

Foundation's Team

Towards gender equality in the Arab/Middle East region: Islam, culture, and feminist activism

Created by Foundation's Team 3321 days ago

...m and gender relations. It gives examples of women´s economic and political...t examines Muslim Family laws, and the legal status of women in the Middle East, and expla...s. It also focuses on the accomplishments of women’s movements in the Arab...

Foundation's Team

Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women: Report of the Secretary-General

Created by Foundation's Team 3341 days ago

...ort, highlights the situation of Palestinian women for the period from 1 October...ivelihoods; rule of law and violence against women; power and decision-making; a...s for consideration by the Commission on the Status of Women.  

Foundation's Team

Unequal and Unprotected: Women's Rights under Lebanese Personal Status Laws

Created by Foundation's Team 3342 days ago

...udy documents how the current personal status system, which is composed of...ous communities, discriminates against women. Based on the review of existing personal status laws and more than 70 interv...with lawyers, judges, social workers, women´s rights activists and...

Foundation's Team

Personal Status Code

Created by Foundation's Team 3404 days ago

This text features the amendments made in 2012 to the Tunisian Personal Status Code enacted in 1956. It addresses many aspects that have direct effects on women’s lives (marriage, divo...

Foundation's Team

Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality in Portugal

Created by Foundation's Team 3405 days ago, political participation or violence. It also addresses the status of women and the models and roles link...debate and have been taken into account by public policies to improve women’s conditions....

Foundation's Team

Promoting Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Czech Republic: Real Effort or Window Dressing Supported by the European Union?

Created by Foundation's Team 3405 days ago

...otion of equal opportunities between men and women, including since its EU relation to the common gender indicators (women's employment, pay gap between...d so on) and it analyses their effect on the status of women. The paper also offers a crit...

Foundation's Team

Religion, Politics and Gender Equality in Poland

Created by Foundation's Team 3405 days ago

...and power of the Church in the Polish society and it describes women's economic and political status in this country. It also exa...ints of view expressed by different political actors, including women's organisations. The document...

Foundation's Team

Jordan. MENA Gender Equality Profile. Status of Girls and Women in the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 3417 days ago

This document is designed as a country-file addressing the legal framework in terms of gender equality, the institutions and the mechanisms in this field. It also provides data and statistics on women's political and economic participation, reproductive health and education. 

Foundation's Team

Egypt. MENA Gender Equality Profile. Status of Girls and Women in the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 3417 days ago

This document is designed as a country-file addressing the legal framework in terms of gender equality, the institutions and the mechanisms in this field. It also provides data and statistics on women's political and economic participation, reproductive health and education.

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality and Women's Rights in Palestinian territories

Created by Foundation's Team 3417 days ago

...eport offers an overview of the situation of women's rights and gender equality i...main actors and provides information on the status of women in economic, educational, hea...and cultural fields. Despite some progress, women activists must continue to fi...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
Donia for Sutsainable Development
Try Center for Training and Education
Forum for Professionals fighting against Family Honor Crimes in the Palestinian society in Israel
Nazra for Feminist Studies
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Nahda Association for Relief and development
Cairo Center for Development (CCD)
Association for the Development & Enhancement of Women (ADEW)
Valencia University
Association Féminine pour le Développement de la Famille (AFDF)
Future Foundation for Media and Culture
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM)
Audiopedia Foundation
Service for Women's Rights and Gender Equality (SDFE)
Moroccan Association of Reproductive Health
Centre des femmes arabes de formation et de recherche (CAWTAR)
Tunisian Mediterranean Center - TUMED
Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya
KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation
Etaf Roudan
Morocco Volunteers
Brunella Mariani
Association Tahadi pour l'Environnement
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy
The Individual Initiative for Human Rights  - Masir
Khadija Ben Hassine
Nansen Dialogue Montenegro
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Association Irtikaa
European Observatory on Femicide
Association Khmir Environnement et Développement

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25 women met in Rabat for networking and personal development

Saturday 20th May 2017, Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture (IRCAM), Rabat. A meeting was organized, last Saturday 20th May 2017...

The Platform on Gender Mainstreaming in youth work

http://www. trajectorya. ee/tools-for-mainstreaming-gender-in-youth-work/Trajectorya has reached a point to finalize the...

A series of trainings to empower women in Rafah, Gaza

The Women’s Program Center recently held a number of training courses aimed at empowering women and young women in the city of...

Gender mainstreaming in political parties in Tunisia: Good practices

On December 18, 2018, Aswat Nissa presented its study 'Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming in Political Parties', based on a...

SAYIDATI AL MOUKAWILA: An unprecedented program for women entrepreneurs

The Moroccan Association for the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship (ESPOD), in partnership with the Regional Center for...

G7 Gender Coalition: consolidating women's rights at the heart of G7

We are pleased to announce that we are part of the 'G7 Gender Coalition', which brings together civil society actors from France...

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Gaza - Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) - June 2023The training constituted a unique opportunity for academics to...

The Community Media Center holds 6 awareness sessions on digital rights and protection from electronic violence in North Gaza Governorate

Gaza - Community Media Center - July 2022The participants stressed the importance of intensifying awareness and education efforts...

A member in the spotlight: Arab Women Parliamentarian Network

The Foundation met Hafida Benchehida, founding member and executive director of the Arab Women Parliamentarian Network. The...

Launch of the project Strengthening the capacities of equality actors

In December 2014, the Foundation began this project, of an estimated length of three years, which mainly concerns southern...