


European Observatory on Femicide

Member since 14 February 2022 @ 11:13am, and to provide background information for better intervention and prevention, conducting Europe-wide femicide reviews to identify gaps in response to violence against women. The EOF opera...

Georgina Yglesias Julià

AMANE – Association Meilleur Avenir pour Nos Enfants

Member since 16 December 2020 @ 2:56pm

...apacity building of child protection actors to improve prevention and care for vulnerable children and/or survivors of violence; awareness raising and for the protection of children against all forms of violence. For some time now AMANE has...

Ikrame Moucharik

Assiouar collective

Member since 21 October 2019 @ 1:01pm

- Primary prevention of gender-based violence; - The promotion of gender equality; - Promotion of the physical,...- Raise awareness of inequalities, discrimination and gender-based violence; - The promotion of feminist...


Andalib Adwan

The Development and Community Media Center holds a series of orientation sessions for facilitators of digital security workshops

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago

...g related to concepts and behaviors of digital security and promoting prevention and protection on the Interne...with CCFD. The project aims to combat all forms of electronic gender violence, as well as raising awareness...

Andalib Adwan

The Community Media and Development Center inaugurates the activities of the project: Guiding the community towards safe digital spaces by promoting digital literacy in the Gaza Strip

Created by Andalib Adwan 611 days ago

...oject aims to combat all forms of electronic violence based on gender, in addition to...cepts of digital security and cybercrime and prevention, in cooperation with 3 school...a culture of digital safety, improve ways of prevention and protection from cybercr...

Foundation's Team

CAWTAR, as the gender focal point for the Arab region, has adopted the flagship programme: Combating Gender-Based Violence

Created by Foundation's Team 830 days ago

...Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, CAWTAR announces its campaign...women to benefit from a gender-based violence prevention mechanism. A free mobile prevention application named "SafeNess...d two years ago to protect women from violence and harassment in public plac...


Foundation's Team

CAWTAR announces its campaign : Making the Invisible Visible

Created by Foundation's Team 824 days ago

...f La Francophonie, and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, CAWTAR is announcing...deaf and mute women to benefit from a state-of-the-art gender-based violence prevention mechanism. This campai...

Foundation's Team

Join the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme online debates

Created by Foundation's Team 1091 days ago the areas of Union Values, the Rule of Law, Equality, Rights and Gender Equality, Citizens’ engagement and participation, and the prevention of violence. It aims to protect...

Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

The prevention of Gender-Based Violence at University: From Knowledge to Action for Change

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1545 days ago

...As part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign (25 November-10 Decemb...llaboration with its partners a virtual seminar (zoom) on "The prevention of Gender-Based Violence at University: From Knowledge...

Shared practices

Foundation's Team

Tasharuk: Gender, Culture and Resistance in Palestine

Created by Foundation's Team 1236 days ago by strengthening their resilience through training in rights and violence prevention, psychosocial care, and legal advice for survivors of male violence. At the same time, the Nablus...

Calls and opportunities

Foundation's Team

Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Emergency Response Funding - WPHF

Created by Foundation's Team 1771 days ago

...public health education messages on risk and prevention strategies are reaching all w...cluding pre-and post-natal care. Supporting prevention and response to GBV, includin...ent in domestic work and combatting domestic violence. All information here. DO...

Foundation's Team

UN Women launches a new call for grants to eliminate violence against women

Created by Foundation's Team 2658 days ago

...he United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women calls for&nb...multi-sectoral services to end violence against women and girls; (2)...tability systems to prevent and end violence against women and girls; and (3) Improving prevention of violence against wo...


Hedia Bel Haj Youssef

SafeNess: an app to prevent sexual harassment and fight against violence in public spaces

Created by Hedia Bel Haj Youssef 1426 days ago

SafeNess offers you a solution for the prevention of sexual harassment and the fight against violence in public spaces. Free, easy to use and fast, it allows you to: 1- Choose a list of trusted pe...

Foundation's Team

COVID-19 Resources: Women's Helplines in the Euro-Mediterranean Countries

Created by Foundation's Team 1776 days ago

...untries suffering from gender violence, discrimination and domestic of the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family) 183 Cypru...(SOS Helpline for Victims of Violence) MOROCCO:    ...

Foundation's Team

National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse

Created by Foundation's Team 3542 days ago

The National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse (NCSPVA) is an interdisciplinary...and inclusive environment in which to study and understand violence and abuse and its prevention - regardless of who it is p...


Maria Àngels Roque

Women as Key Players for Mediation, Peace and Security

Created by Maria Àngels Roque 1897 days ago provide important resources and powerful voices of peace for the prevention and resolution of these confl...ften be found but not always seen at the forefront of conflicts and violence prevention innovations. In order to en...

Foundation's Team

Social norms and beliefs about gender based violence scale: a measure for use with gender based violence prevention programs in low-resource and humanitarian settings

Created by Foundation's Team 1939 days ago

Gender-based violence (GBV) primary prevention programs seek to facilitate change...essing the underlying causes and drivers of violence against women and girls at a...Social Norms and Beliefs about Gender Based Violence (GBV) Scale. The Scale&n...

Foundation's Team

The Francophonie's Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality, the Rights and the Empowerment of Women and Girls

Created by Foundation's Team 2317 days ago promote their empowerment, and to prevent and combat all forms of violence, abuse and discrimination political, economic, cultural and public life, including conflict prevention and resolution....


Foundation's Team

CONNEKT publie son rapport sur l'Agence des femmes en prévention / / CONNEKT publishes its Women's Agency in Prevention report

Created by Foundation's Team 482 days ago

Les 5 et 6 juillet 2023, CONNEKT a organisé le Forum interrégional des femmes sur l’extrémisme violent (EV) à Tarragone, en Espagne. Organisée par l’Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), la réunion a abordé le rôle des femmes dans l...

Foundation's Team

Anaouat meets Ms. Mingasson, a senior EU political official / Anaouat rencontre Mme. Mingasson, haute responsable politique de l'UE / جمعية النواة تلتقي مع السيدة مينجاسون, مسؤولة رفيعة المستوى من الاتحاد الأوروبي

Created by Foundation's Team 2471 days ago

On May 10, the Delegation of the European Union to Morocco organized a meeting in Rabat between Ms. Amina Byouz, President of the Anaouat Association and Ms. Irène Mingasson, Head of Unit of EU’s "Regional Programmes Neighbourhood South". Anaouat is one of the 36 associatio...

Foundation's Team

UEFGM: Plateforme de formation sur les mutilations sexuelles féminines / منصة تدريب حول تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية / UEFGM: Training platform about female genital mutilation

Created by Foundation's Team 2863 days ago

Cette plateforme de formation est le résultat du projet européen UEFGM, co-financé par l’Union européenne, sur lequel l’association Excision, parlons-en ! travaille depuis 2 ans avec les associations européennes spécialisées s...