

Foundation's Team

Women's Rights under Algerian Political Reform: Between Demands for Personal Rights and Accordance with Religious Authority

Created by Foundation's Team 1522 days ago

...This study (published in the issue 34 of the journal Omran) examines the issue of Algerian women’s rights within the system of political reform that the country has seen sin...

Foundation's Team

Beyond Religious Marriages: Civil Marriage, Civil Family Laws, and the Enhancement of Women's Rights in Lebanon

Created by Foundation's Team 1592 days ago

...xperience with which it shares a common colonial, geographic, and religious experience. The author also delves into the possible effects that this reform can have on women’s rig...

Foundation's Team

Women, Business and the Law 2020

Created by Foundation's Team 1694 days ago

...and employment. By examining the economic decisions women make as they go through different stages of their working lives, as well as the pace of reform over the past two years, Wome...

Foundation's Team

The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An uphill battle

Created by Foundation's Team 1961 days ago

...ors illustrating gender gaps. It also discusses recent policy initiatives, such as pay transparency measures to reduce gender wage gaps and policy reform aimed at fathers taking paren...

Foundation's Team

A feminist perspective on post-conflict restructuring and recovery - the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Created by Foundation's Team 2103 days ago

This report argues that an economic reform agenda introduced in a post-co...liance with human rights in the macro economic reform agenda, in this case particul...s over the years leading up to adoption of the Reform Agenda for Bosnia and Herzego...

Foundation's Team

Institutional Reform: What Place for Equality and Parity?

Created by Foundation's Team 2372 days ago

...7, 2018. The report is accompanied by five recommendations to revalue the principles of gender equality and parity in the context of institutional reform; and five proposals to streng...

Foundation's Team

Situation of women asylum seekers in France after the adoption of the law reforming the right of asylum

Created by Foundation's Team 2408 days ago

...tuation of women asylum seekers in France after the adoption of the law reforming the right of asylum. less favourable than that of asylum. The law of 29 July 2015 on the reform of the right of asylum, takin...

Foundation's Team

The road to reform: Women's political voice in Morocco

Created by Foundation's Team 2464 days ago

...effectively and has led to a series of institutional, legal and policy reforms that women elsewhere in the...ith the exception of Tunisia, have not been able to achieve. These reforms have, in turn, created furth...

Foundation's Team

Women's guide to constitution making

Created by Foundation's Team 2495 days ago

...advocates from women advocates, as well as other constitutional experts. This guide is intended for women involved in all aspects of constitution reform, including constitution-draft...

Foundation's Team

How women influence constitution making after conflict and unrest

Created by Foundation's Team 2501 days ago

...s. But women are not yet equal participants; an element of constitution reform that remains underexplored. This report examines the diverse roles that women play in constitution reform during peace and transition p...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Al-Thoria Studies Center
European Observatory on Femicide
Juzoor for Health and Social Development (Juzoor)
Why Me for Women’s Rights
Arab Women Media Center (AWMC)
Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (PHRO)
Sarab Center for Culture and Community Arts
Life Foundation for Development and Community Integration
Radio Hawa FM
Intissar Bendjabellah
Journalists Without Borders (JWB)
Aswat Nissa
Tunisian Association for Cultural Action
Mouna Mtibaa
Femmes Informations Juridiques Internationales Rhône-Alpes (FIJI-RA)
Women'  s Alliance for Virtual Exchange (WAVE)
Business Women Forum-Palestine (BWF)
Tamazight Women Movement
Master genre et droits des femmes des deux rives de la meditérranée
Portuguese Platform for Women'   s Rights - PpDM (Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres)
Center for Research in Applied Economics for Development-CREAD
International Observatory of Human Rights
Women in Business of Algeria
Libyan Women Forum (LWF)
Organization Dihya for Development
Committee for the Follow-Up on women' s Issues (CFUWI)
Hiwar Center for youth and women's empowerment
University of Mohammed V Rabat
Association BALODIREN
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration
Future Association for Development - Batna
Association Corrente Rosa
National Association for Youth Exchange
Association Aspirations féminines
Peace and friendship international organization. P4all

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Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa: Mapping the Field and Addressing Policy Dilemmas at the Post-2011 Juncture

This report offers a “map” of the diverse situations of women in the post-2011 MENA region. It shows that there...

Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010

This reports represents a first attempt to map the participation of women in tourism worldwide, by focusing on 5 five thematic...

Report on Refugee and Stateless Women across the Arab Region. Stories of: The Dream of Return, the Fear of Trafficking and Discriminatory Laws

This report concerns the situation of millions of displaced people in the Arab region, whether within their country or outside...

Family Policies in Developed Countries: Compared Models

Issue no. 448 of the journal Population & Societies analyses the family support policies through the use of the...

The Issue of Violence Against Women in the European Union

This study examines the different forms and interrelated factors of violence against women currently existing in the European...

Study on the widespread gender stereotypes in Morocco

This study highlights the impact of stereotypes on gender equality, women’s rights, gender based violence and society...

Briefing Note on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Baltic States for the EU's Equality between Women and Men Strategy- APRIL 2015

The aim of this report is to introduce 8 priority areas for urgent action in order to advance women’s rights and gender...

Women’s image in the media

According to the report, despite progress, women are often 'invisible' or 'secondary' in many French media (radio, television,...

Equality and the Economy: Why the Arab World Should Employ More Women

Although the MENA region has achieved a lot of progress in the field of women´s education, a huge gender gap still persists...

Feminist diplomacy: from a mobilising slogan to a real dynamic of change?

Since March 2018, France has been using the term 'feminist diplomacy' when referring to its foreign policy actions in terms of...