

Amina Byouz

Association Anaouat pour la femme et l'enfant

Member since 12 April 2016 @ 6:00pm

The Anaout Association works mainly on culture, sports, civil rights and political life, education and training as well as violence at local, provincial and regional levels. Its targe...


Wedad Sourani

The conclusion of the activities of the gender campaign Women Participating.

Created by Wedad Sourani 765 days ago

...y discussion meeting that brought together the Director of Sports Clubs at the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports and members of the Board of D...ychological support services to women at one of the active sports clubs....

Nawal Mustafa

The Child Creativity Center distributes school bags on the occasion of the new school year

Created by Nawal Mustafa 826 days ago

...of joy and happiness, the day’s activities began with a range of sports and recreational activities....n theatre, storytelling, singing and drawing skills, in addition to the sports component, which includes tra...

Foundation's Team

Domestic violence can no longer be treated as a minor offence in Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Created by Foundation's Team 1741 days ago introduced. I think that one of the keys to success was the fact that while the revisions were taking place, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, in charge of implementation...


Isabelle DUMONT

Women with disabilities and sport: empowerment!

Created by Isabelle DUMONT 2183 days ago

...FDFA decided to dedicate this year’s symposium to sports. FDFA will question women with disabilities’ sports practices and how sport is a...n with disabilities. Numerous testimonials from disabled sportswomen will be presented to cla...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Girls’ Dreams Program

Created by Foundation's Team 2938 days ago

...ility to make a choice, and to enjoy their lives through a set of activities including: awareness-sessions on health, visiting libraries, drawing, sports and handicrafts to enable the...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

The Call for Submissions for the Generation Equality Forum in Paris is now open

Created by Foundation's Team 1399 days ago

...anizations (international organizations, philanthropic foundations, the private sector, local authorities, development banks, cultural industries, sports bodies, etc.). "Drivers of c...


Foundation's Team

European Gender Statistics Database on decision-making

Created by Foundation's Team 1604 days ago

...public administration; judiciary; business and finance; social partners and NGOs; environment and climate change; media; science and research; and sports. Figures are available a...

Foundation's Team

Sports: Relevance of gender in the policy area

Created by Foundation's Team 3121 days ago

An interesting and dynamic presentation on the relevance of gender in the sports policies made by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). 

Foundation's Team

WEBSITE: Women's eNews

Created by Foundation's Team 3144 days ago

...ek out freelance writers from around the world to write on every topic: Politics, religion, economics, health, science, sustainability, education, sports, legislation......


Foundation's Team

Solutions for gender fair cities

Created by Foundation's Team 2191 days ago

...void the risk of assault. They are taught to be careful, to be afraid, especially at night. They are often denied the right to loiter, to practice sports, or simply to relax in their...

Foundation's Team

Women and Public Space - For gender equality in the streets, transport and leisure areas

Created by Foundation's Team 2288 days ago

...nvolve residents in planning, exploratory walks, testing policies and conducting local consultations. Think about public policies of leisure and sports by systematically taking into...

Foundation's Team

In the name of sportswomen: Place of sportswomen in the toponymy of sports equipment

Created by Foundation's Team 2408 days ago

...ntly in the world of sport (media, governance, economy, etc.). This study sheds light on the place given to women, particularly sportswomen in the toponymy of French sports facilities. The study is base...


Maria Àngels Roque

Tribute to distinguished women in the fields of culture, sport and Human rights / Hommage à des femmes éminentes dans le sport, la culture et les droits humains / جمعية ابن رشد تكرم نساء بارزات في ميادين الثقافة الرياضة وحقوق الإنسان

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2179 days ago

The intercultural association Ibn Rochd which promotes the value and culture of dialogue, tolerance and non-discrimination with the aim of strengthening a model of social coexistence, organises an event on March 7th 2019 in Sant Boi de Llobregat (Catalonia, Spain) on the occasion o...

Foundation's Team

Sports: Relevance of gender in the policy area / Sport : l'importance du genre dans le domaine politique / رياضة: أهمية النوع الاجتماعي في المجال السياسي

Created by Foundation's Team 3121 days ago

An interesting and dynamic presentation on the relevance of gender in the sports policies made by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).  / Une presentation intéressante et dinamique sur l’importance du genre concernant les politiques sportive...