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Foundation's Team

The Foundation has presented its First monitoring report in Marseille

Created by Foundation's Team 3411 days ago

The event, organized by the Forum Femmes Méditerranée, has gathered mo...ier and Martine Lévy, from the Forum Femmes Méditerranée ( Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (Morocco), Maria- Ànge...


Foundation's Team

Prostitution and Trafficking of Women in Lebanon / La prostitution et la traite des femmes au Liban / البغاء والاتجار بالنساء في لبنان

Created by Foundation's Team 1989 days ago

This article focuses on the subject of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Lebanon, where the combination of an already delicate economic situation, a large influx of refugees and an extremely complex and deteriorated political and social scene, seems to encou...

Foundation's Team

Gender-specific measures in anti-trafficking actions / Mesures gendérisées dans les actions de lutte contre la traite / التدابير الجندرية في إجراءات مكافحة الاتجار

Created by Foundation's Team 2289 days ago

Trafficking for sexual exploitation is the most commonly reported form of human trafficking in the European Union. It is a form of gender-based violence that disproportionately affects women. 95% of registered victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the EU are women or girls. ...

Foundation's Team

Trafficking in women and children in Morocco / La traite des femmes et des enfants au Maroc / الاتجار بالنساء والأطفال في المغرب

Created by Foundation's Team 2435 days ago

Developed by the Ministry of Justice and Freedoms in partnership with UN Women Maghreb and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, this study aimed to collect information on all forms of trafficking in women and children in Morocco as well as on the institutional measures, and...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Transforming the lives of girls and women through EU external relations (2016-2020)-Joint Staff Working Group Document / Égalité entre les hommes et les femmes et émancipation des femmes: Transformer la vie des filles et des femmes dans le contexte des rel...

Created by Foundation's Team 2450 days ago

In 2015 a new framework for the EU’s activities on gender equality and women’s empowerment in external relations for the period 2016-2020 has been adopted. This Joint Staff Working document aims to help partner countries, in particular developing, emerging and neighboring co...

Foundation's Team

Field diagnosis: Prostitution and trafficking in women in the eastern suburbs of Beirut / Diagnostic de terrain: La prostitution et la traite des femmes dans la banlieue-est de Beyrouth / تشخيص ميداني: البغاء والاتجار بالنساء في الضواحي الشرقية لبيروت

Created by Foundation's Team 2463 days ago

Lebanon provides a refuge for many women and teenagers driven away from neighbouring countries by wars and conflicts, as well as some who have come from other countries seeking better economic conditions. Trafficking and prostitution are exacerbated in a context of unemployment and inse...

Tala Harb

Performance: Pas d’offre sans demande / عرض مسرحي: لا طلب لا عرض / Performance: No Demand No Supply

Created by Tala Harb 2792 days ago

L’un des évènements les plus marquants du mois de mai a été « Pas d’offre sans demande »,  une performance pensée et dirigée par Sahar Assaf en collaboration avec la Theater Initiative de l’Université am...

Foundation's Team

The LLWR analyses how to lower trafficking in women and prostitution in Beirut / La LLWR vise à diminuer la traite des femmes et la prostitution à Beyrouth / لجنة حقوق المرأة اللبنانية تحلل كيفية خفض الاتجار بالنساء والبغاء في بيروت

Created by Foundation's Team 2801 days ago

Trafficking in women and prostitution have shot up in Lebanon in the last years due to the difficult social and economic situation and the influx of refugees, including many vulnerable women and girls. Thus, the country has become a hub, a place of passage, residence and export of prost...

Joanna Manganara

Prostitution &Trafficking: The market of sex (International Women's News Vol 111 No 2) / Prostitution et traite des femmes: le marché du sexe / الدعارة و الإتجار بالبشر: سوق الجنس

Created by Joanna Manganara 2893 days ago

This issue of the International Alliance of Women's journal, International Women's News, presents a range of articles on the theme of prostitution and trafficking / Cette édition du journal de l’Alliance internationale des femmes (International Alliance of Wom...

Foundation's Team

Addendum to the Report on the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children: Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina / Addendum au rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur le trafic des êtres humains, notamment des femmes et des enfants : mission en Bosnie-Herzégovine / إضافة إلى...

Created by Foundation's Team 3095 days ago

This report is part of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children of the UN Commission on Human Rights. It highlights Bosnia and Herzegovina’s commitment to combating trafficking in persons, as evidenced by its legislative and policy. The report focuses ...

Foundation's Team

Human Rights Violations against Women and Girls in Syria / Violations des droits humains des femmes et des filles en Syrie / انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان ضد النساء و الفتيات في سورية

Created by Foundation's Team 3121 days ago

This report sheds light on the multiple human rights violations that Syrian girls and women are witnessing, inside the country, and while fleeing the conflict as refugees. It focuses on issues such as: women and girls’ access to education; access to healthcare; gender-based violence; forc...