

Nawal Mostafa

Children of Female Prisoners Association

Member since 30 March 2017 @ 11:03pm

...ffenses” Project. 3. Monthly visits to Qanater Prison. 4. Post-release projects. helped released female prisoners to start and successfully run their own small businesses. 5. Collaboration eff...

Samer Al-Kasih

United Religions Initiative

Member since 19 January 2017 @ 12:38am

...cco for 2014/ 2015. Also, they have many CCs "small groups" focus on women empowe...- Organized/ co-organized 16 Euro-med youth projects (Youth Exchanges and training...2009 and participated with them in different projects. - URI MENA is accredited f...


Nawal Mustafa

Nawal Mustafa won the Princess Sabeeka Al Khalifa International Award for Women Empowerment

Created by Nawal Mustafa 780 days ago income resource for them. She also succeeded in training 6,000 women in handicrafts, employing 2,000 women, and establishing more than 650 small projects, in addition to providing med...

Foundation's Team

CLUSTER joins the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Policy Conference, an event to foster employment among youth and women in the region

Created by Foundation's Team 1001 days ago

...osted by H.E. Mr Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Enterprises, Employment and S...tionary approaches, as it capitalizes on successful practices of other projects and applies this model i...

Nawal Mustafa

The Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity sponsored the Nawal Mostafa Women Entrepreneurs Competition

Created by Nawal Mustafa 1053 days ago

Three projects for women from the New Valley, Cairo and Marsa Matrouh go...or 3 winners to receive full support for their projects, and the second...s and training courses in entrepreneurship and small projects, with the aim of encouraging...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Emergency Response Funding - WPHF

Created by Foundation's Team 1770 days ago

...couraged to apply. Joint CSOs projects are allowed and encouraged...s funding stream will finance projects which aim specifically to pro...s, namely daily wage earners, small business owners and those workin...unds and support to women-led small businesses. Restoring and stren...


Foundation's Team

Cherie Blair Foundation for Women

Created by Foundation's Team 3433 days ago

...Blair Foundation for Women focuses on developing women’s micro, small and medium enterprises into growing and sustainable businesses. They develop projects with sustainable solutions to...


Hala Bugaighis

Libyan Businesswomen: Reality and Prospects

Created by Hala Bugaighis 1734 days ago

Entrepreneurship and small and medium business are considered to be an...own businesses. Turning them into successful projects has not been an easy task for...ommendations on how to make the most of their projects....

Foundation's Team

The role of Egyptian radio stations in supporting women's small projects

Created by Foundation's Team 2421 days ago monitor the interest of Egyptian radio stations in women’s small projects and examine their role in...dia content that radio stations employ to encourage women to create small projects....

Foundation's Team

National study on small-scale family farming in Egypt

Created by Foundation's Team 2455 days ago the aim of producing a comprehensive assessment of the situation of small-scale family farming (charact...rural areas. The study also sheds lights on several success stories of projects and associations who were abl...


Foundation's Team

The role of Egyptian radio stations in supporting women's small projects / دور الإذاعة المصرية في دعم المشاريع الصغيرة للمرأة / Le rôle des radios égyptiennes dans le soutien aux petites entreprises dirigées par des femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 2421 days ago

The aim of this study is to monitor the interest of Egyptian radio stations in women’s small projects and examine their role in the economic empowerment of women. The study sheds light on women’s participation in the Egyptian labour market through the implementation and man...

Foundation's Team

Construire une économie inclusive en Libye: Les défis et les opportunités / من أجل اقتصاد مدمج في ليبيا: التحديات والفرص / Building an Inclusive Economy in Libya - Challenges and opportunities

Created by Foundation's Team 2631 days ago

Cette étude entend comprendre pourquoi les femmes libyennes s’abstiennent d’entrer dans l’économie officielle, et vise à proposer des recommandations susceptible d’encourager les femmes à contribuer officiellement à l’&eac...