

Foundation's Team

The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An uphill battle

Created by Foundation's Team 1968 days ago

Gender inequalities persist in all areas of social and economic life and across countries. Young women in OECD countries generally obtain more years of schooling than young men, but women are...

Foundation's Team

World Development Report 2018 - LEARNING to Realize Education's Promise

Created by Foundation's Team 2388 days ago

This report is the first ever devoted entirely to education. It explores four...opportunities especially for women, explaining that each additional year of schooling typically raises an individua...

Foundation's Team

Women and men, equality in question

Created by Foundation's Team 2549 days ago

This study takes stock of inequalities between women and men today in France....rovides an overview of the paths of women and men at different ages of life (schooling, family and professional life...

Foundation's Team

Employment of women with disabilities

Created by Foundation's Team 2773 days ago

This report demonstrates how women with disabilities encounter difficulties an...of women with disabilities and the fight against stereotypes; the access to schooling and higher education; and the...

Foundation's Team

Women, Work, and Welfare in the Middle East and North Africa: Introduction and overview

Created by Foundation's Team 2901 days ago

Providing an empirical and conceptual context for the volume, this chapter Africa (MENA) countries have made good progress in educating women, whose schooling attainments often outstrip th...

Foundation's Team

Improving access to financing for the empowerment of rural women in North Africa: Good practices and lessons learned – The Case Study of Algeria

Created by Foundation's Team 3296 days ago

This report is a result from an experts’ meeting about rural women and access to rural areas face many obstacles, mainly in their access to education and schooling, employment opportunities, la...

Foundation's Team

The World' s Women 2010: Trends and Statistics

Created by Foundation's Team 3544 days ago

This is the fifth in a series of reports published since 1991 to analyse the status of w...poverty. It identifies progress made to achieve gender equality in terms of schooling, health and economic particip...

Foundation's Team

Global Education Digest 2010: Comparing Statistics on Education Across the World

Created by Foundation's Team 3544 days ago

This edition was published to mark the 15th anniversary of th...and to develop indicators that better capture the schooling experience of girls and boys....ualities, poverty and ethnic origin; learning and schooling conditions or key trends in h...

Foundation's Team

Mass Female Schooling, Marriage System and Gender Relation in the Maghreb

Created by Foundation's Team 3544 days ago

This article from the journal Genre, sexualité & société examin...otably in the field of education. It seeks to assess to what extent the mass schooling of young girls, the extension...

Foundation's Team

A Gender Review in Education, Turkey 2003

Created by Foundation's Team 3545 days ago

This study examines the state of education in Turkey and its links with the country' s d...ment offers an interpretation of gender differences in terms of literacy and schooling in Turkey.

They are registered on the platform of the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation

Bulgarian School of Politics  Dimitry Panitza
For You Libya Group
Urban Community of Marrakech
Nezha El Medhmed
Kings Road Association
Development Association of South Gafsa -  DGSC
National Broadcasting and Television Society - SNRT
Cork Feminista
Youth & Women Empowerment Forum
Centre ADHUC—Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat
Tamazight Women Movement
Le blog Tunisian Girl
Peace and friendship international organization. P4all
Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD)
Abdulhakeq Al Barghazi
Réseau Doustourna
Association of Women in Green Economy (AFEV)
Rede Portuguesa de Jovens para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens
Nazra for Feminist Studies
Association ACM
Libanaises pour l'Egalité
Association pour le Droit à la Différence (ADD)
Research Team on Gender
Association of Innovation, Training and Employment for Sustainable Development (AIFED)
Youth Capacities Development Association-Biskra (YCDB)
Arij Khamis Al Zawi
Morgan Sigl Fertilhanges
National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW)
Social Association  Active Woman  of the Tizi-Ouzou Wilaya
Development Association ‘Rawafed’
Libyan Women's Union – Tripoli
Civic Forum Institute (CFI)
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies: Contemporary Medusa
Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développement (AFTURD)
Social Association for Media Profession

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Study on the obstacles which hinder the equal representation of women and youth inside in the various bodies of the PLO and limit their Access to decision-making positions

Within its strategic objective to deepen the global dialogue and democracy by promoting good governance in Palestine through the...

Prostitution and Trafficking of Women in Lebanon

This article focuses on the subject of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Lebanon, where the...

Girls/Boys, Women/Men Equality in the Education System

The Education Committee of the French-Speaking Women's Council of Belgium (CFFB in French) has updated its study on gender in...

Tracing aspects of the Greek crisis in Athens: Putting women in the picture

In the political fluidity of our times, the dismal economic situation in Greece is perhaps extreme but indicative of a deepening...

The policy on gender equality in Italy

This document offers a view of the legislation and policies related to gender equality in Italy, focusing on the progress...

New Trends of Women's Activism after the Arab Uprisings Redefining Women's Leadership

This study is based on a research conducted in five Arab countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and the occupied Palestinian...

Sexual exploitation: New challenges, New Answers

Through an in-depth assessment inventory of 35 countries and the study of recent major trends, this report provides the latest...

Background Note on Gender Equality, Nationality Laws and Statelessness 2018

Nationality laws which do not grant women equality with men in conferring nationality to their children are a cause of...

Gender Equality Policy in the Arts, Culture and Media - Comparative Perspectives

Supported by the German government’s Commissioner for Culture and Media, this study presents a comparative view of the...

Economic Participation, Agency and Access to Justice in Jordan

The aim of this study is to assess gender imbalances in the areas of economic participation in the labour market, agency, and...