Created by Foundation's Team 2378 days ago
The outcome document of Habitat III, the New Urban Agenda, outlines the challenges and opportunities that the new agenda provides while ensuring that gender equality thrives through sustainable, gender-inclusive and gender-responsive cities. In this brief, learn more about how the New ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : ..., women's rights, gender based violence, safety, city, gender, développement durable, droits des femmes, violence fondée sur le genre, transport, sécurité, ville, genre, inclusion, حقو...
Created by Foundation's Team 2378 days ago
Adolescent girls in developing countries are migrating to urban areas in ever greater numbers. While migration can be risky, for the majority of girls, migration can increase opportunities and economic stability and provide them with the autonomy to make decisions about their lives. Thi...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: girls, migration, education, advocacy, gender gap, integration, safety, transportation, migration, filles, education, transport, sécurité, inclusion, écarts de genre, فتيات, هجرة, إدماج, تعليم, نقل, أمان, فجوة جندرية, مناصرة
Created by Foundation's Team 2382 days ago
This report discusses how we should deal with gender issues in transport policy and planning. It summarizes not only the current situation women very often face in urban transport worldwide, but it also outlines why gender responsive transport planning is needed, and offers best practic...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: transportation, access to services, sexual harassment, development, safety, poverty, gender sensitive policies, transport, harcèlement, développement, accès aux services, pauvreté, politiques sensibles au genre, sécurité, الوصول إلى الخدمات, النقل, الأمن, تحرش جنسي, تنمية, سياسات حساسة جندرياً
Created by Foundation's Team 2398 days ago
Mobile has the power to transform lives. It can empower women by making them feel safer and more connected, and provide access to information, services and life-enhancing opportunities like health information, financial services and employment opportunities, often for the first time. Ho...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: technology, women's rights, gender gap, mobile, safety, technologie, portables, sécurité, droits des femmes, écarts de genre, communication, فجوة جندرية, الهاتف المحمول, اتصالات, تكنولوجيا, أمان, حقوق المرأة
Created by Foundation's Team 2407 days ago
This paper aims to shed light on the status of women during and after armed conflicts and how international law deals with this reality in light of the evolution of the concept of human security. The paper intends to highlight the fact that achieving women’s security is no longer limite...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: armed conflict, peace, women's role, protection, international law, security, paix, conflit armé, droit international, protection, rôle des femmes, sécurité, السلام, القانون الدولي, دور المرأة, نزاع مسلح, تمكين, حماية, أمن
Created by Foundation's Team 2412 days ago
With the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 the role women play for peace and security was affirmed. Since the implementation of the resolution, almost two decades ago, more than 400 peace agreements have been signed. This study, thus, explores if the implementation of the resolutio...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: peace, conflict, women's participation, gender roles, security, libya, paix, sécurité, participation des femmes, libye, rôles de genre, أدوار جندرية, مشاركة النساء, سلام, أمن, نزاع, ليبيا
Created by Foundation's Team 2480 days ago
This unique participatory study - involving over 1,000 adolescent girls from 5 cities across the world - reveals that fear of sexual violence is creating ’no-go areas’ for girls. Although girls are more likely to be educated and marry later in cities, they face regular threats to their ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: harassment, safety, girls, sexual violence, public space, egypt, education, éducation, violence sexuelle, harcèlement, espace public, égypte, sécurité, filles, فضاء عام, تحرش, عنف جنسي, فتيات, مصر, تعليم, أمن
Created by Foundation's Team 2489 days ago
This survey aims to study the working conditions of women in the agricultural sector and to highlight the discrimination they face in the labour market in rural areas. It therefore focuses on: Working conditions for women in rural areas, including conditions of transport, working ho...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: rural women, work, pay, security, femmes rurales, travail, sécurité, transport, rémunération, نساء ريفيات, عمل, أجور, أمن, تنقل
Created by Foundation's Team 2523 days ago
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2013, the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center invited a cross-section of women activists, politicians, academics, and entrepreneurs to give their views on the challenges that women face in terms of security. This publication includ...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: security, civil society, political participation, conflict, refugees, violence, sécurité, société civile, participation politique, conflit, réfugiées, violence, الأمن, المجتمع المدني, المشاركة السياسية, نزاع, لاجئات, العنف
Created by Foundation's Team 2692 days ago
On October 23rd, the Foundation will be participating at the “Women, Peace and Security: A Gender Perspective on The Future of The MENA Region” organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) as a side event of the Annual OSCE Mediterranean Conference which will take p...
Contenu type : Events
Tags : Tags: peace, security, women's partcipation, paix, sécurité, participation des femmes, سلام, أمن, مشاركة النساء
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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