

Foundation's Team

The Female Face of Jihadism: Part of a Joint Study by EUROMESCO

Created by Foundation's Team 2688 days ago about the reasons that led women to join jihadist groups such the religious motivations, the desire to live in a perfect community, brotherhood and sisterhood, psychological and philoso...

Foundation's Team

Let women direct places and be free to choose their own programs

Created by Foundation's Team 2709 days ago

Women’s position in the cultural community was questioned during the October 2016 general Assemblies organized by Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes H-F Collective in Lyon. And de...

Foundation's Team

Key figures on women-men inequality in priority neighborhoods and rural territories

Created by Foundation's Team 2753 days ago

An unprecedented portrait of gender inequalities affecting 10 million women and men with a double focus: Equality between women and men in these fragile ter...

Foundation's Team

Report of the National Experimentation of Exploratory Marches: When Women Change the City

Created by Foundation's Team 2754 days ago

...bjectives of: Strengthening the place of women in local participative democracy and public space, improving the urban environment of priority neighborhoods by concrete changes, prop...

Foundation's Team

Report on homophobia 2016 in France

Created by Foundation's Team 2755 days ago

...ia. The report finds that verbal violence and assault occur mostly in contexts related to daily life, in the family, in public places, in the neighborhood, at work and in the school...

Foundation's Team

Training Guide on EU Advocacy -Navigating the EU institutional maze and influencing its relations with the Southern Mediterranean countries.

Created by Foundation's Team 2824 days ago

...count the changes introduced by the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) since 2015, t...nts the EU is (re)negotiating with countries of the Southern neighbourhood.The guide further aim...

Foundation's Team

Let’s develop equality between women and men in the associations

Created by Foundation's Team 2879 days ago

...The guide "Developing equality between women and men in associations", carried out by the departmental department of social cohesion of the Rhone, proposes to help associat...

Qusai Alsheikh

Syrian Women's Network holds a workshop of women empowerment politically and rhetorically

Created by Qusai Alsheikh 2934 days ago

Syrian Women's Network and ABF organization held a workshop from the 2th to the 5th of November 2016 in Gaziantep, Turkey. Representatives of civil society have attended where they discussed topics related to Syrian women, in addition to rhetoric.

Foundation's Team

Study on female entrepreneurship in popular neighbourhoods

Created by Foundation's Team 2935 days ago

...reach the 40% threshold in 2017 has been set up by the 2013 National Plan for Female Entrepreneurship, and has then been extended to poorer neighbourhoods in the framework of the c...

Foundation's Team

Gender and Mobility across Southern and Eastern European Borders: “Double Standards” and the Ambiguities of European Neighborhood Policy

Created by Foundation's Team 3116 days ago

...o;s societies of origin. It discusses the consequences and challenges, which female migrants are facing within the frameworks of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP).The article a...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Nansen Dialogue Montenegro
Centre des femmes arabes de formation et de recherche (CAWTAR)
Mor Masa Ritüeli
Sama Goods
Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech
Association Karama of Arab Family (AKFA)
Safadi Foundation
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
Civic Forum Institute (CFI)
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
Women's aspirations Association
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality
Arab Institute for Human Rights
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Mediterranean Network against Trafficking Women (MNATW)
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
SEMNID Association for Social Development
Association des Filles de la Renaissance
Almobadr Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)
The Individual Initiative for Human Rights  - Masir
Krizia Nardini
Zhour Bouzidi
Ecological Universe for Development and Climate Association
La Presse
Arab Women Parlamentarian Network
Helwan Association for Community Development (Bashayer)
French Coordination for the European Women's Lobby (C.L.E.F.)
Amal Association for Women and Development
People’ Rights  Center - Sidi kacem
Mediterraneo Sociale
Zouhair Gassim
Association BALODIREN
Ministry of Women , Family and Children

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National programme on preventing and combating violence against women 2009-2013

This document corresponds to the first complete action programme on violence against women adopted by Greece. It takes into...

EU Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2019

The 2019 EU annual report on human rights and democracy in the world marks the final phase of implementation of the EU Action...

The Status of Women Human Rights Defenders in Libya

This research paper aims to highlight the situation of WHRDs in Libya as it looks in depth into elaborating the Libyan WHRDs...

Intranet User Guide

This User Guide provides practical information on how gender equality actors can have access to the Intranet of the...

VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. A picture of European legislations

This is a practical tool for companies to deal with issues of gender violence occurring in the workplace. The figures of...

Women, business and the law 2018

Women, Business and the Law 2018 is the 5th edition in a series of biennial reports measuring the legal obstacles to women who...

Council Directive 96/34/EC of 3 June 1996 on the framework agreement on parental leave concluded by UNICEF, CEEP and ETUC

The directive aims to provide minimum requirements for parental leave and time off work on grounds of force majeure. It seeks...

Girls and boys on the road to equality, from school to higher education

This publication compiles a series of statistical data on the comparative success of girls and boys since entering school to...

Marriage crises: Syrian migrant women's perspectives on war and divorce

War and displacement have lasting effects on gender norms within intimate relationships. This article is based on a research on...

Towards equality between women and men: questioning masculinities

In France, very few men are present, both as public or as speakers, in trainings, conferences or seminars on gender, gender...