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Andalib Adwan

The Center for Development and Community Media holds two workshops entitled : Women's Rights and Reality in Academic Institutions and Media Treatment

Created by Andalib Adwan 535 days ago

...on the rights and reality of women in academic institutions and addressin...ective participation and fair representation at most in efforts to advocate for women’s rights in society and...bating Discrimination Against Women” issued by the Communit...

Wedad Sourani

The conclusion of the activities of the gender campaign Women Participating.

Created by Wedad Sourani 688 days ago

The activities of the Gender Campaign "Women Participating" concluded by holding a pol...articipants discussed practical measures to enhance women’s representation in public clubs, including opening the door for women to join the General Assembly...

Andalib Adwan

CMC conducts a session on women's rights in academic institutions within the framework of the Respect Her project

Created by Andalib Adwan 911 days ago

...C) held a dialogue session on women’s rights in academic institution...mote a culture of respect for women’s rights and gender equ...ting a culture of respect for women’s rights in academic in...e percentage of women’s representation at all levels in Pal...

Wedad Sourani

The Society of Women Graduates participates in a study day entitled The Gender reality of women in Palestinian Civil Society Organizations

Created by Wedad Sourani 995 days ago

...onjunction with International Women’s Day, the Society of Women Graduates participated in the...cracy and Elections, with the representation of Ms. Wedad Al-Sour...ed the reality of Palestinian women in general and university gra...and reviewing the reality of women and the gender reality in the...

Rabha Fathi

AEFL concluded the training for media personnel about women's rights in Conventions and MAPUTO Protocol

Created by Rabha Fathi 1052 days ago and 15th January 2022 about women’s rights in international conven...many important topics such as women in international conventions,...ed the acquirements enjoyed by women after the constitutional media and shed light on the representation of women leaders in society....

Andalib Adwan

Our Safe Spaces training programme, to tackle GBV in Palestine

Created by Andalib Adwan 1226 days ago

...tion that supports the access of women victims of violence to multi-sectoral...ond day, they learned about women’s rights in internation...eans to provide legal support to women survivors and victims of viol...ence, including legal awareness, representation in courts, and legal...

Ana Sofia Fernandes

Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights (PpDM) presents Council of Europe's initiative to prevent and combat sexism

Created by Ana Sofia Fernandes 1503 days ago

...The Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights (PpDM - Plataforma port...- the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights - and the Comm...xism: "any attitude, gesture, representation (...), practice or b...continuum of violence against women and girls, containing a set o...

Riham Faqih

MIFTAH caps off four training workshops within its protection and promotion of women's human rights project

Created by Riham Faqih 1506 days ago

...ries of training workshops on women’s political participation, gende...ion-making positions and have representation in the PLC and in lo...lence and the need to support women and youth as voters and candi...e Protection and Promotion of Women’s Human Rights” i...

Noha El Khouly

ECWR issues its annual report 2019 entitled Egyptian Women and Access to Justice

Created by Noha El Khouly 1710 days ago

...rk of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights role of monitoring and...litical empowerment index for women, according to the gender gap...019, the percentage of female representation rose to 26%, with a...rms of discrimination against women in the workplace, empowering...

Maria Àngels Roque

Art and feminism together: 10 illustrators that you should know

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2099 days ago

...o;. On March 8, International Women’s Day, women’s movements and feminists across...She often represents Syrian women on her delicate illustrations...cial burden they carry, their representation in politics, and the...ticular situation of Algerian women, showing taboo subjects in hi...


Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 775 days ago

...rliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FE...of specific measures to help women, but mobilising all general p...the gender pay gap, in which women earn less than men for the sa...both sectors experience under-representation and working conditio...

Foundation's Team

The Conference on the Future of Europe. Why a Gender Perspective is needed

Created by Foundation's Team 1164 days ago" nature of the process, it is crucial that women feel concerned and make their voices h...ere the environment is effectively protected. Women need to be active participant...opean Women’s Lobby (EWL)"Women’s representation in the citizen&rsquo...

Foundation's Team

UfM-EMUNI Webinar: Women in blue economy in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 1182 days ago in improving the inclusion of women in the implementation of blue economy,...on poses specific challenges for women inclusion. Opportunities are...oving structural barriers (incl. representation of women and decisio...cognize that fuller inclusion of women improves not only efforts for...

Foundation's Team

Women gender experts: the challenge of making gender visible and mediatising it as an expertise in its own right

Created by Foundation's Team 1310 days ago

...Gender Experts platform, the project is organising the webinar "Women Gender Experts: the challenge of makin...iversity of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès and an expert on the representation of women in the media, and Léna...

Helena González Fernández

Book presentation on bisexual resistance

Created by Helena González Fernández 1384 days ago

...és is the director of the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Culture. On February...dent within the MA programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity...d cover illustration) UNESCO’s Chair Women, Development and Culture seek...

Foundation's Team

ONLINE DEBATE - Women in a men's world: how gender defines the path to success

Created by Foundation's Team 1407 days ago

...gender is still an important social bias and women who aspire to have a career are still...However, increasing female participation and representation in the leading posit...gate the extent to which gender interferes in women’s career development an...

Helena González Fernández

Series of conferences on women's representation in the Mediterranean

Created by Helena González Fernández 2102 days ago

The UNESCO Chair for Women, Development and Cultures, at the Centre de Recerc...out female writers and travellers, and the representation of women in the Mediterranean. It sta...ce entitled “Single trips Stories of women travelers in the south of the...

Foundation's Team

UN Women meeting on women's access to leadership positions

Created by Foundation's Team 2366 days ago

On June 22, UN Women organizes a regional meeting under the theme "Women’s access to leadership p...which aims to strengthen the representation of women in public sector positions in...s scheduled as part of the UN Women’s project "Gender and Leaders...

Noha El Khouly

Egyptian Woman in Parliament 2015

Created by Noha El Khouly 3229 days ago

...e environment was supportive for women. This will be followed by two sessi...discuss the current situation of women in political alliances and ensure an increase in female representation in the next parliame...the distinctive experiences for women in the current parliament "Op...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Campaign in favour of Parity in Municipal Elections in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 2861 days ago

...with the need to respect the representation of young people and people wi...rantee total equality between women and men and does not guarantee the rep...his initiative and ensure the representation of women, youth and persons with disab...

Foundation's Team

Access to justice for women victimes of violence

Created by Foundation's Team 3116 days ago

...“Access to justice for women victimes of violence” focuses on...nd those bodies who work with women victims of violence, especial...rotection and intervention to women victims of violence with a se...egal counselling and judicial representation, facilitating women’s access to justice and - Pr...

Foundation's Team

Strengthening the political participation of Palestinian women

Created by Foundation's Team 3204 days ago

...Although Palestinian women have always had an effective role in t...the social role scheduled for women like: education, social affairs, Women...for raising the percentage of women´s representation in political decisio...” of the project “Women for the future in the Mediter...

Foundation's Team

Migrant Women: A Resource

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago

...orted by the European Commission Representation in Italy, Provincia di Roma a...ollected 15 stories from migrant women entrepreneurs in order to sha...proposes a creative approach on women entrepreneurs and migration....workis launched andconsolidated. Women entrepreneurs are not only ob...

Foundation's Team

Establishing a coalition and advocacy for the introduction of the quota policy in Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago

...essed the need to improve the representation of women in the political life. In 2005, CIDDEF...ed a comparative study on the representation of women in political bodies between A...o promote political rights of women by increasing their chances of access to representation in elected bodies."...

Foundation's Team

Women's voices Web radio

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago"Voix de Femmes” (Women’s Voices) is one of the largest...Make activities and skills of women visible to respond to their low levels of representation in decision-making s...and Monitoring for Women IN Society" with the support...

Foundation's Team

Transnational Campaigning - European Women's Lobby 5050 campaign across Europe

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago

...eaching consensus on the equal representation of women and men in nationaland Europeanbodies...nd exchanges of testimonies of women living in Europe. To bring po...s to its results, an increased representation of women in the Euro...licy Dialogue and MonitoringforWomen IN Society"with the support o...

Foundation's Team

Capacity building caravan of social actors in the southern Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 3430 days ago

...ith the tools to promote better women representation in decision making bodies ( the fact that the number of women' s groups is very limited; men. There is also a lack of women representation in the municipalitie...development associations and 6 women' s rights associations. They...

Calls and opportunities

Hala Bugaighis

Call for expression of interest from Libyan women civil society organisations

Created by Hala Bugaighis 1308 days ago

...sion of Interest from Libyan Women CSOs to take part in the capacity deve...Fa’ela aims to enhance women’s role in decision maki...ity development component for women organisations which will run...and geographical and cultural representation in Libya, the projec...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

Call for papers on gender equality directed to regional and local policymakers

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1721 days ago

...ating for gender equality and women’s empowerment, through a series of care, decent work, and representation in political and eco...harmful practices targeted at women is crucial to ending the gend...ective and the empowerment of women in policies and legislation,...

Maria Àngels Roque

Call for proposals by SouthMed WiA for promoting gender equality in film sector

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2542 days ago

...versity, by promoting gender equality and enhancing the image of women in the film sector. The deadline for...g weaknesses and issues related to gender equality and the under-representation of women in the audio-visual sector, b...

Maria Àngels Roque

Women Voices in Egypt - Call for Proposals for final program evaluation

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2655 days ago

...The programme entitled “A Wave of Women’s Voices – 1000 and provisions and promoting for better representation of women in the decision-making proces...erefore improving political empowerment of women in across Egypt. For details...

Maria Àngels Roque

Supporting women's audiovisual sector in Southern Mediterranean

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 2707 days ago

...ojects that address issues related to gender equality and the under-representation of women in the audiovisual sector in...diversity, by promoting gender equality and enhancing the image of women in the film sector....


Foundation's Team

Marsadnissa: An observatory of case law on women's rights in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 1287 days ago

...rse regions across Tunisia working to promote women’s human rights through programs of legal orientation, assistance, representation and accompaniment to...e courts and other public administrations for women facing legal problems.  ...

Ikrame Moucharik

What is feminist self-defense?

Created by Ikrame Moucharik 1386 days ago

...he violence that we suffer as women. One book particularly nourished our self-defence workshop. Women have always defended themselv...tereotypes that structure our representation and our practices, is important to show that women are capable of exercising vio...

Foundation's Team

Twelve Small Actions with big impact for Generation Equality - UN Women

Created by Foundation's Team 1731 days ago

...eryday actions proposed by UN women to engage people in Gender Equality. P...sment to the gender wage gap, women face a full roster of discrim...environment through the equal representation of women in leadersh...ething written or directed by women (and for women).  Movie...

Foundation's Team

Gender equality in the audio-visual sector: Arab women in films

Created by Foundation's Team 2017 days ago

Arab Women in Films is an online directory that promotes gender equality and freedom of industry through the promotion of non-stereotyped female representation. Moreover, Arab Women in Films directory supports,...

Foundation's Team

Suggestions for an egalitarian society: Stockholm municipality perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 2017 days ago

A Women’s place is an initiative by the municipality of Stockholm City that aims to collect articles, feel valued and able to succeed, as well as actions to increase female representation in...

Foundation's Team

Each year For Women in Science programme offers several prizes and scholarships

Created by Foundation's Team 2114 days ago

...ince 1998 the partnership For Women in Science between the French’s researchers are women. With the aim of empowering g...rder to ensure a geographical representation of the beneficiaries...ting and encouraging 15 young women scientists at doctoral or pos...

Foundation's Team

Khabirat: Arabic-language directory of women experts

Created by Foundation's Team 2820 days ago

...tive online database aimed at enhancing the representation of women in news programming across th...n. Launched in the run-up to International Women’s Day on March 8, Khabi...ons, publishers, regulatory authorities and women rights’ groups. It aims...

Foundation's Team

Radio Voix de femmes

Created by Foundation's Team 3395 days ago

Voix de Femmes (Women’s Voice) is an associative web radio...ics, such as violence against women, sexual and reproductive health, and stereotypes affecting women’s representation, among others. ...- Promote the expression of women in all its forms and the exer...

Foundation's Team

Atria - Institute on Gender Equality and Women's History

Created by Foundation's Team 3466 days ago

...titute on Gender Equality and Women’s History is a foundation and shares the heritage of women’s movements. Among othe..., to prevent violence against women and girls, to fight gender st...pes, and to advocate for more representation of women whether in...


Foundation's Team

Youth Toolkit: For Girls Get Equal

Created by Foundation's Team 1191 days ago

...s, your neighbour! It was designed with us. It’s for anyone who wants to create a world where girls, young women and other marginalised identities have the power, freedom and representation to make decisions an...

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Presence in the Arab Mediterranean Region: Governance, Contentious Politics, and Agency

Created by Foundation's Team 1485 days ago

...outcomes. Equally clear is that women have been involved in and affected by...editerranean region to elucidate women’s presence in varied mo...f gender quotas and proportional representation electoral systems ha...s well as the COVID-19 pandemic, women’s continued activism in...

Foundation's Team

Gender Equality in Jordan: local perceptions and obstacles to political participation

Created by Foundation's Team 1490 days ago

...In December 2018, Al-Anwar Women Charity Society published the field diagnosis entitled "Women in Leadership Positions: Loca...quality in terms of political representation and highlights the p...ow political participation of women and girls in this area, as we...

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Representation in the Arab Region

Created by Foundation's Team 1510 days ago

...This study examines the status of women’s representation at several levels of governan...there has been some progress in the representation of women since 2010 across the region,...s enduring and emerging barriers to women’s political representation. It also provides in...

Foundation's Team

Protesting gender discrimination from within: women's political representation on behalf of Islamic parties

Created by Foundation's Team 1510 days ago

...gly recruiting and nominating women to high-level decision-making position...spouse often acts to dissuade women from assuming positions of political l...eaders that evolved thanks to women’s long-term devotion to...thin: women’s political representation on behalf of Islamic...

Foundation's Team

Women's Political Representation in Egypt: the 2020 Senate Elections

Created by Foundation's Team 1556 days ago

...While the presence of women in Egyptian institutions has varied greatly over time, women and girls in Egypt are repres...on, of an electoral quota for women. In 2017 the Association participation of Egyptian women, and proposes a path for crit...

Foundation's Team

Women's access to the political sphere in Lebanon: an obstacle race

Created by Foundation's Team 1785 days ago

...The conditions of Lebanese women’s access to education, as well a...frica). However, in practice, women are not equal to men before the law non-existent. In fact, the representation of Lebanese women in the political field is eve...

Leandra Hettenbach

The Exclusion of Palestinian Women from Local Government Councils: Reality and Challenges Between State Oppression and Societal Oppression

Created by Leandra Hettenbach 2059 days ago

...cles and challenges that prevent women from being adequately represented in l...lore difficulties experienced by women candidates during and followi...marginalization and exclusion of women from local politics, and put in place to raise women’s representation and enhance their ca...

Foundation's Team

Observatory of Gender Equality in Culture and Communication - 2019

Created by Foundation's Team 2081 days ago

...on which parity is based: legislation on civil service provisions, representation of women on the boards of protocol on professional equality, law for real equality between women and men, etc....

Foundation's Team

Women's participation in public and political life in Tunisia at the local level

Created by Foundation's Team 2162 days ago

...ere is still a structural under-representation of women in the traditional political...e a long-standing commitment of women in feminist movements and in...for this discrimination against women, thus, must be examined. Thi...k Al Karama (ACD) and Voices of Women in Jemmel (VFJ) in collaborat...


Foundation's Team

Feminism and Marketing: Cultural change or Pinkwashing? / Féminisme et marketing : Changement culturel ou Pinkwashing ? / النسوية و التسويق: تغيير ثقافي أم نشرٌ للون الزهري

Created by Foundation's Team 2687 days ago

In recent years ads from industry giants have begun to celebrate women rights and are now attracting new consumers with these ads. This paper is an exploratory study focusing on the intersection between marketing and feminism. The feminist movement and the role of advertising will be pr...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

EuroMed Rights
SIDRA Association
Sama Goods
Association du Docteur Fatiha (ADF)
Association Neama for Development
Myriem Narjis
CIHEAM Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Association Talassemtane pour l'Environnement et Développement (ATED)
Seed of Peace - Oran
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens
Society of Women Graduates (SWG) in the Gaza Strip
Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support
Djerba Solidarity & Development Association
Forum on Festivals in the Arab Countries
Europeans Without Borders
International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry
Permanent Peace Movement (PPM)
Albanian Journalists Group (AJG)
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Women and Gender Unit – Ministry of Social Development
Tunisian Association of Gender Studies
Association El Ghaith
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Racha Ramadan
Egyptian Feminist Union – EFU
Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des Droits des Femmes (FLDDF) de Ouarzazate
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
Association 100% Mamans
European Observatory on Femicide
Salama's Friends
Women Against Violence (WAV)
Right and Democracy Organization
Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR

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Shared practices

Project: Do not touch my rights!

The project 'Do not touch my rights!” is funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), for a period of 12 months...

Partager une culture d'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes

Le Laboratoire de l'égalité dont le Forum Femmes Méditerranée est partenaire sur Marseille, s'est fixé trois objectifs...

Call for social, cultural and health rights for young street mothers

The practice focuses on the case of young street mothers aged 14 to 22 who are often victims of violence and are pregnant after...

Pacte pour l’égalité: media campaign to raise awareness on profesional inequalities

In 2012, the Laboratoire de l’Egalité (equality laboratory) launched media campaign, coproduced by the agency...

I am unbeatable Campaign

MARCH took part in the Women’s Race on May 4th 2014 in more ways than one; fighting against domestic violence, the team ran...

Soap making to support unemployed women in Lebanon

Women make up only 28% of the total labour force in Lebanon According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2018,...

SheFighter, inspiring initiative to end violence against women and girls

An estimated 80% of women in Jordan have faced street harassment, and 1 in 3 women in this country are survivors of physical...

Discrimination against women in the case of opening bank accounts for their children

In Palestine, according to the Act No. 8/2009, banks do not allow mothers to open bank accounts for their children, arguing...

Palestinian women through the eyes of their youth

Gender based violence (GBV) is still considered a taboo in Palestinian society. This topic needs to be in everyday...

Short stories international competition

Organization of a short stories international competition that aims to generate literary vocations and promote women’s...