

Raquel Reyes Raventós

EuroMed Rights

Member since 15 July 2022 @ 2:40pm

Objectives for 2027: Women’s rights and the rights of LGBTIQ+ people are introduced into public and political disc...t least two new countries in the region accede to new instruments to combat violence agains...

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

...ging the underlying stereotyping and discrimination, which fuels violence against women. Under international law, state...ere is still a long way to go to bring about the eradication of violence against women across the world. Work...

Alia Arasoughly


Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:00pm

Cinema can play a central role in creating awareness and challenging stereotypes, putting upfront violence agains...


Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Vic: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 428 days ago

From 9 October to 24 October 2023,Centre Cívic Montseny, Av. Montseny, 16 h...vember 2017 on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence agains...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Vacarisses: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 445 days ago

From  18 September July to 22 September 2023,Casal de la gent gran, Carrer de Salvado...vember 2017 on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence agains...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Sant Salvador de Guardiola: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

Created by Foundation's Team 497 days ago

From 31 July to 16 August 2023, Ajuntament, Carrer de Dalt 19 hosts the Euro-Medit...vember 2017 on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence agains...


Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 725 days ago

...cular in their leadership in the economic and labor sectors, their rights in contexts of health, climate and agri-food crises, as well as violence against women. PROGRAM 17:00  Institu...

Foundation's Team

Invitation to the presentation : Migrant Women in Europe Challenging Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 739 days ago

Program of the meeting Welcome and presentation of the meeting by Céline MA...of Migrant Women” by Noura RAAD its co-president. 3. OLYMPE: legal aspects of violen...

Foundation's Team

CAWTAR announces its campaign : Making the Invisible Visible

Created by Foundation's Team 754 days ago

In the framework of the 38th Summit of La Francophonie, and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, CAWTAR is announcing its campaign entitled "Ma...ute women to benefit from a state-of-the-art gender-based violen...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Tasharuk: Gender, Culture and Resistance in Palestine

Created by Foundation's Team 1166 days ago

Tasharuk is part of the project "Improving the resilience of co...ience through training in rights and violence prevention, psychosocial care...d legal advice for survivors of male violence. At the same time, the Nablu...unciation of human rights violations agains...

Foundation's Team

Croatia: Lobbying in support of women survivors of wartime sexual violence

Created by Foundation's Team 1856 days ago

In many armed conflicts and throughout history, rape and sexual violence were used as a weapon of war,...ich surrounds rape and sexual violence. While many victims suffered...OSA) to react to war violence against women and to encourage violenc...n recognizing rape and sexual violen...

Foundation's Team

Imams, preachers and community leaders fighting GBV

Created by Foundation's Team 2125 days ago

“Communicate for GBV” is a project implemented by the Pal...and health (RHR) as well as Gender Based Violence (GBV). The project consists...and social security and reduces domestic Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violen...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1182 days ago

EuroMed Rights is looking for an external consultant to document...-19 pandemic to pursue their attacks against women’s and LGBTIQ+ righ...tions or inter-personal enactment of violence, though reflecting structura...statement, hate speech, enactment of violen...

Foundation's Team

Call for Tenders : Fight against GBV and violence against children

Created by Foundation's Team 1252 days ago

The Council of Europe is looking for one (or several) provider(s) with diversified and hi...ue expertise related to gender equality, the fight against violence towards women and domestic violence, the fight agains...

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: Promoting Women's Productive Participation in Jordan

Created by Foundation's Team 1344 days ago

Call for Proposal for CSOs to form a cohort of media partners on positive stories o...and work are portrayed in the media, as well as certain issues, such as gender-based violen...


Ana Sofia Fernandes


Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1041 days ago

The documentary “Consent is not for sale” was...eople? Nobody can judge these women.” “Consent is Not the exercise of power over women. The practice of prostitution...ual exploitation, normalizing violence, silencing women, hindering...

Maria Alabdeh

I Was There: a film about female survivors of SGBV

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1191 days ago

Women Now for Development presents the documentary "I Was There", featuring two Syrian female survivors of gender-based violenc...ers is still unknown, and the stigma surrounding sexual violen...

Ghida Abdallah Anani

Mapping Gender-Based Violence programmes, services and policies in Lebanon

Created by Ghida Abdallah Anani 1233 days ago

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most prevalen...r contributor to perpetuated cycles of violence. Across the world, one in ev...e women is believed to be subjected to violence during their life...tents that aim at mapping gender-based violen...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 615 days ago

On the occasion of the 5th Ministerial Conference on Strenghtening...ipation in economic life and combat and prevent violence against women and girls. They also a...s economic and political empowerment and to end violence agains...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 651 days ago

In the Euromed Ministerial Conference in Barcelona in 1995...llow discriminatory practices against women and clearly attest to th...rriers show that gender-based violence rests on a patriarchal perpetuates discrimination against women; as well as pointing ou...

Foundation's Team

The gendered impact of armed conflicts

Created by Foundation's Team 931 days ago

War negatively affects every person, including men, women, and non-binary gende...conomic effects of wars fall disproportionately on women....t on gender, with a specific focus on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during as well as in...


Foundation's Team

WIKIGENDER: Online collaborative platform / WIKIGENDER : plate-forme collaborative en ligne / WIKIGENDER: منصة تعاونية إلكترونية

Created by Foundation's Team 2867 days ago

Wikigender is a collaborative platform addressed to political decision makers and experts in both developing and developed countries aimed at finding ways to advance women-men equality. It provides a centralized space for the exchange information related to the main emergent questions a...

Foundation's Team

Les dones a la Mediterrània. Primer informe de la Fundació de Dones Euromediterrànies sobre les Conferències Ministerials / Les Dones a La Mediterrània Primer Informe de la Fundació De Dones Euromediterrànies sobre les Conferències Ministerials / النساء في المتوسط: التقرير الأول لمؤسسة نساء الأور...

Created by Foundation's Team 3092 days ago

Since the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation has been launched, It is committed to monitoring progress in achieving commitments of the Union for the Mediterranean States on ​​strengthening the role of women in the society. In 2014, the Foundation has selected to work with 12 Eu...

Foundation's Team

National Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Violence against Women 2014 - 2019 / Plan d'action national pour la prévention et l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes 2014 - 2019 / خطة عمل وطنية لمنع والقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة 2014 - 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 3339 days ago

This National Action Plan 2014-2019 aims at conceiving, implementing and coordinating a global national policy for the prevention and elimination of violence against women. The government approved it on 18 December 2013. this National Action Plan also provides measures for systematic assistance a...