

Foundation's Team

Steps backward ... parliamentary representation of women is not enough: Report of the situation of women for 2015

Created by Foundation's Team 3237 days ago

...ant increase in the representation of women in the parliament of 2015, Egyptian women continue to suffer from vario...on the most important developments of women’s status in various areas throughout...on the efforts for the empowerment of women and supporting them to have a...

Foundation's Team

Women´s Watch 2012-2013

Created by Foundation's Team 3244 days ago offers a feminist overview of women’s rights and gender equa...are from the perfect equality between women and men. The report measures...equality in three fundamental areas: women in decision making, women’s socio-economic status, violence against women and...

Foundation's Team

The Role and Status of Women after the Arab Uprisings

Created by Foundation's Team 3245 days ago

This article casts light on the status of Arab women in the MENA region after the uprisings about the low political representation of women in the transition process, the increasing violence against women, the effect of regional chaos...

Foundation's Team

Estimating the value of unpaid domestic work for women in Egypt

Created by Foundation's Team 3267 days ago

...indicate that the contribution of women in the labour force in Egypt d...lue of the actual contribution of women in economic activity in shed light on the true role of women in the Egyptian economy, to e...owerthose women and enhance their status and their role in the decisi...

Foundation's Team

Against Wind and Tides: A Review of the Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region (Beijing +20)

Created by Foundation's Team 3273 days ago

This report reviews the status of women and gender equality in the Arab regi...such as the changes in the Personal Status Code in some countries or some measures taken to protect women and girls from gender based v...the obstacles and difficulties that women still face in the region, esp...

Foundation's Team

Social and economic situation of Palestinian women and girls (July 2012 - June 2014)

Created by Foundation's Team 3274 days ago

The present report reviews the status of women and girls in Palestine over the period July...on in Palestine in general and its impact on women´s rights. It also sets...cioeconomic factors that affect the lives of women and girls in Palestine. It hi...

Foundation's Team

Status of Arab Women Report. Access to Justice for Women and Girls in the Arab Region: From Ratification to Implementation of International Instruments

Created by Foundation's Team 3274 days ago

Arab Women still face persistent inequality rooted in discriminato...vailable legal protection for women in the Arab countries. It ass...nstitutional rights, Personal Status codes and labour codes on is...It also addresses barriers to women’s access to justice and...

Foundation's Team

A Revolution for all: Women's rights in the new Libya

Created by Foundation's Team 3279 days ago

...takes are high especially for Libyan women, who actively participated in...Libya should address to help secure women´s rights such as: women...s, equality with respect to Personal Status Law, the elimination of all kinds violence against women…etc. 

Foundation's Team

Women Active in the ICT sector

Created by Foundation's Team 3313 days ago

...n Technologies sector in Europe, and why women are underrepresented in the the economic impact of incorporating women into the sector; reviews the status of the European Code of Best...des useful insights, in order to attract women to, and encourage them to rem...

Foundation's Team

Women in Democratic Transitions in the MENA Region

Created by Foundation's Team 3314 days ago

...t the findings of a conference on Advocating women´s political Rabat in November 2012. It documents the status of women in decision making in the pos...nd highlights the struggles and successes of women in public service in the MENA...