

Leïla Tauil

Book on the struggle of Arab feminists. The case of Morocco and Tunisia

Created by Leïla Tauil 2426 days ago

...fascinating history of Moroccan and Tunisian feminist movements by bringing out of the shadows the role of women, while also deconstructing the stereotype of the "submissive Arab woman...


Leïla Tauil

Leïla Tauil presents her book 'Arab Feminisms'in Paris

Created by Leïla Tauil 2267 days ago Moroccan and Tunisian movements, highlighting these women as actresses of the future of their respective societies; it thus deconstructs the stereotype of the "submissive Arab woman...


Foundation's Team

Feminization and firms’economic and social performance

Created by Foundation's Team 2753 days ago

...age differences in France. Showing the firms that increase female representation are not, for all that, less efficient, this report reverses the stereotype according to which this segre...

Foundation's Team

Report on sex education - Responding to youth expectations , building a society of gender equality

Created by Foundation's Team 2926 days ago

...ty and health, it is the responsibility of the public authorities to respond to all young people with objective information, without judgment or stereotype, whenever they express the ne...

Foundation's Team

The policy on gender equality in Cyprus

Created by Foundation's Team 3454 days ago

...sional life, equal representation of women and men in decision-making, eradication of all forms of violence against women, elimination of gender stereotype and, finally, women's healthc...


Foundation's Team

Issue 34 Quaderns de la Mediterrànea - Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers / Numéro 34 des Quaderns de la Mediterrànea - Femmes Méditerranéennes Franchissent les Barrières / العدد 34- مجلة كوادرنز دي لا ميديترينيا - نساء البحر الأبيض المتوسط يكسرن الحواجز

Created by Foundation's Team 662 days ago

The 34th issue of the Quaderns de la Mediterrànea is out! Since September 2013, the IEMed has been the headquarters of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMWF). This Euro-Mediterranean foundation, as a regional structure, seeks to meet various challenges to addre...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 696 days ago

In the Euromed Ministerial Conference in Barcelona in 1995 it was declared, for the first time, that civil society was one of the main actors for achieving peace, security and development on both Mediterranean shores. In 2005, ten years after this first Ministerial Conference, there was...

Foundation's Team

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Biguel i Riells del Fai: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities / Visitez maintenant notre exposition de photos itinérante à Biguel i Riells del Fai : Femmes brisant les barrières. Transformer les villes méditerranéennes / تفضل/ تفضلي ...

Created by Foundation's Team 868 days ago

From 5 to 16 September 2022, the Centre Cívic i Cultural El Rieral in Biguel i Riells del Fai hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo exhibition "Dones trencant barreres. Transformant les ciutats mediterrànies" ("Women breaking ...