

Ana Sofia Fernandes

Training in Portugal on youth engagement against the system of prostitution

Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 2006 days ago

...people with a similar mindset about the system of prostitution were able to meet, narratives that aim to whitewash the system of prostitution and how to counter and decons..., to establish a connection between the system of prostitution and its predatory abuse of mi...

Foundation's Team

FFEM contributes to the collective feminist debate at Paris-Nanterre University

Created by Foundation's Team 2354 days ago

...e expense of women in most legal systems of the southern Mediterranea...the indifference and irony about prostitution that is pure exploitati...r women to defend themselves. If prostitution is a job, what is the educati...organizations in Italy; kinship system and the problem of Arab marriage in...

Foundation's Team

In the spotlight: mobilizing local actors and authorities for gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 2843 days ago

...of Women’s Rights (LLWR), Lebanon (eastern suburbs of Beirut): prostitution and trafficking in wome...): the representation of women and youth in the Palestinian political system. Le Chemin de la dignité /...


Ana Sofia Fernandes


Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1107 days ago

...exploitation of women in the system of prostitution. As the oldest form of oppression, prostitution is a manifestation of w...tegories of actors: people in prostitution, who are mostly women; the se...le sexual exploitation in the system of prostitution, by offering suppor...


Foundation's Team

Statistics about women in the UK

Created by Foundation's Team 3544 days ago

...rnings; gender segregation of the labour market; housework; the legal system; health; abortion; economic a...efits; violence against women; homeless women; sexual trafficking and prostitution; prison; migrant women. The s...