

Foundation's Team

Human Capital, Labour Market Friction and Migration in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 2420 days ago

...untries (SEMCs) – namely Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia – and discusses the difficulties facing the young in their transition from school to the labour market and the...

Foundation's Team

Girl power in education: The case of high school students in El Jadida

Created by Foundation's Team 2422 days ago

...ements in high education. More specifically, the paper explores gender differences in written linguistic proficiency by analysing a sample of high school students’ pieces of wri...

Foundation's Team

She is 10 years old - How our future depends on a girl at this decisive age

Created by Foundation's Team 2502 days ago

...der inequality 16 million girls between ages 6 abd 11 will never start school. That is double the number of...esult of violence every 10 minutes. 1 in 3 girls drop out of secondary school due to child marriage. More...

Foundation's Team

Women at the crossroads: The Palestinian Women's Movement Between Nationalism, Secularism and Islamism

Created by Foundation's Team 2534 days ago

This book is a revised version of two chapters of a doctoral dissertation submitted by Islah Jad to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the U...

Foundation's Team

What place for gender equality in moral and civic education textbooks?

Created by Foundation's Team 2558 days ago

The start of the 2016/2017 school year in France was marked by the arrival of a new subject: moral and civic education; citizen education; media education; development of cr...

Nsreen Amer

Minors marriage in Libya

Created by Nsreen Amer 2610 days ago

...fy the reality of marriage at an early age, and the causes and problems resulting from this type of marriage through a survey of the views of high school students and parents....

Foundation's Team

Education Under Fire

Created by Foundation's Team 2683 days ago

...uses on the impact of violence on school-age children and on education...State of Palestine). Attacks on schools and educational facilities, Yemen and Libya, nearly 9,000 schools are unused. In Jordan, Leban...ot want to send their children to school for safety reasons, are other...

Foundation's Team

Counting on women in politics - Experiences from Morocco and Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 2710 days ago education – where twice as many girls as boys will never start school – or the sciences & all these levels counts. It is not enough to ensure that girls go to school, women should also be part of...

Foundation's Team

Harnessing the Power of Data for Girls: Taking stock and looking ahead to 2030

Created by Foundation's Team 2783 days ago

...girls today are better in many respects than those of preceding generations. Girls are now more likely to survive childhood, more likely to attend school and complete their education,...

Foundation's Team

How does school amplifies social and emigrational inequalities

Created by Foundation's Team 2824 days ago

...The National Council for the Evaluation of the School System mobilized 22 teams of...and migratory inequalities and how the French school produces school injustice. Th...butors to the widening of inequalities are the school policies themselves....

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Sihem Benallal Benrahou
Organization Dihya for Development
Zhour Bouzidi
Forsaan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
RUSEMEG - Réseau Universitaire et Scientifique Euro-Méditerranéen
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Association Generation Challenge for Development and Culture
Youth Empowerment Society - YES
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Faize Foundation
Children of Female Prisoners Association
Anne Laure Humbert
Women Against Violence (WAV)
FLSH Ain Chock
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Centre ADHUC—Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
The Children of Female Prisoners' Care Association (CFPA)
Leïla Tauil
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center
Amel Association International
Sawt Nssâ
Association des Filles de la Renaissance
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
Nisreen Alami
Anna Borg
Jerusalem Center for Women
TAMETTUT - Amazigh Women's Association for Culture and Development
Abdulhakeq Al Barghazi
Life  Foundation for Development and Social Reintegration (LFDCI)

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Shared practices

Girls’ Dreams Program

A research conducted by ADEW Chairperson, Dr. Iman Bibars, revealed that an alarming 30% of daughters of ADEW beneficiaries...

I Saw Harassment

This initiative has been established to monitor sexual harassment against women and girls in Egypt. It aims to: shed light and...

Animation: The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

This animated video was launched by UN Women Jordan, during the '16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence' campaign....

Scholarship program for girls in school failure

Many girls from the villages of Upper Egypt are deprived of education and, therefore, they cannot improve their situation or...

Rehabilitation and reintegration of former women prisoners in the provinces of Al Sharqia, Ismailia, Port Said and Alexandria

The main objective of the practice is the construction of long-lasting mechanisms for the integration in society of women...

Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education in six European countries

The problem of young mothers dropping out of education and facing difficulties in going back to education or training or entering...

Success Stories following visits to companies run by women in Setif

As part of a field diagnosis on the development of female entrepreneurship in Setif (Algeria), the Women in Business of Algeria...

Sharing a culture of women-men equality the collection “Egal à egal” (equal to equal)

The “Laboratoire de l’égalité” (equality laboratory) has three main aims: to bring together...

Tasharuk: Gender, Culture and Resistance in Palestine

Tasharuk is part of the project 'Improving the resilience of communities in the governorate of Nablus through women’s empowerment...

WIKIGENDER: Online collaborative platform

Wikigender is a collaborative platform addressed to political decision makers and experts in both developing and developed...