
Calls and opportunities

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for Participants : IV EuroMeSCo Youth Forum

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1248 days ago

...ct, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean. The Euromed Young Researcher...s of young experts across the Mediterranean, give visibility and recognit...igital Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean: Youth Connecting the Dots Ac...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

CALL for TENDERS: Technical Assistance for InnovAgroWoMed

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1578 days ago

...InnoAgroWoMed is a 3 years project funded at 87% by the European Union through ENI CBC Med program f...level of untapped potential in terms of innovation and growth in the Mediterranean. Deadline is 20 August 2020...

Foundation's Team

Apply for ARLEM Award on young local entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 1872 days ago

...mpacting people life? Apply for the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local As...omote Young Local Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean, especially female representatives from the European Union and its Mediterranean partners. It was set up in 20...

Foundation's Team

Call for Papers : Women and Rural and Agricultural Areas

Created by Foundation's Team 2480 days ago

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) are launching a joint cal...eas”, and is open to all countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region. For more information...

Foundation's Team

Call for expression of interest for experts in women's empowerment

Created by Foundation's Team 2563 days ago

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Secretariat is seeking to establish a list of external experts (senior and junior) from member states of the UfM in several fie...

Foundation's Team

Apply to our call for the mobilization of gender equality actors!

Created by Foundation's Team 2698 days ago…) an enterprise or a trade union Every local cluster of gen...the Third Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean on the role of women...quo;s empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean. The project is led by the I...

Maria Àngels Roque

Supporting women's audiovisual sector in Southern Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2708 days ago

SouthMed WiA, a project funded by the European Union as part of its MedFilm regional programme,...r-representation of women in the audiovisual sector in seven Southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jo...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association for Women's Total Advancement & Development (AWTAD)
Turkey Disable'   s Education and Solidarity Foundation
Hassène Kassar
European Anti-Violence Network (EAVN)
Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
Ibsar Association for the Culture and Leisure of blind and visually handicapped people
AWARE Services & Consulting
Women & Cinema
El Watan
Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development
Mediterraneo Sociale
Faculty of Arts and Humanity Manouba
SIDRA Association
Liberated T
Civic Forum Institute (CFI)
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
Mediterranean Network against Trafficking Women (MNATW)
SHASHAT Women Cinema
Yaich Elarbi
Youth Capacities Development Association-Biskra (YCDB)
European Observatory on Femicide
Mohammed V University- Agdal Rabat
Université Antonine
Womenpreneur Initiative
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM)
Amal Association for the family and the child
Racha Ramadan
Moroccan Youth Association for Development AMDJ
Women Entrepreneurs Accelerator (WEAccelerator)
Ibn Battuta Foundation
National Broadcasting and Television Society - SNRT

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Structural change in research institutions: Enhancing excellence, gender equality and efficiency in research and innovation

This report introduces the measures taken by certain research institutions to attract women into research and innovation. It...

The impact of austerity measures on women's voluntary community organisations and the response of the women's sector

This report is based on the analysis of a survey, and the evidence collected by Women Resource Centre (WRC) to demonstrate how...

Falling Through the Cracks: Refugee Women and Girls in Germany and Sweden

This report examines the situation of asylum-seeking girls and women in Germany and Sweden, who are in many cases...

Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming. Towards Effective Gender Training, Mainstreaming Gender into Policies and the Programmes of the Institutions of the European Union and EU Member States

This publication, aimed at public servants, seeks to introduce the approach of the European Institute for Gender Equality into...

The Feminization of job and function titles

In its meeting of Thursday, February 28, 2019, the French Academy adopted by a large majority the report on the feminization of...

Field diagnosis: Girls Access to education in six Area C localities in Bethlehem and Al Khalil

This diagnosis explores school education in six localities in Area C (Kisan, Al-Rashayida, Al-Meniah, Zif, Ma’en, and...

Opinion Poll on Penal Code Article 522 – Baseline Wave

Article 522 of the Lebanese Penal Code is one of the most controversial issues regarding Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)...

Responses of the education sector to homophobic harassment

A report from the education sector on HIV and health of the UNESCO, this document is one of a collection published by the UNESCO...

Field diagnosis: For the inclusion of local actors in the promotion of female entrepreneurship

The purpose of the diagnosis is to analyse obstacles to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intentions of women from the...

Workplace stress: A collective challenge

This report aims at presenting trends on work-related stress in both developed and developing countries with a view to raising...