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Andalib Adwan

Le Centre des médias communautaires (CMC) participe à un atelier organisé par le Programme de santé mentale de Gaza intitulé : La santé mentale des femmes dans l'espace numérique.

Created by Andalib Adwan 584 days ago

...Journée internationale de la femme 2023. Basma El-Kurd, coordinatrice des médias au CMC, a présenté un document de recherche sur la désinformation...

Foundation's Team

Research seminar on economics in terms of gender

Created by Foundation's Team 3468 days ago

...ghts depends firstly and mainly on access to their incomes. Moreover, when there are studies on women and the economy, such as in the Centre de recherche en Economie Appliquée...


Foundation's Team

Moroccan Amazigh oral and written literature translated into English, from a gender perspective

Created by Foundation's Team 1325 days ago Faculty of Letters and the Humanities (Hassan II University of Casablanca); Head of the Sociology department and Researcher at Laboratoire de recherche sur les différenciatio...

Foundation's Team

Our photo expo arrives to Marseille!

Created by Foundation's Team 1907 days ago

The Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM)’s photo expo "Women in action: Breaking Stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean Region" continues it...

Foundation's Team

Research seminar on violence against women in Tunisia

Created by Foundation's Team 3342 days ago

...tion, will organise the 6th Research seminar at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities of Manouba, Tunisia. The « Centre de recherche et d'étude pour la dif...


Foundation's Team

Videos of the symposium Altérités et résistances à l'épreuve du genre en Méditerranée

Created by Foundation's Team 1680 days ago

Mediamed, which gathers multimedia resources in human sciences on the Mediterranean, has updated its content with a collection of videos from the symposium " A...

Foundation's Team

PRESAGE: A program to promote a multidisciplinary approach of gender studies

Created by Foundation's Team 2091 days ago

The Research and Educational Program on Gender Studies « Programme de Recherche et d’Enseignement des SAvoirs sur le GEnre » (PRESAGE) is a program created...

Foundation's Team

Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain. IRMC's Library

Created by Foundation's Team 3328 days ago

The Research Institute on Contemporary Maghreb is a research institution that articulates French and European research on one side and Maghreb research on the...

Foundation's Team

Groupe de Recherche et d' Études sur le Genre au Maroc (GREGAM)

Created by Foundation's Team 3462 days ago

Site dependent on the Centre Marocain de Sciences Sociales (CM2S –Hassan II Ain Chock University, Casablanca) and the Groupe de Jeunes Chercheurs/euses en Sciences...


Foundation's Team

Feminization and firms’economic and social performance

Created by Foundation's Team 2675 days ago

...PP and the French State Secretary in charge of women’s rights. It relies on statistical data from the Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche et des Études Statisti...


Foundation's Team

Call for Papers! / Appel à communications! / دعوة لتقديم أوراق بحثية!

Created by Foundation's Team 584 days ago

FEMISE has announced a “Call for Papers” leading up to the 2023 Annual Conference 27-28-29 September 2023 in Barcelona, Spain: SHIFTING PARADIGMS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR A DEEPER EU-MEDITERRANEAN INTEGRATION IN A CHANGING WORLD Researchers working on socioeconomic issues in the...

Foundation's Team

Call to Establishing a Reserve List for the Post of Researcher at EIGE / / Appel pour une liste de réserve pour le poste de chercheur-chercheuse à l'EIGE

Created by Foundation's Team 1283 days ago

Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, EIGE is a decentralised agency of the European Union entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute and strengthen the promotion of gender equality. Profile Reporting to the Head of Operations and working in close collaboration with other colle...

Foundation's Team

Les expertes : elles existent, elles sont ici / / Women experts: They do exist

Created by Foundation's Team 1316 days ago

Expertes Expertes est le premier annuaire gratuit, 100 % numérique, de toutes les femmes expertes françaises et francophones. Alors qu’en 2020, seulement 41 % des expert·e·s invité·e·s dans les médias français ont &ea...

Foundation's Team

Decolonising Women and Gender in Middle East Studies - podcast interview Nicola Pratt - ArabSouth / Décolonisation des femmes et genre dans les études sur le Moyen-Orient - interview podcast Nicola Pratt - ArabSouth / تخليص النساء والنوع من الاستعمار في الدراسات الشرق أوسطية- مقابلة بودكاست مع ني...

Created by Foundation's Team 1477 days ago

Dr Lucia Sorbera (Chair of Department of Arabic Language and Cultures) interviews Visiting Professor Nicola Pratt (Reader in International Relations at Warwick University) about the shifting approaches within feminist Middle East scholarship. The relationship between feminist/women&rsq...

Foundation's Team

Request a Woman Scientist: a platform to amplify women's voices in the public sphere / اطلب/ي "امرأة عالمة ": منصة عالمية لإبراز أصوات النساء في المجال العام / Solliciter une Femme Scientifique: une plate-forme pour amplifier la voix des femmes dans la sphère publique

Created by Foundation's Team 1837 days ago

Even though women are a huge part of the scientific community and make up half of the population, women’s voices have been historically low or entirely absent in public spaces. These imbalances ultimately deny leadership opportunities to women in science, especially women who face addit...

Foundation's Team

FéminÉtudes : A student, feminist and multidisciplinary magazine / FéminÉtudes: une revue étudiante, féministe et multidisciplinaire / "دراسات نسوية": مجلة طلابية، نسوية، متعددة التخصصات

Created by Foundation's Team 1865 days ago

The magazine was born in 1995 from the initiative of feminist students who aimed at sharing their research and creating an affinity group. In fact, it started when two students pursuing Bachelor degree in Literary Studies elaborated the first issue in 1995, whose theme was ‘&rsquo...

Foundation's Team

Call for papers focusing on media representations of gender roles in Europe / Appel à articles: Les représentations genderisées dans les médias en Europe / دعوة لاقتراح مقالات حول التصورات التنميطية والجندرية في وسائل الإعلام في أوروبا

Created by Foundation's Team 1919 days ago

The journal Social Studies launched a call for papers for its upcoming monothematic issue “Media representations and narratives of masculinities across Europe”. This special issues aims to bring together critical analysis focusing on media representations, discourses, narrat...

Helena González Fernández

Scientific debate on gender, feminist theory and emotions, soon in Barcelona! / يوم علمي حول النوع الاجتماعي ، النظرية النسوية والعواطف ، قريباً في برشلونة! / Débat scientifique sur le genre et la théorie féministe, bientôt à Barcelone!

Created by Helena González Fernández 1970 days ago

The research Centre on Theory, Gender and Sexuality – ADHUC in Barcelona launched the program of its 4th scientific debate on gender, feminist theory, vulnerability and emotions and their representation in today’s cultural panorama. The seminar will take place on July 12th ...

Maria Àngels Roque

Fès accueille un forum sur les féminismes islamiques / فاس تستضيف منتدى حول النسويات الإسلامية / Fez hosts a forum on Islamic Feminisms

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1982 days ago

Tout au long l’histoire les voix des femmes ont été silenciées, les féminismes islamiques modernes ont néanmoins pavé la voie à un puissant mouvement social qui revendique l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les lois fa...

Dr Elizabeth Coombs

Le droit humain à la vie privée: une perspective de genre / حق الإنسان في الخصوصية: منظور جندري / The Human Right to Privacy: A Gender Perspective

Created by Dr Elizabeth Coombs 1982 days ago

Le rapport aborde les questions de genre soulevées à l’ère numérique du point de vue du droit humain à la vie privée, et leurs impacts sur les femmes, les hommes et les individus de diverses orientations sexuelles, identités et expr...

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Sawt Nssâ
Réseau Algérien des Femmes d'Affaires (RAFA)
Myriem Narjis
Lebanese League for Women in Business
Women'  s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
Djerba Solidarity & Development Association
Jawhara Association
Khaled Salah Mahmoud
Socio-cultural centre for women in action
University of Coimbra
Rural Women's Development Socity
Bremen University
Mediterranean Observatory of Communication (OMEC)
Association Femme et Citoyenneté
Challenge Association of Sustainable Development (A.C.D.D.)
Association for the Promotion of Rural Women of Mezzouna
Jusoor Center for Studies and Development
Khadija Ben Hassine
Immigrant Women in Catalonia Association (AOMICAT)
Al-Mashreq for development and population
Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)
Legal Association for Family Assistance and Human Rights
International Organisation for Women in the Seafood Industry
Association for the Development & Enhancement of Women (ADEW)
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta
Assocaition des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Association ACM
Info-Com Jeunes de Guelma
Association of Continuity of Generations - ACG
Aman Society Centre for counseling, development and community health
Women Media and Development (TAM)
Association Djazairouna des victimes du terrorisme
Cooperation for Community Development Association
Elkhir Women's Association
MSA University

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Government Report on Gender Equality

This publication addresses the gender equality policy led by the Finnish government and outlines the future policy until the year...

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A roadmap for equality between women and men 2006-2010

This roadmap builds on the experience of the Framework Strategy for equality between women and men 2001-2005, which it assesses...

The Disappeared and Invisible: Revealing the Enduring Impact of Enforced Disappearance on Women

In at least 80 countries around the world, tens of thousands of individuals have been disappeared in contexts of conflict or...

The Integration of Women's Rights in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Women's Rights in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia

This report attempts to provide the context for dynamics favourable and unfavourable to the development of women's rights in the...

Where are the women?

The aim of this brochure entitled « Where are the women ? » is to raise aware among the public,...

Gender Equality Commission - Compilation of good practices to reduce existing obstacles and facilitate women's access to justice (2015)

One of the five objectives of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy for 2014-2017 is to work with member States towards...

Challenges and progress in the fight against violence against women in Algeria

 Violence against women (VAW) exists around the world. It affects the physical and mental health of women, limits their...

Arab women between the crisis of political participation and the inevitability of empowerment

There is no doubt that the crisis of women’s political participation in Arab countries is still present because there is no...

Women with Disabilities between Norms and Rights

While women experience gender-based violence in any place and regardless their social economic and cultural background, women...

Gender Equality and Turkey's 2023 Goals

This article provides an overview of Turkey’s recent developments in combating violence against women, as well as in gender...