

Foundation's Team

The Care Economy in the Arab States: Towards recognizing, reducing and redistributing unpaid care work - brief / L'économie des soins dans les États arabes : Vers la reconnaissance, la réduction et la redistribution du travail non rémunéré dans le secteur des soins / اقتصاد الرعاية في الدول العرب...

Created by Foundation's Team 1448 days ago

Women play an outsized role in the care economy in the Arab States, performing 4.7 times more unpaid care work than men – the highest female– to–male ratio anywhere in the world.  This policy brief is based on the report Progress of Women in the Arab States 2020:...

Foundation's Team

Progress of the world's women 2019 - 2020: Families in a changing world / Le progrès des femmes dans le monde 2019 - 2020 : Les familles dans un monde en changement / تقدم نساء العالم 2019-2020: الأُسر في عالم متغير

Created by Foundation's Team 1902 days ago

This report assesses the reality of families today in the context of sweeping economic, demographic, political, and social transformation. The report features global, regional, and national data. It also analyses key issues such as family laws, employment, unpaid care work, violence aga...

Foundation's Team

Enabling women's economic empowerment, new approaches to unpaid care work in developing countries / تعزيز التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة ، والمقاربات الجديدة للعمل غير مدفوع الأجر في مجال الرعاية في البلدان النامية / Favoriser l'autonomisation économique des femmes, nouvelles approches concernant le tr...

Created by Foundation's Team 1966 days ago

As part of the OECD Policy Dialogue on Women’s Economic Empowerment, this report focuses on identifying what works to address unpaid care work and sheds light on how governments, donors in the private sector and civil society actors – among others – can design policies...

Foundation's Team

Workplace stress: A collective challenge / Stress au travail: un défi collectif / الإجهاد في مكان العمل: تحدٍّ جماعي

Created by Foundation's Team 2085 days ago

This report aims at presenting trends on work-related stress in both developed and developing countries with a view to raising awareness of the magnitude of the problem in the new context of the world of work. It also explores the gender dimension of the impact of stress in the working ...

Foundation's Team

Global Wage Report 2018-19: What lies behind gender pay gaps / Rapport mondial sur les salaires 2018-19 : Quelles sont les causes des écarts salariaux entre hommes et femmes? / تقرير الأجور العالمية 2018-2019: ما الذي وراء فجوة الأجور بين الجنسين

Created by Foundation's Team 2196 days ago

This report examines the evolution of real wages around the world, giving a unique picture of wage trends globally and by region. The 2018/19 edition analyses the gender pay gap. The report calculates gender pay gaps in innovative and more accurate ways, using data covering some 70 coun...

Foundation's Team

When the economy advocates in favour of gender equality in inheritance / Quand l'économie plaide en faveur de l'égalité dans l'héritage / عندما يناصر الاقتصادُ المساواةَ في الميراث

Created by Foundation's Team 2205 days ago

This article reflects on 20 arguments made by the Tunisian Association of Women Democrats in favour of gender equality in inheritance, especially after Tunisian Cabinet approved, on November 23rd 2018, a law that would allow men and women to inherit equally, contrary to what is stipulat...

Foundation's Team

Women and tourism: designing for inclusion / Femmes et tourisme: conception pour l'inclusion / النساء والسياحة: تصميم من أجل الدمج

Created by Foundation's Team 2275 days ago

Despite advancements for women at some destinations and brands, significant inequality persists in tourism sector. Women continue to be paid less and are underrepresented in certain tourism occupations and management levels. Women in tourism are more likely to be undertaking part-time, ...

Foundation's Team

Le rapport mondial sur les femmes dans le tourisme 2010 / التقرير العالمي عن المرأة في السياحة 2010 / Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010

Created by Foundation's Team 2289 days ago

Ce rapport entend cartographier la participation active des femmes dans le secteur touristique à l’échelle de la planète, en ciblant cinq domaines principaux : emploi, esprit d’entreprise, exercice des responsabilités, communauté et é...

Foundation's Team

Supporting Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality in Fragile States: Research Brief - Lebanon / Soutenir l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité des sexes dans les États fragiles: Résumé de recherche - Liban / دعم تمكين المرأة والمساواة بين الجنسين في الدول الهشة: ملخص بحثي - لبنان

Created by Foundation's Team 2310 days ago

This brief is one in a three-part research series produced by UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality (FGE). Focusing on grantee case studies in Lebanon, this brief offers a more nuanced look at the real-time opportunities and barriers to women’s economic empowerment in fragile ...

Foundation's Team

Care Work and Care Jobs: For the future of decent work / Prendre soin d'autrui: Un travail et des emplois pour l'avenir du travail décent / وظائف الرعاية والعمل: من أجل مستقبل العمل اللائق

Created by Foundation's Team 2352 days ago

This report analyses the ways in which unpaid care work is recognized and organized, the extent and quality of care jobs and their impact on the well-being of individuals and society. A key focus of this report is the persistent gender inequalities in households and the labour market, w...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Association for the Promotion of Rural Women of Mezzouna
National Association for Youth Exchange
iJMA3, The Arab ICT Organization
Women Now for Development
Sana Hafsa Consulting Office
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR
Coalition for Tunisian Women
Centre for Women's Legal Research &Counselling and Protection
Women's Security Index (WSI)
Europeans Without Borders
Mouna Mtibaa
Faculty of Arts and Humanity Manouba
Wojoud for Empowering Civil Society
University of Manouba Tunisia
Mother's School Association
Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA)
Egyptian Female Lawyers
Tunisian League of Women's Political Rights
Coalition parlementaire arabe sur la lutte contre la violence de la femme
Alèxia Carrasco
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Business Women Forum-Palestine (BWF)
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Africa Women's Forum (AWF)
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Brunella Mariani
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines (Jossour FFM)
Intissar Bendjabellah
Office for Gender Equality
Tunisie pionnieres
NGOs Today
Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA)
Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE)
Human Development Network
Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes (FIJI-RA)

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Our Generation Equality: 7 thematic events within the framework of the Generation Equality Forum

The Generation Equality Forum will begin in March 2021 in Mexico City and will culminate in June 2021 in Paris. Initiated by UN...

Nanterre Congress: RUSEMEG's contributions to the collective feminist debate

In August, the Euro-Mediterranean Academic and Scientific Network on Gender and Women (RUSEMEG) organized the symposium 'Stories...

Dialogue Session with an official held at AlZweideen Bedouin community South of Hebron

ADWAR continues implementing the activities of the project (Empowering Bedouin women in decision-making and accountability within...

A training course in leading the community initiative to promote and implement women's rights in Tunisia and Morocco

March 20, 2023 marks the conclusion of the training course in leading the community initiative to promote and implement women’s...

Article sur l'association Méditerravenir dans le journal tunisien La Presse

«Donner plus de visibilité à la population des femmes chômeuses»Questions à Madame Fatima Malki Bensoltane, fondatrice et...

Conference: Women’s Voices in the Mediterranean and Africa

The ISIS Center for Women and Development organized the 8th edition of the Mediterranean Women Forum on the theme...

Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Collaging a Gender-Equal Future!

Check out the results of our art contest  'Collaging a Gender-Equal Future: Tailoring the Transformations of the...

A meeting to present the results of identifying the needs of the civil coalition institutions and partner institutions within the Citizen First project

Ms. Wadad Sourani - Director General of the Association of University Graduates delivered the partners’ speech at a meeting...

Call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors at local level

Within the project 'Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality' funded by the French Ministry of Foreign...

Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights (PpDM) presents Council of Europe's initiative to prevent and combat sexism

The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM - Plataforma portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres) presents the...