

Foundation's Team

The EU Parliament holds its 3rd Gender Equality Week

Created by Foundation's Team 775 days ago

...rliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FE...of specific measures to help women, but mobilising all general p...the gender pay gap, in which women earn less than men for the sa...both sectors experience under-representation and working conditio...

Foundation's Team

The Conference on the Future of Europe. Why a Gender Perspective is needed

Created by Foundation's Team 1164 days ago" nature of the process, it is crucial that women feel concerned and make their voices h...ere the environment is effectively protected. Women need to be active participant...opean Women’s Lobby (EWL)"Women’s representation in the citizen&rsquo...

Foundation's Team

UfM-EMUNI Webinar: Women in blue economy in the Mediterranean

Created by Foundation's Team 1182 days ago in improving the inclusion of women in the implementation of blue economy,...on poses specific challenges for women inclusion. Opportunities are...oving structural barriers (incl. representation of women and decisio...cognize that fuller inclusion of women improves not only efforts for...

Foundation's Team

Women gender experts: the challenge of making gender visible and mediatising it as an expertise in its own right

Created by Foundation's Team 1310 days ago

...Gender Experts platform, the project is organising the webinar "Women Gender Experts: the challenge of makin...iversity of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès and an expert on the representation of women in the media, and Léna...

Helena González Fernández

Book presentation on bisexual resistance

Created by Helena González Fernández 1384 days ago

...és is the director of the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Culture. On February...dent within the MA programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity...d cover illustration) UNESCO’s Chair Women, Development and Culture seek...

Foundation's Team

ONLINE DEBATE - Women in a men's world: how gender defines the path to success

Created by Foundation's Team 1407 days ago

...gender is still an important social bias and women who aspire to have a career are still...However, increasing female participation and representation in the leading posit...gate the extent to which gender interferes in women’s career development an...

Helena González Fernández

Series of conferences on women's representation in the Mediterranean

Created by Helena González Fernández 2102 days ago

The UNESCO Chair for Women, Development and Cultures, at the Centre de Recerc...out female writers and travellers, and the representation of women in the Mediterranean. It sta...ce entitled “Single trips Stories of women travelers in the south of the...

Foundation's Team

UN Women meeting on women's access to leadership positions

Created by Foundation's Team 2366 days ago

On June 22, UN Women organizes a regional meeting under the theme "Women’s access to leadership p...which aims to strengthen the representation of women in public sector positions in...s scheduled as part of the UN Women’s project "Gender and Leaders...

Noha El Khouly

Egyptian Woman in Parliament 2015

Created by Noha El Khouly 3228 days ago

...e environment was supportive for women. This will be followed by two sessi...discuss the current situation of women in political alliances and ensure an increase in female representation in the next parliame...the distinctive experiences for women in the current parliament "Op...