


Gender equity in and through education: what levers to mobilize?

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 751 days ago

...ent of girls and women. Speakers: – Dr Lamia BENHABIB, Teacher Researcher and Coordinator within the In..., University of Mostaganem (Algeria) – Dr Odome ANGONE, Teacher Researcher, Cheikh Anta Diop University...

Foundation's Team

Free Online Seminar Fall 2021: Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research

Created by Foundation's Team 1264 days ago

...inar Leaders: Dr. Asli Kotaman Asli Kotaman is an Associate Researcher at the University of Bonn. He...ober 14: Feminist Methodology and Epistemology October 21: Researcher’s Positionality and Iss...

Kassem Istanbouli

Monodrama: Lebanon's International Theatrical Festival for Women

Created by Kassem Istanbouli 1371 days ago

...stival will be the actress Randa Al-Kaadi, the actress Bernadette Hadib. Monodrama will also honour the life and the work of actress Renee Deek, researcher Watfaa Hammadi and Dr. Fadwa...

Maria Àngels Roque

Conference on queer activism, intersectional feminism and national struggles in Palestine

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1392 days ago

...e struggle of women and queer people as integral to the national liberation movement. The event will be introduced by Èlia Romo-Terol, researcher and co-director of the MA pro...

Foundation's Team

Moroccan Amazigh oral and written literature translated into English, from a gender perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 1419 days ago

...ilité) at Aïn Chock Faculty of Letters and the Humanities (Hassan II University of Casablanca); Head of the Sociology department and Researcher at Laboratoire de recherche s...

Helena González Fernández

Understanding the editing profession: a conversation with Margaret Obank, editor of Banipal

Created by Helena González Fernández 1563 days ago

...tinues with a dialogue on the intricacies of the editing profession. This second session will consist of a dialogue between Hanan Jasim Khammas (researcher at CALITME, UB) and Margaret...

Maria Àngels Roque

Fez hosts a forum on Islamic Feminisms

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2076 days ago

...sms, understand their concepts and challenges and learn how Islamic feminisms in diaspora deal with their own hurdles, a committee of 13 eminent researcher and Islamic feminist is organ...

Maria Àngels Roque

Debate in Malta on the challenges of gender equality in the Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2175 days ago, 2019 at Aula Magna of the Valletta Campus is to inform academics, researchers, civil society organisations...the Promotion of Equality (NCPE), JosAnn Cutajar, a professor and a researcher at the University of Malta an...

Leïla Tauil

Leïla Tauil presents her book 'Arab Feminisms'in Paris

Created by Leïla Tauil 2283 days ago

On Friday, November 23, 2018, researcher Leïla Tauil will present her book "Arab Feminisms: A Century of Combat - The Case of Morocco and Tunisia" at L’Harmattan Sp...