

Foundation's Team

Council of Europe calls member States to change their legal definitions of rape based on lack of consent / Le Conseil de l'Europe demande aux Etats membres de modifier leur définition juridique du viol sur la base de l'absence de consentement. / يدعو مجلس أوروبا الدول الأعضاء إلى تغيير تعريفاتها ...

Created by Foundation's Team 1723 days ago

Communication of the Council of Europe Ahead of International Women’s Day on Sunday 8 March 2020, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić has called on all member states to change how rape is defined. In an opinion article published in the EU Observer, she sa...

Foundation's Team

Convention and Recommendation on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work - 2019 / Convention et Recommandation sur l'élimination de la violence et le harcèlement dans le monde du travail - 2019 / اتفاقية وتوصية مكافحة العنف والتحرش في مكان العمل - 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 1890 days ago

The Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019, and Violence and Harassment Recommendation, 2019, were adopted on the final day of the Centenary International Labour Conference, in June 2019 in Geneva.  The Convention recognizes that violence and harassment in the world of...

Susana Pavlou

On the 16 Days of Activism: how MIGS fight against GBV / 16 يومأً من النضال:إنجازات المعهد المتوسطي لدراسات النوع لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة / À l'occasion des 16 jours d'activisme : Comment MIGS lutte-t-il contre la VFG ?

Created by Susana Pavlou 2191 days ago

Together with the international community, Cyprus recently marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls and the start of another year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Violence against women and girls is a huge and g...

Foundation's Team

European Parliament resolution on measures to prevent and combat mobbing and sexual harassment at workplace, in public spaces, and political life in the EU-2018 / Résolution du Parlement européen sur les mesures pour prévenir et combattre le harcèlement moral et sexuel sur le lieu de travail, dan...

Created by Foundation's Team 2261 days ago

On September 2011, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which included measures to prevent and combat mobbing and sexual harassment at the workplace, in public spaces, and in political life in the EU. The resolution underlines the urgent need for member states, local authoriti...

Foundation's Team

Approaches for Gender Responsive Urban Transport / Perspectives pour un transport urbain sensible au genre / مقاربات لنقل حضري حساس جندرياً

Created by Foundation's Team 2315 days ago

This report discusses how we should deal with gender issues in transport policy and planning. It summarizes not only the current situation women very often face in urban transport worldwide, but it also outlines why gender responsive transport planning is needed, and offers best practic...

Foundation's Team

2 initiatives from UN Women to celebrate International Women's Day / 2 initiatives de l'ONU femmes pour célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes / مبادرتين لهيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة احتفاءاً باليوم العالمي للمرأة

Created by Foundation's Team 2483 days ago

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, UN Women launches two initiatives, the first is a call for participation in a series of collective writing workshops in several Arab countries, in cooperation with volunteers and local partners. Entitled ’’ Her Story ’’ this initi...

Foundation's Team

We have the floor: Mediterranean civil society calls for gender equality to become a reality / La parole est à nous - La société civile méditerranéenne plaide pour que l'égalité femmes-hommes devienne une réalité / الكلمـة لنـا: المجتمع المدني في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط يدعو إلى المساواة بين ا...

Created by Foundation's Team 2592 days ago

The project CSO WINS ‘’Capacity-Building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open Policy Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society’’, is a European Union funded project. It targets local associations in order to strengthen their ability to mobilise public op...

Foundation's Team

INFO-COM Jeunes de Guelma campaign against sexual harrasement in Guelma comes to end / Fin de la campagne d'INFO-COM Jeunes contre le harcèlement sexuel à Guelma / اختتام حملة إنفو-كوم للشباب ضد التحرش الجنسي في قالمة

Created by Foundation's Team 2626 days ago

Despite the fact that law criminalizes sexual and verbal harassment, women and girls are still suffering of this type of violence which intimidates them and limits their presence and participation in public and recreational activities. Early in 2017, the Information and communication am...

Foundation's Team

Kit to act against sexism: Three tools for the workplace / Kit pour agir contre le sexisme - Trois outils pour le monde du travail / ثلاث أدوات للتصدي للتمييز القائم على الجنس في أماكن العمل

Created by Foundation's Team 2648 days ago

Developed by the Higher Council for Professional Equality between Women and Men, this kit for action against sexism is composed of three tools for the workplace. The first part is a legal sheet on sexist behaviour. The second, also discusses sexist behaviour. As for the third part, it p...

Foundation's Team

Comment dénoncer un harcèlement, un guide simplifié pour lutter contre le harcèlement sexuel en Egypte / كيف تحررين محضر تحرش, دليل مبسط لمكافحة التحرش الجنسي في مصر / How to report a harassment, simplified guide to fight sexual harassment in Egypt

Created by Foundation's Team 2648 days ago

Au cours des dernières années, l’ampleur de la violence sexuelle en Égypte a considérablement augmenté, surtout après la révolution populaire de 2011, quand des viols de masse et des agressions sexuelles ont eu lieu lors de plusieurs mani...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Femmes et Leadership
Women Programs Centre - Rafah
Valencia University
Fadilia Foundation
National Association for the defense of rights and freedoms (NADRF)
Association Féminine pour le Développement de la Famille (AFDF)
Faculty Affiliate, PHRGE, Northeastern College of Law
Jyhene Kebsi
Saba Hamlet for Gender Equality
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
هلدا عواد
Association du Développement et des Études Stratégiques de Medenine (ADESM)
Centre des femmes arabes de formation et de recherche (CAWTAR)
Amal Association for the family and the child
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Krizia Nardini
NGOs Today
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Cooperation for Community Development Association
Equality Unit
Nisreen Alami
Khadija Zizi
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Association des Filles de la Renaissance
Monia Braham
Social and Economic Forum for Women Association
ISIS Center for Women and Development
Carmen Garraton
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF) de Ouarzazate
Association Neama for Development
Ntic et Citoyennete - Maurifemme
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)

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Let's keep naming the outstanding women that conform the Euro-Mediterranean region!

This year, the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation, together with the European Institute of the Mediterranean, launched a...

Anaouat meets Ms. Mingasson, a senior EU political official

On May 10, the Delegation of the European Union to Morocco organized a meeting in Rabat between Ms. Amina Byouz, President of...

The LLWR analyses how to lower trafficking in women and prostitution in Beirut

Trafficking in women and prostitution have shot up in Lebanon in the last years due to the difficult social and economic...

Visit our touring photo exhibition now in Taradell: Women breaking barriers. Transforming Mediterranean cities

From 6 to 20 March 2023, the Can Costa Centre Cultural hosts the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo...

Invitation: Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Female Entrepreneurs in the MENA region

We are very happy to announce that Womenpreneur-Initiative and SANAD Entrepreneurship Academy are conducting a survey to assess...

The Community Media Center holds 5 discussion sessions with academics about the reality of women in universities in Gaza

Gaza - Community Media Center CMCThe CMC held 5 awareness meetings about the reality of academic women in academic institutions...

Presentation of survey results within the Baddel project

On 7 and 8 May 2022, the Joussour Citizenship Association - in partnership with the Youth House Muhammad Al-Qamoudi and the Youth...

Workshops for Syrians on women's political empowerment

The Syrian Women´s Network has recently conducted several trainings and workshops on several issues related to gender...

The Community Media Center implements a capacity building program to prepare trainers to enhance legal awareness to combat gender-based violence

The CMC implemented a capacity-building program to prepare trainers in promoting legal awareness against Gender-Based Violence,...

Social and Political Roles of Bedouin Women

Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR held the first radio episode entitled” social and political roles of Bedouin women in...