

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (CMC) launches a media campaign with the aim of combating violence and gender-based discrimination in the digital space

Created by Andalib Adwan 661 days ago

...nst women and girls. The #Protect_Right campaign included holding an orientation session on and girls in the Gaza Strip from gender-based violence, including sexual violence, by promoting community a...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center (Gaza) holds orientation sessions on combating gender-based violence

Created by Andalib Adwan 904 days ago

...Strip from gender-based violence, including sexual violence, by promoting commun...formation and communication technology. The orientation sessions lasted for three con...abay’a, one of the participants in the orientation sessions, said, "These sessio...

Foundation's Team

First-ever strategy on LGBTIQ equality in the EU

Created by Foundation's Team 1532 days ago

...ssion presented  the first-ever EU Strategy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex...nd free without fear of discrimination or violence on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expr...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Campaign - Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it.

Created by Foundation's Team 1350 days ago

...impact of sexism can be worse for some women and men due to their ethnicity, age, disability, social origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or other factors. Its o...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Traineeships for Gender Equality at EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1275 days ago

...ployer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, gender or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilitie...

Foundation's Team

UNDP is looking for Sustainable Development Goals Expert in Yemen

Created by Foundation's Team 1753 days ago

...amework. S/he will also organize regular training and orientation on SDG, gender and socia...with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. Al...


Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1781 days ago

...d harassment  From catcalling to mansplaining to inappropriate sexual jokes, women are faced with a...e to identify themselves, do not refer to or reveal a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex...

Foundation's Team

United Kingdom: Ministry for Women and Equalities. Government Equalities Office

Created by Foundation's Team 3539 days ago

...the government. The office aims to eliminate the obstacles to equality and help build a fairer society by managing issues related to women, sexual orientation and trans-gender equality in...

Foundation's Team

Malta: National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE)

Created by Foundation's Team 3539 days ago

This Commission aims to free Maltese society from all forms of discrimination based on gender, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, age, religion, beliefs, racial or ethnic origin, and gender identity in all sectors of society.


Foundation's Team

Audacity in Adversity: LGBT Activism in the Middle East and North Africa

Created by Foundation's Team 1546 days ago

...the focus of this report must contend with state hostility, to varying degrees. Many governments in the region reject the concepts of “sexual orientation” and “gender iden...

Foundation's Team

EIGE Sectoral Brief : Gender and Migration

Created by Foundation's Team 1567 days ago

...versity of experiences. Women and men migrants experience intersectional discrimination based on multiple factors including gender identity, sexual orientation, migration status, age and cl...

Foundation's Team

Situation of women asylum seekers in France after the adoption of the law reforming the right of asylum

Created by Foundation's Team 2394 days ago

...endations proposed by the HCE, aimed at better taking into account the specificities of women asylum seekers through: recognizing gender and sexual orientation as grounds for persecution; t...


Foundation's Team

Situation of women asylum seekers in France after the adoption of the law reforming the right of asylum / Situation des femmes demandeuses d'asile en France après l'adoption de la loi portant réforme du droit d'asile / أوضاع طالبات اللجوء في فرنسا بعد اعتماد قانون إصلاح حق اللجوء

Created by Foundation's Team 2394 days ago

On the occasion of the International Day of Migrants, on 18 December 2017, the High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE) presented to Minister Jacqueline Gourault, its report on the situation of women asylum seekers in France after the adoption of the law reforming the right...

Foundation's Team

Arab Queer Women and Transgenders Confronting Diverse Religious Fundamentalisms: The Case of Meem in Lebanon / Femmes arabes queers et transgenres confrontées à divers fondamentalismes religieux. Le cas de Meem au Liban / العنوان: ثنائيات الميول و المتحولين جنسياً العرب في مواجهة أصوليات متعددة: ...

Created by Foundation's Team 2737 days ago

“Religious fundamentalism” has become one of those scary terms that evokes a range of intimidating images in people’s heads. Some imagine it as the threat of anger and violence and destruction, driven by a religion that we don’t understand. When these people happ...

Foundation's Team

Lesbanon: The lesbian experience in Lebanon / تجربة المثلية الجنسية النسائية في لبنان / Lesbanon : L'expérience lesbienne au Liban

Created by Foundation's Team 2737 days ago

Very little has been written on female homosexuality in the Arab world. This paper is an ethnographic account of non-heterosexual women in Lebanon as presented through personal interviews and participant observations with twenty individuals who identify as non-heterosexual and are livin...