

Aida Ridanovic

Center for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:11pm

...ndations Education plays a vital role in challenging the underlying...tion, which fuels violence against women. Under international law, st...he eradication of violence against women across the world. Working wit...nd policy recommendation. Having a role in the follow up on the implem...

Stella Kasdagli

Women On Top

Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:01pm

...oring partnerships for unemployed women, women who want to change their prof...loyed, employed and self-employed women in skills camps offering chil...itize the equal representation of women at work. Finally, it has deve...romote positive and strong female role models and raise awareness aro...

Alia Arasoughly


Member since 20 June 2022 @ 2:00pm

Cinema can play a central role in creating awareness and challenging stereotypes, putting upfront violence against women and girls, women rights, and gender equality a...he values and emotional fabric of society on women’s status and human rights, cu...


Foundation's Team

CONNEKT publishes its Women's Agency in Prevention report

Created by Foundation's Team 472 days ago

...NEKT organised the Cross-Regional Women’s Forum on violent ext...URV), the gathering addressed the role of women within the frame of VE and en...particularly taking into account women’s agency in the prevent...ommendations on the engagement of women in P/CVE developed by the par...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 601 days ago hours, during which women’s rights in internatio...unofficial policies, and the role of advocacy in influencing the...e to improving the reality of women in society and in academic in...addition to strengthening the role of female academics and youth...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center (CDMC) implements a training on advocacy campaigns and influencing policies related to the rights of female academics.

Created by Andalib Adwan 601 days ago hours, during which women’s rights in international an...unofficial policies, and the role of advocacy in influencing the...g to improving the reality of women in society and in academic well as strengthening the role of female academics and youth...



Gender equity in and through education: what levers to mobilize?

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 750 days ago is an opportunity to discuss with our guest panel initiatives promoting gender equality in education and its role in the promotion and empowerment of girls and women. Speakers: – Dr Lamia...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Tech Women Network Festival

Created by Foundation's Team 820 days ago

...ges of skilled laborers—women are still in the minority. Fe...ew skills, job prospects, and role models. MTWN focuses on creati...ield for women and to provide role models for girls interested in...ogue amongst stakeholders and women representatives on common top...

Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 841 days ago

...on combating violence against women (Committee on Legal Affairs);...of specific measures to help women, but mobilising all general p...the gender pay gap, in which women earn less than men for the sa...tors in which their important role goes unnoticed, such as with w...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Video contest to recognize women's contribution to the blue economy!

Created by Foundation's Team 1979 days ago

...ncrease awareness about their role in this industry and to recogn...International Association for Women in the Seafood Industry has Arousa’’ (The Women of the Sea of Arousa Associai...the valuable contributions of women in the blue economy worldwide...

Foundation's Team

Promotion of sustainable water management among Bedouin women in Jordan

Created by Foundation's Team 2500 days ago

Women have an important role in the household man...chnologies. It included a survey of the women’s current knowledge of Rain Harvesting (RWH). Women included NGO activists, munic...WH by a group of young and enthusiastic women in Qatrana. More details are...


Project: Do not touch my rights!

Created by Cherifa KHEDDAR 2897 days ago

...Providing more information on women's rights and the procedures a...itional cakes courses for 136 women, including: 45 beneficiaries...n days were organized for 300 women to inform them about the righ...Algeria, gender equality, the role of civil society organizations...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Applications: women role models from the MENA region

Created by Foundation's Team 1249 days ago

...project aimed at promoting positive role models for women and girls in order to support young women’s career choices in the...for potential female candidates, or role models, from the MENA region two pages. If you have particular women in mind, please feel free to...

Hala Bugaighis

Call for expression of interest from Libyan women civil society organisations

Created by Hala Bugaighis 1374 days ago

...he Fa’ela: Tapping into Women’s Full Potential in Lib...Fa’ela aims to enhance women’s role in decision making and that seeks to enhance women’s engagement in social,...ity development component for women organisations which will run...

Foundation's Team

CfP: Incorporating the gender perspective into communication and journalism

Created by Foundation's Team 1464 days ago

...ncluding via digital platforms, can play a key role both in reproducing gender inequalities and in promoting equality between women and men, thus supporting demo...“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” and Goal 16....


Foundation's Team

Machi Rojola - a Podcast that Questions Masculinities

Created by Foundation's Team 1444 days ago

...The approach aims to question the role of the dominant, virile male,...ess where men are paid better than women claim to promote Feminist val...Feminism reappropriate the word of Women? How can a business where men...importance of the emancipation of women. So what a youngster today co...

Ikrame Moucharik

What is feminist self-defense?

Created by Ikrame Moucharik 1452 days ago

...readings were accompanied by role-playing, sharing of self-defence workshop. Women have always defended themselv...voice, the cry and the look. Women collectively learn to take is important to show that women are capable of exercising vio...

Foundation's Team

Videos of the UfM Women4Mediterranean Conference: Accelerating Gender Equality in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Created by Foundation's Team 1528 days ago

...aration and its Platform for Action, the Women4Mediterranean Conference has...zed the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls and highlighted the key role played by women in addressing...ified what is needed to better value the role of women and foster women&rsqu...


Foundation's Team

High Level Conference Women for the Mediterranean 2022

Created by Foundation's Team 675 days ago

...Conference on Strenghtening the Role of Women in Society, which took...accelerate the strengthening of women’s role in the Euro-Mediterranean and decision-making, raise women´s participation in econ...M High-Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean, h...

Foundation's Team

Mediterranean Women Breaking Barriers

Created by Foundation's Team 711 days ago

...considered to strengthen the role of women, given that this is one of t...tled “Strengthening the Role of Women in Society”. As Ambas...conferences to strengthen the role of women in society. In the fifth conf...; 4) Breaking Stereotypes; 5) Women Creators and Artists. This do...

Foundation's Team

2021 Regional Progress Report on Gender Equality: UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Created by Foundation's Team 1046 days ago

...the impact this crisis had on women.  • Within the Eur...ent generation of working-age women in MENA could add as much as...n’s quality of life and role in society. This supports the...tence of global databases: UN Women, World Bank, ILO Stats, EIGE...


Foundation's Team

Diagnostic de terrain: Le rôle des femmes élues dans la province d'Ifrane / تشخيص ميداني: دور النساء المنتخبات في إقليم إفران / Field diagnosis: The role of elected women in the province of Ifrane

Created by Foundation's Team 2384 days ago

Malgré un cadre juridique favorable à l’égalité des chances dans les mécanismes de l’action politique, la présence des femmes dans les organes élus reste insuffisante dans les collectivités territoriales du Maroc. Ce di...

Foundation's Team

Feminism and Marketing: Cultural change or Pinkwashing? / Féminisme et marketing : Changement culturel ou Pinkwashing ? / النسوية و التسويق: تغيير ثقافي أم نشرٌ للون الزهري

Created by Foundation's Team 2753 days ago

In recent years ads from industry giants have begun to celebrate women rights and are now attracting new consumers with these ads. This paper is an exploratory study focusing on the intersection between marketing and feminism. The feminist movement and the role of advertising will be pr...

Maria Àngels Roque

Alyssa Rally: Car rally for women in Tunisia / دعوة للمشاركة في رالي عليسة النسائي الدولي للسيارات في تونس / Appel à participations au Rallye féminin Alyssa en Tunisie

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2756 days ago

The 4th edition of the Allyssa Rally - Shell Fuel Save Trophy will take place in Tunisia from 28th December 2017 until 3rd January 2018. This event has a touristic, ludic and sportive nature. This is a meeting of female crews from different countries (France, Canada, Belgium, Algeria, M...