Member since 13 February 2018 @ 3:55pm
• Conduct a community study on 4,000 women to identify their training needs and identify the main problems they...oving the living conditions of poor women working in the informal sector in rural and urban areas...
Contenu type : User
Member since 19 January 2017 @ 12:38pm
...a strong and respected grassroots presence in rural communities and 3000+ women m...of 60 women’s clubs.We advance the rights of rural women by creating an empoweri...n, and Violence Prevention. We use education, community participation and mobilizatio...
Contenu type : User
Created by Andalib Adwan 1005 days ago
...the activities of the “Community Mobilization and Media”...irector of CMC, said that the Community Media Center worked through t...iety, the National Center for Rural Development, in addition to the A...lopment and Development. The Community Media Center intensifies its...
Contenu type : News
Created by Foundation's Team 2121 days ago
...culture, social norms, and tradition which perpetuate the conservative community support for the practice....inal stage of a campaign conducted by Anaouat Association in the three rural municipalities of Sidi Mhammed Da...
Contenu type : News
Created by Milena Kadieva 2368 days ago
...Foundation under the program "Community Centers (Chitalista) - Community Participation and, “Women in urban and rural areas” exhibition will give...y involving a large number of community centres, local people will ha...
Contenu type : News
Created by Lamia BENHABIB 800 days ago
...Consortium EFH, an exhibition of rural women’s handicrafts was...asion of the International Day of Rural Women in collaboration with t...tunity to give more visibility to rural women artisans and to value among students, the university community and socio-economic partners o...
Contenu type : Events
Created by Foundation's Team 2478 days ago
...n the household management within the Bedouin community of Qatrana (Jordan); howe...Competition (June 2017): Youth Initiatives in Rural Development in the Arab Region, a...raised the awareness of women in this Bedouin community on RWH. This workshop was fol...
Contenu type : Shared practices
Created by Monia Braham 1074 days ago
..., including natural resources. In rural areas, where access of women...urban agenda pursuits to embrace rural space. Gendered dimensions of...uo;. Moreover, the international community, while recognizing that each...earned from CSOs success stories, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) va...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Stephanie Willman Bordat 1339 days ago
...ases. The Tunisian online Observatory is the result of collective, community-based efforts, involving...anizations, lawyers, academics, and public actors in various urban and rural regions across Tunisia.
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 1355 days ago
..., with the rest embedded in host communities in urban, peri-urban, and rural settings. In Lebanon, which n...o guarantee safety of GBV survivors and quality of services (including community engagement, safe spaces, a su...
Contenu type : Documents
Created by Foundation's Team 2688 days ago
With an FGM prevalence of 87.2% among all women aged 15-49 in a population of nearly 95 million, Egypt has the greatest number of women and girls who have experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) of any country in the world. The prime purpose of this Country Profile is to impro...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: traditions, female genital mutilation, religion, rural community, marriage, mutilation génitale féminine, traditions, mariage, religion, communauté rurale, تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية, عادات و تقاليد, زواج, دين, ريف
Created by Foundation's Team 2857 days ago
This report focuses on the topic of gender in protracted crisis situations. It depends on past experience to provide guidance on how to address gender equality as part of food and nutrition security interventions in situations of protracted crisis. Understanding and addressing how men a...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: role of women, economic crises, food security, rural community, gender equality, development, rôle des femmes, crise économique, sécurité alimentaire, communauté rurale, égalité de genre, développement
Created by Foundation's Team 3536 days ago
This research describes the different adaptation strategies used by women in Gaza to compensate the collapse of household pay under the combined effects of the Israeli occupation, internal political struggles, military destruction and the current economic blockage. The survey focuses on the econo...
Contenu type : Documents
Tags : Tags: agriculture, self-employment, unemployment, rural community, informal economy, economic participation, agriculture, auto-emploi, chômage, communauté rurale, economie informelle, participation économique, زراعة, أعمال حرة, بطالة, مجتمع ريفي, إقتصاد غير رسمي, مشاركة إقتصادية
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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