

Foundation's Team

Meta's Women's Safety Roundtable - MENA / Table ronde sur la sécurité des femmes de Meta - MENA / طاولة ميتا المستديرة حول السلامة النسائية - الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

Created by Foundation's Team 1005 days ago

As a member of Facebook’s Global Women’s Safety Expert Advisory Group, MRA Mobilizing for Rights Associates is delighted to share with you this invitation to an online meeting organized by the Meta Team for Safety Policy, which will take place remotely on Thursday, May 19 fr...

Foundation's Team

Women, Peace and Security. The Role of Institutions in Times of Peace and War in the Arab Region / / Femmes, paix et sécurité. Le rôle des institutions en temps de paix et de guerre dans la région arabe

Created by Foundation's Team 1255 days ago

The present publication explores the women, peace and security agenda, and how the Arab region is responding to it. It discusses the roles of national women’s machineries, national human rights institutions, security sector institutions, and civil society organizations in ti...

Foundation's Team

Sectoral Brief: Gender and Security / / Fiche sectorielle : Genre et sécurité

Created by Foundation's Team 1267 days ago

The complex and evolving security threats the EU is facing, such as organised crime, terrorism, cyberviolence and hybrid threats, have placed security high on the political agenda of both the previous Commission (2014–2019) and the current Commission (2019–2024). Women and ...

Foundation's Team

Together Towards a Gender Equal World / / Ensemble pour un monde plus égalitaire entre les hommes et les femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 1480 days ago

Gender equality is a core value of the EU and a universally recognised human right, as well as animperative to well-being, economic growth, prosperity, good governance, peace and security. All people,in all their diversity, should be free to live their chosen life, thrive socially and e...

Foundation's Team

Women's participation in peace processes and negotiations in the Arab World / مشاركة المرأة في العملية السلمية والمفاوضات في العالم العربي / Participation des femmes aux processus de paix et aux négociations dans le monde arabe

Created by Foundation's Team 1969 days ago

This guide aims to increase the knowledge of Arab women about the factors influencing their participation, and to strengthen their capacities in terms of negotiations and advocacy, was well as to increase women’s chances in contributing to peace processes. This guide is aimed at ...

Foundation's Team

Justice now: an interactive experience for ending impunity for sexual and gender-based violence as international crimes / La justice maintenant : une expérience interactive pour mettre fin à l'impunité des actes de violence sexuelle et sexiste en tant que crimes internationaux / العدالة الآن: تجر...

Created by Foundation's Team 2071 days ago

While anyone can experience violence, unequal power relationships and entrenched gender inequalities have a disparate impact on women and girls. This interactive infostory explores the various paths to justice, gives voice to survivors’ stories and looks at the critical role that...

Foundation's Team

Combatting media disinformation about women: femfacts / Combattre la désinformation sur les femmes : femfacts / محاربة التضليل الإعلامي حول النساء: فيم فاكت

Created by Foundation's Team 2086 days ago

#FemFacts is a project dedicated to track and debunk damaging misrepresentations of women in European news media. Media revolution has brought misleading content propaganda, manipulative information as well as false facts involving women. Such misinformation has a negative effect on wo...

Foundation's Team

Girls'Access to Education in Palestine: Focus on various Localities in Area C / L'accès des filles à l'éducation en Palestine: focus sur plusieurs localités de la zone C / وصول الفتيات إلى التعليم في فلسطين: التركيز على عدد من مجتمعات المنطقة ج

Created by Foundation's Team 2180 days ago

This article focuses on girls’ access to school education in "Area C" where security and administrative authorities are under Israeli control since the Oslo Accords in 1993, including factors that lead to girls’ recurrent absences and school dropouts. The article is based on a fi...

Foundation's Team

Solutions pour des villes plus équitables en matière de genre / حلول من أجل مدنٍ عادلة جندريأً / Solutions for gender fair cities

Created by Foundation's Team 2186 days ago

Les femmes et les hommes n’utilisent pas les espaces des villes de la même manière. Les femmes sont toujours les principales gardiennes d’enfants, de personnes âgées et les responsables de tâches domestiques, en plus de leurs responsabilités en deh...

Foundation's Team

Gender and (Military) Conflicts in Eastern-European Countries through Feminist Lenses / النوع الاجتماعي والنزاعات (العسكرية) في البلدان الأوروبية الشرقية من منظور نسوي / Le genre et les conflits (militaires) dans les pays d'Europe orientale à travers une approche féministe

Created by Foundation's Team 2325 days ago

This publication collects texts created on the basis of some presentations from an event organized by by Heinrich Boell Office in Ukraine in March 2017. The event gathered researchers and activists from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Poland, Macedonia, Serbia, Czech Republi...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

AWSA-Be, Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgium
Women Media and Development (TAM)
Immigrant Women in Catalonia Association (AOMICAT)
Association 100% Mamans
Kings Road Association
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures SM
Independent Researcher
Youth Today Association for Development
CREAD – Research center applied economics for development
Future Association for Development - Batna
ASURIF Feminist Association
Youth and Development Consultancy Institute (Etijah)
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
NAWF Women Entrepreneurs
Fundació Aroa
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
Women's Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN)
Women in Front
Women's Security Index (WSI)
Libanaises pour l'Egalité
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Association Entrelles Entrepreneures Marrakech-Safi
The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering (RDFL)
Institute for gender equality
Volunteering association  Touiza  of the wilaya of Algiers
Maysa Hajjaj
Why Me for Women’s Rights
Association Aspirations féminines
Le chemin de la dignité
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens
Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilisations
EuroMed Rights

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Science, Technology and Gender: An international report

This report warns that gender discrimination practices truly limit the ability of many developing countries to grow and reduce...

Democratization and women's political leadership in North Africa

In the spring of 2011 when citizens in Arab countries rose up against their regimes, it appeared that the “third...

Enhancing Access to Justice for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Lebanon

The present study is a legal study that analyzes the jurisprudence of Lebanese Judges of Urgent Matters issued under Law 293/2014...

The policy on gender equality in Hungary. Update 2013

This report provides an updated view of gender equality in Hungary since 2010. Thus, it illustrates the history of the...

Gender Analysis of Conflict: Toolkit

This toolkit is aimed at helping national and international non-governmental organisations, and other peacebuilding practitioners...

Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2021

The pandemic has tested and even reversed progress in expanding women’s rights and opportunities. Women have not...

Women, Peace and Security in Libya Comparative Summary of the WPS Baseline Study Phase I and Phase II

This report presents the results from a study about women, peace and security in Libya. It seeks to identify priority areas...

Study on female entrepreneurship in popular neighbourhoods

Entrepreneurship is more and more presented as a relevant way to fight unemployment and the worsening condition of salaried...

Report on homophobia 2016 in France

In 2016, SoS homophobia published its 20th annual report on homophobia. The report finds that verbal violence and assault occur...

Political empowerment of Algerian Women : theorical and empirical study

Gender gaps are spreading throughout the world without exception, especially in terms of political participation in the Arab...