

Foundation's Team

Trencant barreres: la transformació feminista a la Mediterrània

Created by Foundation's Team 719 days ago Roque, Director of the IEMed’s Department of Mediterranean Cultures, Gender and Civil Society Sonia Ben Djemia, Director of Studies and Research at CREDIF and the Gender and...


Exhibition of Rural Women's Handicrafts

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 756 days ago

...ved in promoting women’s entrepreneurship, which is considered to be an engine of economic growth and development. Beyond its training and research objectives, the University is...


Webinar: Rural Women's Contribution to Sustainable Development: Realities and Perspectives

Created by Lamia BENHABIB 787 days ago

...s (SDGs) and to discover initiatives to promote the economic and social empowerment of women in rural territories. Moderator: Dr Lamia Benhabib, Research Professor and Coordinator of...

Foundation's Team

Autumn Meeting Think Tank Gender and Diversity: Intersectionality a Critical Methodology

Created by Foundation's Team 1141 days ago

...o;out’s’ of using intersectionality. Several strategies will be explored for using intersectionality as a helpmeet for doing critical research, equal opportunities, and pol...

Maria Àngels Roque

Euromed Young Researchers Forum 2021

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1142 days ago policy shaping in the region. Participants will: Present their research proposals on economic develop...m count will count on the Lab Board that consists of 5 young researchers from different countr...

Foundation's Team

Conference - Gender and Media Matters

Created by Foundation's Team 1150 days ago

...e with the activities of the GeMMA Research Unit and of the Ph.D. Programme in Communication, Social Research and Marketing (Department of...he media, and giving prominence to research strands that are not always v...s, Paths and Perspectives in GeMMa Research. Click here to register fo...

Foundation's Team

Webinar to present the report on violence against women and men in the Ile-de-France region

Created by Foundation's Team 1175 days ago

...of the joint publication of this Ined/Centre Hubertine Auclert report, researchers Magali Mazuy and Lucie Wic...police/gendarmerie), press. Contact: Aurélie Latourès, research officer at the Regional Obser...

Foundation's Team

Transnational Feminist Practices Against War: 20 Years Later

Created by Foundation's Team 1183 days ago

...national feminism, cultural theory, feminist theory, and her extensive research of post-colonialism, South As...DR. CAREN KAPLAN Professor Emerita, American Studies, UC Davis. Her research draws on cultural geography,...

Foundation's Team

PANEL DISCUSSION: Amman Principles - A New International Instrument for Gender Equality

Created by Foundation's Team 1184 days ago

...he global changes that negatively affect the work of these national mechanisms and to accelerate the progress towards gender equality. Following research and various consultation meet...

Foundation's Team

Free Online Seminar Fall 2021: Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research

Created by Foundation's Team 1197 days ago

...etical background of feminist research including, epistemology criti...theories, epistemologies and research methods within feminist frame...bsp;The New School for Social Research. In order to obtain a certifi...pistemology October 21: Researcher’s Positionality and I...