

Foundation's Team

Gender equity in and through education

Created by Foundation's Team 664 days ago

...owering girls and women. Speakers:– Dr Lamia BENHABIB, Teacher Researcher and Coordinator within the In...H, University of Mostaganem (Algeria)– Dr Odome ANGONE, Teacher Researcher, Cheikh Anta Diop University...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media Center holds a conference on the rights and needs of academies in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 839 days ago

...hts of female academics in academic institutions in particular, while researcher Mohammed Sorour raised in his...ented a study on the needs of academies in the Gaza Strip prepared by researchers Mahmoud Abdel-Hadi and Abdel...

Andalib Adwan

CMC carries out a hearing on the adoption of a draft law on family protection from violence

Created by Andalib Adwan 1028 days ago

...wareness workshops, hearing sessions for the responsible authorities, and trainings for lawyers and media professionals.  The human rights researcher Muhammad Sorour, explained th...

Foundation's Team

Let's name March 8 every day and everywhere!

Created by Foundation's Team 1720 days ago

...background and professional position to found a research centre with researchers working on environmental Department at Algiers University. Through her role as lecturer and researcher, she has widened the circulat...

Foundation's Team

Policy dialogues on violence against girls in Guelma Province

Created by Foundation's Team 2091 days ago

...the private economic sector. Other key players such as Guelma regional radio, several NGOs and activists, lawyers, trade unionists, a university researcher and two young women’s f...

Foundation's Team

Policy dialogue to protect girls against so-called tourist marriage in Egypt

Created by Foundation's Team 2127 days ago

...d by Mr. Ahmed Abdulmajeed, Chairman of the Board of Shabab El Sharkia Association and counted with the participation of Dr. Abdulsalaam Sharaf, Researcher, Ms. Rania Fayad, Life Founda...

Foundation's Team

Fighting against female school dropouts in Areas C in Bethlehem and Hebron

Created by Foundation's Team 2326 days ago

...he purpose of this study was to specifically identify the factors leading to girls’ dropout of schools. The diagnosis involved an academic researcher of the Bethlehem University,...

Noha El Khouly

A research on radios'role in women's economic empowerment in Egypt

Created by Noha El Khouly 2413 days ago

...enter for Women’s Rights, and presented by Nihad Abu Al-Qumsan, lawyer and president of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights. The researcher chose this program because of...

Foundation's Team

Testimonies and hypotheses on the experience of women in conflict

Created by Foundation's Team 2454 days ago

...ation with the Lebanese Association of Women Researchers (Bahithat), the seminar aime...Nahoum-Grappe, anthropologist, historian and researcher at the Ecole des Hautes introduced. For her part, Kmar Bendanna, researcher at the Higher Institute of Hi...

Foundation's Team

Junior and senior researchers debate on masculinities and gender roles

Created by Foundation's Team 2719 days ago

...he Euro-Mediterranean region. Marta Segarra, researcher and president of the Universi...-Marseille. Saleh Hmida, a visual artist and researcher in aesthetics and science at...esting ones as it allowed PhD candidates and researchers in the field of gender to pr...