attitudes towards violence against women, published in acade...

Foundation's Team

Violence against Women in Turkey. A Nationwide Survey / Violence contre les femmes en Turquie. Une enquête nationale / العنف ضد النساء في تركيا. مسح على الصعيد الوطني

Created by Foundation's Team 3375 days ago

This report comes from a large survey (available in Turkish) that analyses how violence against women, notably domestic violence, is defined and seen in Turkey. It also addresses the methods and strategies implemented by the State and NGOs to fight against domestic violence, raise awareness among...