Created by Andalib Adwan 687 days ago
As part of the International Women’s Day celebration organized by a group of United Nations agenc...ssing gender-based violence via the Internet and information and communication technologies. Adwan mentioned the #Masahatu...
Contenu type : News
Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1233 days ago
A new issue of Quaderns de la Mediterrània is out! This issue, nu...thin diversity. Although information and communication technologies place artists in an ideal tran...when we manage to establish a channel of communication and dialogue. Faced with into...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 2462 days ago
The Association of Women in Green Economy - AFEV has recently concluded a field courses on business creation, information and communication technologies (ICT), interpersonal communication, financial estimation costs a...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 3506 days ago
This practice began in 2014 and it was supported by the European Commission; performance workshops; events and a strong communication...had to be translated through art tools and new technologies, so that a wide audience could...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 3506 days ago
The web radio"Voix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) is one of the largest projects of th...To unite women in the Mediterranean region through information technologies and the communication. "Voix de Femmes" (Women’ s...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Foundation's Team 2791 days ago
Barcelona Metròpolis Mediterrània is a magazine providing information about urban...from different approaches: urbanism, architecture, sociology, communication and new technologies. However, in recent years, th...
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 3471 days ago
Voix de Femmes (Women’s Voice) is an associative web radio run by the Algerian association Femmes en communication...he Mediterranean area through information and communication technologies (ICT)....
Contenu type : Resources
Created by Foundation's Team 1973 days ago
Through an in-depth assessment inventory of 35 countries and the study of recent major trends, th...renewing itself in modern forms, adapted to new information and communication technologies....
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2192 days ago
The 2012 World Development Report recognized that expanding women’s agency - their ability to mak...boys. The report also underlines the vital role information and communication technologies can play in amplifying women’s...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 3289 days ago
Despite the progress made in women’s education in Jordan and the decrease of the gender gap in educat...employment in private sector, namely tourism and information and communication technologies (ICT).
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2906 days ago
There is a gender gap in the ICT sector, with women and girls enjoying less access to information technology than men and boys. This issue of Women2000 and Beyond focuses on the gender digital divide. It reviews the gender dimensions of ICT and how the United Nations has addressed the issues of g...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: professional career, women scientists, professional equality, ict sector, carrière professionnelle, femmes scientifiques, égalité des chances, technologies d’information et de communication, المهنة, نساء عالمات, مساواة مهنية, قطاع تقانة المعلومات
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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