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Foundation's Team

Casa Mediterráneo in collaboration with IEMed celebrated 8 of March with a conference on female leadership in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 657 days ago

...orated 8 March, International Women’s Day, with the celebrat...timonies on leadership led by women in the Mediterranean, their c..., within the framework of the status of women in specific countri...own the barriers that prevent women the development of their pote...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center holds a conference on the rights and needs of academies in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 818 days ago

...ting a culture of respect for women’s rights in academic ins...ting a culture of respect for women’s rights in academic in...ian academies PAC, a group of women’s rights ambassadors, y...ting a culture of respect for women’s rights in society in...

Andalib Adwan

CMC carries out a hearing on the adoption of a draft law on family protection from violence

Created by Andalib Adwan 1007 days ago

...he efforts of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Minist...Society and Media to Promote Women’s Access to Justice and...ife. He also talked about the status of women’s rights in P...of domestic violence against women and all members of Palestinia...

Wedad Sourani

The Society of Women Graduates holds a training day to improve the psychological situation and achieve social wellbeing for female university graduates

Created by Wedad Sourani 1042 days ago

The Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip held extracurricular acti..., with the aim of enhancing their psychological status and social and emotiona...and administrative capacities of the Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip,...

Maria Alabdeh

16 Days of Activism: What is Violence to Me?

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1125 days ago

For 16 days, the Women Now for Development Association r...the Feminist Research Unit at Women Now titled: “Syrian Wom...e violence of holding refugee status, the violence of displacemen...and domestic violence against women, and the violence of warfare....

Rabha Fathi

The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers gives an oral statement at the 80th session of CEDAW Committee

Created by Rabha Fathi 1147 days ago

...government to provide equal opportunities for women in labor market according to a...Also legal provisions in the field of personal status especially what is related t...nd does not guarantee equal rights for men and women. Finally, AEFL calls the Egyp...


Registrations are open for the XIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum!

Created by XX 1188 days ago

...ovember, the XIII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum. This edit...The most representative businesswomen and women entrepreneurs comin...for decades. The Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum has the a...of leveraging the education of women to improve their status and enhance their decision-m...

Foundation's Team

October 11: International Day of the Girl Child

Created by Foundation's Team 1196 days ago

...nder, language, ability, economic status and geographic origin –...t: For adolescent girls and young women in low and middle-income coun...n 1995 at the World Conference on Women in Beijing countries unanimou...s. Only by ensuring the rights of women and girls across all the goal...

Foundation's Team

Online Gender-Based Violence: What Scenario For The MENA Region ?

Created by Foundation's Team 1333 days ago

...d people, such as feminists and women. Still, structural gender violence situations faced by women in the MENA region. The repor...nally, one third of Palestinian women revealed having been subject...lling draft law on the personal status. For young women in the region, the digital wo...

Foundation's Team

Associations denounce Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

Created by Foundation's Team 1399 days ago

...g and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbu...nternational associations of the women’s movement, united with...egression of the human rights of women as a result of Turkey’s...session of the Commission on the Status of Women....


Foundation's Team

Join the next Climate Refugees Ecodebate

Created by Foundation's Team 1025 days ago

...e climate refugees? What is their legal status? How are they received and wh...ration of Clubs for UNESCO. “What status for climate refugees”...etary General of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation. "Testimony of women in desert in Tunisia" Mohame...

Foundation's Team

Combating Violence Against Women and Girls: Human Dimension Seminar

Created by Foundation's Team 1166 days ago

...ds to combat violence against women and girls. Preven...olence in a domestic setting, women experience violence in the pu...    assess the status of implementation of OSCE co...d combatting violence against women. -    &n...

Noha El Khouly

The Impact of COVID-19 on Violence Against Women

Created by Noha El Khouly 1588 days ago

...cial risks. In the forefront, women were carrying the negative effects that harm women. This includes the decision t...egard to alimony and personal status issues. Many men refrained f...effects of the first wave on women, and how they can be avoided....

Maria Àngels Roque

Fez hosts a forum on Islamic Feminisms

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2055 days ago

Throughout history women’s voices have been silenced, m...hin Islam. To examine the current status of Islamic feminisms, under...organizing Fez Ninth Mediterranean Women International Forum under the...f Academia in Promoting Gender and Women’s Rights Issues in the...

Foundation's Team

National March for Equality in the inheritance in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 2519 days ago

...lity is "both discriminatory and unconstitutional and hinders women’s access to full citizenship status," denounces the coalition in...ed in Tunisia and it includes many gender equality actors and women’s rights defenders.&nbs...

Foundation's Team

Workshops on Women, Agriculture, Climate and Empowerment at the CSW62

Created by Foundation's Team 2530 days ago

...sion of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will be held at United...Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby (CLEF), in...nbsp; The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM) wil...the Francophonie, UNICEF, UN Women France and R20.  More i...

Tala Harb

Panel Discussion on Estimating the Cost of Violence in the Arab Region

Created by Tala Harb 2951 days ago

...hip with IWSAW, ABAAD, and UN Women hosted a panel discussion enti...irst speaker Blerta Alika, UN-Women Arab States Office, presented...n', which aims to analyze the status of Arab Women, in order to i...need for inclusive policies, women's right to protection, (2) Bo...

Khulud Khamis

Fighting against Trafficking in Women and Prostitution, titled Between Marginality and Prostitution: A Feminist Perspective on Prostitution

Created by Khulud Khamis 2987 days ago

...World – Panel Discussion Shani Werner, The Women's Courtyard; Reut Guy, Elem; D...on 2: Prostitution, Immigration, and (lack of) Status – Panel Discussion Adv. Poliakov, Activist, Olga Filippova, mentor, Women's Horizon. Facilitator: Noor...

Foundation's Team

Research seminar: "Restraints and obstacles to women' s economic empowerment”

Created by Foundation's Team 3541 days ago

...asing. Many studies show that women are mostly affected and that inequalities between women and men are widening in terms...their access to employment. Women’s employment, an essent...lities that have an impact on women being effectively taken into...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

AFIF: Literacy, Training and Employment for Women in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 2551 days ago

...emmes) Literacy, Training and Employment for Women. The programme has made a sig...g illiteracy and improving the socioeconomic status of women and girls in Algeria. Each ye...ponsibilities. The AFIF project has allowed women in the regions concerned to s...

Foundation's Team

Functional Literacy Programme for Women of the Argan Cooperative

Created by Foundation's Team 2690 days ago

...rban areas, opportunities for women in poor rural areas to acquire...articular initiative targeted Women’s Cooperatives producin...ith a total of over 480 rural women benefiting from it since its...pecially those concerning the status of divorced women and the ba...


Project: Do not touch my rights!

Created by Cherifa KHEDDAR 2877 days ago

...he professional capacities of women and improving their economic s...itional cakes courses for 136 women, including: 45 beneficiaries...n days were organized for 300 women to inform them about the righ...on the following issues: the status of women in Algeria, gender...

Foundation's Team

Support for women's empowerment in the North-East of Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 3533 days ago

...oject aims at the emancipation of women living in the rural environmen...e economic role and capacities of women, ADF offers training on "eco-...heir children enable their social status and family role to be enhanc...icies Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society", with the support...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Consultant on contestations and backlashes to gender equality in the MENA

Created by Foundation's Team 1222 days ago

...pursue their attacks against women’s and LGBTIQ+ rights. In...gypt, a draft of the personal status law would deprive women of their legal status to conclude a marriage contr...tober: Check in with the Women’s Rights and Gender Jus...

Mozn Hassan

Task Based Researcher Vacancies - Feminist Research Consultancy

Created by Mozn Hassan 1634 days ago

...vention within the current urgent women’ needs and issues in the...wo countries from the region) 2. Women’ Rights and Topics in t...e Feminist Movement including its status and activities. In addition...legislative levels 5. Respecting women’s diverse identities, e...

Foundation's Team

UN WOMEN Programme Associate in Jerusalem, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES - Job Offer

Created by Foundation's Team 1768 days ago

UN WOMEN is looking for a Programme Associate in Jerusal...of project award and project status, operational and financial c...s for financial audits for UN Women and partners; Create e-requi...uested materials:  UN Women P11 can be downloaded at...

Noha El Khouly

ECWR is looking for Fundraising and Marketing officer

Created by Noha El Khouly 2287 days ago

The Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights (ECWR) is an independent n...rnmental organization dedicated to improving women’s status in Egypt and the Arab organizations working on human rights and women’s rights; knowledge of...

Mireia Estrada Gelabert

XABACA Scholarships for Arab Women Artists: Residency and Networking

Created by Mireia Estrada Gelabert 2412 days ago

The project “Women artists for social transformati...hey experience as artists and women.  Very often, cultural c...and the defiance towards the status quo generate a particular fo...rm of restraint which affects women in a different way than it af...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for applications for a writer-in-residence on women’s status

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2756 days ago

...ns for a writer-in-residence which is open exclusively for women. The call’s topic is women’s status and the residence is forecas..., in order to denounce violence and harassment suffered by women, and so, through writing as a...

Roza Dimova

HANDS Professional Fellows Program

Created by Roza Dimova 3167 days ago

...lows Program with an aim to promote the empowerment and inclusion of women in their societies. The The...ental Organization (NGO) Development for Organizations Improving the Status of Women”.


Stephanie Willman Bordat

Promoting best practices in the state response to GBV in Morocco

Created by Stephanie Willman Bordat 1377 days ago age, ethnicity, education level or economic status. While the Government of Moro...8-article Draft Law 103-13 on Violence Against Women in Morocco was finally passed...rces The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), Mobilising for Rights...

Maria Àngels Roque

The Press and the Feminist Struggle in Morocco - Interview and Lecture videos with Fedwa Misk on 27.02.2019

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1528 days ago

...f the Moroccan journalist and women’s rights activist Fedwa...nalist argued that in Morocco women come from a long historical st...s a new awakening by Moroccan women, who also went onto the stree...lic in the big debates on the status and empowerment of women, partly because of the econom...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Women's Helplines in the Euro-Mediterranean Countries

Created by Foundation's Team 1746 days ago

...upport and human security for women and girls in the Euro-Mediterr...90  (Open line of Israel Women’s Network)  04-85...determined yet (UfM observer status) LITHUANIA:   800...SAY NO! STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN  WAVE - WOMEN AGAINST V...

Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1777 days ago

...eryday actions proposed by UN women to engage people in Gender Equ...the text. From the Liberian women’s sex strike paving the...e stock of global progress on women’s rights, join us, as Ge...ething written or directed by women (and for women).  Movie...

Foundation's Team

Women in Islam: a journal on gender relations in Islam

Created by Foundation's Team 2054 days ago

Women in Islam is a journal that explores the complexities of gender relati...conflicting perceptions of Islam in relation to women’s discussions on how to effectively improve the status of women in Muslim societies. Women i...

Foundation's Team

E-Portal: Legal and human rights of women and men between equality and gaps

Created by Foundation's Team 2350 days ago

...esigned to collect laws related to the legal status, rights and gender equality i...ries. The portal aims to help policy makers, women’s organizations and civil soci...ssing, analyzing and understanding the legal status of women in the Arab region. The port...

Foundation's Team

UNSCR 1325'National Action Plan Map

Created by Foundation's Team 2473 days ago

...reated this interactive map to track the status of world states commitments t...a conflict to prevent violations of women’s rights, to support women’s participation in ...mention the unique impact of conflict on women.  "Our Secure Future" i...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women's Fund

Created by Foundation's Team 3166 days ago

The Mediterranean Women’s Fund was created in January 2008, at the initiative of women who had been working for se...ral decades for the rights of women in the Mediterranean region....ute to the improvement of the status of women and the promotion of gender e...

Foundation's Team

Project on the Status of women in the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 3198 days ago

...IFES and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR)...capacity building to enhance the status of women in the Middle East and North...urveys, the project measured how women in Lebanon, Morocco NGOs seeking to improve women’s well-being by providi...

Foundation's Team

Labor, Gender and Society Magazine

Created by Foundation's Team 3401 days ago

...the field of gender research, to decipher, starting from hierarchies, divisions and segmentations which traverse the world of Labor, the status of men and women in society, and thus to ask t...


Monia Braham

Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab Region with a Gender and Green Local Development perspective

Created by Monia Braham 1075 days ago

...rms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and the Beijing platform for Action, women have made significant strides...rimarily due to the fact that women face legal, structural and the reading of the current status of gender inequality regardi...

Foundation's Team

Regional Index - Combating violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Created by Foundation's Team 1192 days ago

...of the 4th UfM Ministerial Declaration on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society, in the area of com...ata bank that will allow researchers to have a quick overview of the status of women in the countries concerned an...

Foundation's Team

Mind the Gap Report: COALESCE for Support in Cyprus

Created by Foundation's Team 1269 days ago

...mpowerment for the integration of women third-country nationals (TCN)...mic support and assistance to TCN women victims of sex trafficking, t...ave suffered, and their residence status (Directive 2011/36/EU). In f...rafficking, in particular migrant women and children....

Foundation's Team

Gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities

Created by Foundation's Team 1304 days ago

...uch as sexuality, disability or economic status. It is common knowledge that women constitute half of the popula...pean Union (EU) namely counts 60 million women and girls with disabilities,...cates that gender-based violence affects women and girls with disabilities t...

Foundation's Team

Tackling social norms a game changer for gender inequalities

Created by Foundation's Team 1346 days ago

...squo;s Gender Inequality Index (GII)— a measure of women’s empowerment in health, education and economic status—shows that overall pro...forms of demonstration—including online campaigns, women marches and street performanc...

Maria Alabdeh

Position paper on Perspectives of Forced Displaced Syrian Women on their Conditions, Rights, and Demands

Created by Maria Alabdeh 1357 days ago

...t the situation of forcibly displaced Syrian women (FDS Women) to stress the urgent need fo...unities. It also seeks to underline that FDS women are subjected to many human r...uding rights such as remuneration, political status, economic situation, health...

Foundation's Team

The human rights of women in Syria: Between discriminatory law, patriarchal culture, and the exclusionary politics of the regime

Created by Foundation's Team 1369 days ago

...and security) in perpetuating women’s vulnerability and prom...l, and societal, exclusion of women, and the consequences on women’s status as citizens with deficient r...omen’s legal and social status. In this effort, the organiz...

Foundation's Team

Covid-19 and Economic Challenges for Migrant Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1419 days ago

...conomic challenges for migrant women highlights the experiences and difficulties that migrant women are facing, and proposes some...ull; NRPF creates problems for women who are on family visas and benefits. • NRPF status is discriminatory against women, disabled people, and pregnan...

Foundation's Team

Shadow report on the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

Created by Foundation's Team 1454 days ago

...rms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). FLDF, a non-governmental women’s human rights organization, has a consultative status with the United Nations Econ...egional associations of  Women in Solidarity.  The doc...ce and discrimination against women, and on the implementation of...

Foundation's Team

Gaps in the EU Labour Market Participation Rates: an intersectional assessment of the role of gender and migrant status

Created by Foundation's Team 1510 days ago

...alyse how intersecting social statuses shape labour market partici...on between gender and migrant status and assesses the likelihood of EU mobile and non-EU born women to participate in the EU&rsquo...abour market participation of women. In particular, in light of t...


Foundation's Team

The Feminization of job and function titles / La féminisation des noms de métiers et de fonctions / تأنيث أسماء المهن والوظائف

Created by Foundation's Team 2084 days ago

In its meeting of Thursday, February 28, 2019, the French Academy adopted by a large majority the report on the feminization of the function and job titles presented by a study commission including four of its members. This report sees "no obstacle in principle" to the feminization of j...

Foundation's Team

Donia promotes women's engagement in environment protection in Lebanon / دنيا للتنمية المستدامة تعمل من أجل دور فاعل للنساء في حماية البيئة في طرابلس / Donia promeut l'action des femmes dans la protection de l'environnement au Liban

Created by Foundation's Team 2273 days ago

Lebanon is currently experiencing deforestation, soil erosion, desertification, air pollution from vehicular traffic and the burning of industrial wastes, pollution of coastal waters from raw sewage, and oil spills. Additionally, due to irresponsible consumption and failure of public au...

Foundation's Team

Toolkit for Advocating Women's Rights in 7 Steps / Plaidoyer pour les droits des femmes : Toolkit en 7 étapes / مجموعة أدوات لمناصرة حقوق المرأة في 7 خطوات

Created by Foundation's Team 2293 days ago

Developed by the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research - CAWTAR, this toolkit has been an opportunity to combine long-term theoretical and practical experience in advocacy, especially in gender issues, with lessons learned from the field and its changing realities and challenge...

Hilda Issa

Discussions with CEDAW on the situation of Palestinian women / المركز الفلسطيني لقضايا السلام والديمقراطية في مؤتمر الائتلاف النسوي الأهلي لتطبيق سيداو / Discussions avec la CEDAW sur la situation des femmes palestiniennes

Created by Hilda Issa 2296 days ago

As part of the Non-Governmental Women Coalition for the Implementation of CEDAW delegation, the Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) discussed the situation of Palestinian women with the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva, precise...

Foundation's Team

Climate Change and women's economic empowerment in Tozeur / Changement climatique et autonomisation économique des femmes à Tozeur / التغير المناخي والتمكين الاقتصادي للنساء في توزر

Created by Foundation's Team 2305 days ago

Oasis territories in Tunisia have undergone major changes in recent years due to climate change, which affects the health of populations and their way of life. According to the UN, women are the most concerned by this phenomenon. To deepen this question, "La Ruche de la citoyennet&eacu...

Foundation's Team

Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) / Index des institutions sociales et du genre (SIGI) / مؤشر المؤسسات الاجتماعية و النوع الاجتماعي SIGI

Created by Foundation's Team 2396 days ago

The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) is a research and analysis tool that was introduced by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Development Centre in 2007. It calculates the level of gender discrimination present in the social institutions of ove...

Foundation's Team

Photographers in action: A workshop to break Gender stereotypes / مصورون ناشطون: ورشة عمل لكسر الصور النمطية الجندرية / Photographes en action : un atelier pour briser les stéréotypes de genre

Created by Foundation's Team 2412 days ago

On the occasion of the International Congress of Feminist Research in the Francophonie (CIRFF) at the Paris Nanterre University, on August 28, the FFEM is organizing a photography workshop titled "Breaking Gender Stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Photographers in Action".&nb...

Foundation's Team

CIRFF2018: Come visit our photo exhibition on gender stereotypes! / CIRFF2018 : venez découvrir notre expo photo sur les stéréotypes de genre ! / زروا معرضنا في المؤتمر الثامن للأبحاث النسوية في الفرانكوفونية 2018!

Created by Foundation's Team 2412 days ago

Under the title "Women in action: Breaking Gender Stereotypes in the Mediterranean", the exhibition shows women who are generally invisible and not well-known even though they dare to break the rules imposed by patriarchal societies. This exhibition is the result of the photo competitio...

Foundation's Team

L'accès des femmes aux postes de responsabilité : une rencontre d'ONU Femmes / لقاء لهيئة الأمم المتحدة لشؤون المرأة حول وصول النساء إلى مراكز القيادة / UN Women meeting on women's access to leadership positions

Created by Foundation's Team 2412 days ago

Le 22 juin prochain ONU FEMMES organise une rencontre régionale sous le thème « l’accès des femmes aux postes de responsabilité : un enjeu de taille pour la transformation de la gouvernance et la réalisation des Objectifs de développ...

Foundation's Team

Field diagnosis: Violence against women in Algeria - Focus on Oran / Diagnostic de terrain : La violence contre les femmes en Algérie - Focus sur Oran / تشخيص ميداني – العنف الموجه ضد النساء في الجزائر: وهران في المجهر

Created by Foundation's Team 2734 days ago

Violence against women (VAW) is a pervasive problem in Algeria as elsewhere in the world. It affects all social classes and regions and occurs both inside the home and in the public sphere. Yet, the issue remains largely invisible due to social taboos and the lack of sufficient institut...