

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality Index 2017: Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015 / Indice d'égalité de genre 2017: Mesurer l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans l'Union européenne 2005-2015 / مؤشر المساواة بين الجنسين لعام 2017: قياس المساواة بين الجنسين في الاتحاد الأوروبي 2005-2015

Created by Foundation's Team 2564 days ago

  This report documents the third edition of the Gender Equality Index of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). The third edition provides scores for 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2015. It relies on a conceptual framework that embraces different theoretical approaches to gende...

Foundation's Team

Marie-Cécile Naves: Gender equality in sport benefits everyone / Marie-Cécile Naves: l'égalité femmes-hommes dans le sport bénéficie à tous / ماري-سيسيل نافيس: "المساواة بين الجنسين في الرياضة تفيد الجميع"

Created by Foundation's Team 2564 days ago

In this article, Marie-Cécile Naves, political scientist, vice-president of Sport and Citizenship and author of the book ’’ Le pouvoir du sport (The power of sport) ’’, co-written with Julian Jappert, explains how inequalities and gender discrimination are still immense in sport....

Foundation's Team

Women on Web: A Website Supporting Abortion Rights / Women on Web: un site Web qui soutient le droit à l'avortement / نساء على الشبكة: موقع الكتروني لدعم الحق في الإجهاض

Created by Foundation's Team 2567 days ago

Women on Web is a digital community of women who have had abortions, medical doctors, researchers, and individuals and organizations that support abortion rights.  This international collective answers thousands of help-emails every day in many languages from women around the worl...

Foundation's Team

Gender Dictionary / قاموس الجندر / Dictionnaire de genre

Created by Foundation's Team 2575 days ago

This dictionary is a bilingual tool based on theoretical debates and empirical findings, and it aims to gather, in Arabic and English, original multidisciplinary research on gender and sexuality concepts and terms, from a feminist perspective and in a user and reader friendly format. Th...

Foundation's Team

Guide to measure the development of the status of women in the Arab region / الدليل لقياس تطور وضع المرأة في المنطقة العربية / Guide pour mesurer le développement de la condition de la femme dans la région arabe

Created by Foundation's Team 2576 days ago

The Arab perspective is often absent when international bodies prepare guides to measure the status of women or monitor the gender gap in the Arab region. Therefore, the Arab Women Organization prepared this guide, taking into account the specific cultural and social contexts surroundin...

Foundation's Team

Tracking various development plans and women strategies within the framework of the SDGs / Suivi de divers plans de développement et stratégies pour les femmes dans le cadre des ODD / قراءة في خطط التنمية و استراتيجيات المرأة العربية من منظور أهداف التنمية المستدامة

Created by Foundation's Team 2589 days ago

This report examines a number of sustainable development goals, specifically Goal 5 on achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. It tracks various development plans and women strategies in seventeen Arab countries, in view of monitoring the relationship between Arab ...

Foundation's Team

The Global Gender Gap Report 2017 / Rapport mondial sur l'écart entre les sexes 2017 / التقرير العالمي حول الفجوة بين الجنسين لعام 2017

Created by Foundation's Team 2590 days ago

The Global Gender Gap Index presented in this report seeks to measure one important aspect of gender equality: the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas: health, education, economy and politics. According to the report, the Middle East and North Africa have both cros...

Foundation's Team

Women's access to basic services in Irbid and Zarqa Governorates / حصول النساء على الخدمات الأساسية في إربد و الزرقاء / L'accès des femmes aux services essentiels dans les gouvernorat d'Irbid et Zarqa

Created by Foundation's Team 2697 days ago

Six years into the Syrian crisis, about 5 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. Jordan alone currently hosts around 1.4 million Syrian refugees of which more than 665,000 are registered with UNHCR. Inevitably, the situation has added to the strain on Jordan&rsquo...

Foundation's Team

The Situation of Women in Libya / La Situation des Femmes en Libye / وضع النساء في ليبيا

Created by Foundation's Team 2722 days ago

This report provides a broad summary of the challenges currently facing Libyan women. Jusoor has focused the report on five major areas: structural exclusion from politics and decision-making roles, the impact of arbitrary rule on violations of a woman’s dignity especially through...

Foundation's Team

Key figures on women-men inequality in priority neighborhoods and rural territories / Les chiffres clés des inégalités femmes-hommes dans les quartiers prioritaires et les territoires ruraux / أرقام هامة عن اللامساواة بين الجنسين في الأحياء ذات الأولوية والمناطق الريفية

Created by Foundation's Team 2800 days ago

An unprecedented portrait of gender inequalities affecting 10 million women and men with a double focus: Equality between women and men in these fragile territories; And equality between these inhabitants and those of other territories. The encounter between the gender equality approach...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Aman Society Centre for counseling, development and community health
Sanaa El Aji
Organization Dihya for Development
Al-Bait Assamed Association Society
Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta
Leïla Tauil
Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations - MCWO
Libyan Women ORG
Trajectories for Peace and Development
Equality Unit
Wafaa Ziti
Women'    s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC)
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
The Lebanese Association of Women Researchers - Bahithat
Mediterraneo Sociale
University Hassan II Casablanca
Carmen Garraton
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
Human Development Network
Research Team on Gender
MSA University
Radio Hawa FM
Hassène Kassar
The Arab Association for Human Rights
Gender Equality Unit
The Libyan Network to Support and Empower Women
Center of Women'  s Studies and Policies (CWSP)
Faculty Affiliate, PHRGE, Northeastern College of Law
Women Against Violence (WAV)
Alternative Movement for Individual Freedoms M.A.L.I.
The Individual Initiative for Human Rights  - Masir
Egyptian Center for Women'  s Rights (ECWR)
Info-Com Jeunes de Guelma

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A training session on transformative leadership for women in municipal councils

In the framework of supporting the abilities of women members of municipal councils from several states in Tunisia, CAWTAR held a...

EMWF's photo exhibition was displayed in Marseille as part of Le Temps des Femmes organized by FFM

The photo exhibition of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (EMWF), with secretariat and headquarters...

A training programme to enhance Euro-Med interculturality

Act for dialogue, be a plural citizen! The project 'Act for dialogue, Be a plural citizen!' (of wich FFM is a partner) aims...

Training elected women for more effective local governance in Ifrane

Despite favorable frameworks to equal opportunities in terms of access to political and governance structures in Morocco,...

Ecoute Violences Femmes Handicapées - 01 40 47 06 06

Ouverte en mars 2015, la permanence Écoute Violences Femmes Handicapées, première permanence en France d'écoute et...

Visit our touring drawing exhibition now in Santa Coloma de Gramenet: Drawing 4 Equality. Challenging gender roles on both shores of the Mediterranean

From 4 to 16 October 2023, Biblioteca central de Santa Coloma de Gramenet.  Jardí Can Sisteré hosts...

Regional campaign in 7 Arab countries to combat violence against girls and women

The Women’s Action Union in Morocco, along with nine human rights and women’s organizations, joined the regional campaign...

INFO-COM Jeunes de Guelma campaign against sexual harrasement in Guelma comes to end

Despite the fact that law criminalizes sexual and verbal harassment, women and girls are still suffering of this type of violence...

CFPA organizes recreational activities for kids

The Children of Female Prisoners’ Care Association (CFPA) organized a trip to the village of Arabian Nights (Fayoum...

The Community Media and Development Center launches the Youth Academy to defend women's rights in society and academic institutions

Gaza - Community Media and Development Center (CDMC)“The training was the golden period in my scientific journey, and it...